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Контрольные задания по английскому языку

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«Контрольные задания по английскому языку»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 1

I. Use the comparative or superlative of adjectives in brackets

1. My hair is (long) than it was a year ago. 2. Her style is (modern) than mine. 3. These were (expensive) jeans I’ve found. 4. This shop is (good) I have ever seen. 4. Could you bring (big) bag you can find? 5. She is (happy) than she was before in her job. 6. That’s one of (busy) shops I’ve been in. 7. This is (bad) photo I’ve ever seen. 8. Trans-Siberian railway is (long) in the world. 9. The twenty-second December is (short) day in the world. 10. Iron is (useful) of all metals. 11. The Neva is (wide) and (deep) than the Moskva River. 12. Elbrus is (high) peak of the Caucasus Mountains. 13. His plan is (practical) than mine. 14. This room is (small) than all the rooms in the house. 15. When a child I was (short) in the class.

II. Make passive form of the verbs.

1. The accountant has just signed the contract. 2. We listen to the tutor with a great interest. 3. He spent the most of his money on books. 4. A drunk guest spoiled the party. 5. Lomonosov founded the Moscow University in 1755. 6. All the institutes in our country conduct the scientific research. 7. The sellers informed in their offer that the orders were executed within six weeks. 8. We have to write the research during 2 weeks. 9. We discuss this question thoroughly as soon as we’ll have time. 10. Have you already completed your work? 11. Who wrote this letter? 12. Where do you intend to build a new library? 13. He will leave Moscow when we sign the treaty. 14. Lots of letters were written by us yesterday. 15. The government adopted the annual budget in the first reading.

III. Translate in Russian

Comic Relief is an organization which raises money for charities in the UK and in Africa. It started in 1985 and began by raising money for people who live in extreme poverty in Ethiopia at that time. After a few years, as it got bigger, it started raising money for many more poor communities. Since it started, Comic relief has raised over £800 million to help people in over 70 countries around the world. So, how does the Comic Relief raise so much money? The charity works to raise money every day of the year, but the most important is the Red nose day. It was first started in 1988 and since then, Red Nose Day became a unique day in British calendar. It happens every 2 years and it’s a day when ordinary people and celebrities get together to make money.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 2.

I. Use the comparative or superlative degree of the adverbs in brackets

1. I like this book (well) than that. 2. She visits them (frequently) than us. 3. Which of the students ran (fast) at the contest? 4. Which of the books did you enjoy (much)? 5. Which of these two books did you enjoy (much)? 6. Now I can see the ship (clearly) than before. 7. You ought to have told me earlier. 8. Which signing did you like (well), Mary’s, Nina’s or Helen’s? 8. The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected. 10. He speaks English (correctly) of all of my class. 11. My sister reads (fluently) from all her class. 12. I feel (well) than yesterday. 13. Usein Bolt is (fast) sprinter in the world. 14. When a pupil, I had (good) marks in class. 14. This book is (good) of all the career of a writer.

II. Make the active forms of the verbs

1. He was shown the way to the station. 2. The meeting was attended by thousands of people. 3. The law was followed by another one. 4. These books are needed by all our students. 5. The football game was watched by us with great interest. 6. At the food of the mountain we were joined by a group of tourists. 7. They were informed yesterday that the company in question paid all accounts promptly. 8. The Russian Museum in St.Petersburg was destroyed by German Army during the World War II. 9. The wood is transported by special carriages called timber trucks. 10. The Moscow state university was founded in 1755. 11. The books and textbooks are printed by the Moscow State Language University on 119 languages. 12. The treaty was signed before he came. 13. Lots of papers were sent by our partners via e-mail. 14. The robbers were arrested immediately as the police came. 15. They will be given a long-term loan by the bank.

III. Translate it in writing in Russian

Grandparents day is popular in many countries but in Japan – a country where nearly 30 percent of the population are over 60 – people treat older people with special respect. The 3rd Monday of September is ’Respect for the aged’ day, which became a national holyday in 1966. Everyone has a day off school or work and people organize celebrations for the older people of the village or community they live. Young people dress in national clothes. They sing and dance and they either prepare a special meal for older people or eat out as a family. Nowadays people also visit relatives and the older people in their families.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку


I. Translate the sentences in English using ‘can’ or ‘may’

1. Я думаю, что смогу помочь Вам. 2. Можно войти? 3. Вы могли бы отправить эти машины в конце месяца. 4. Он спросил меня, можно ли взять словарь. 5. Возможно, она уже дома. 6. Вы можете перевести эти договора на английский? 7. Можно еще чашечку кофе? 8. Я не умею говорить по-английски. 9. Он, должно быть, уже дома. 10. Погода может измениться завтра. 11. Можете перевести договор на французский язык? 12. Машины могут быть отправлены немедленно после оплаты. 13. Оратор (=the speaker) говорил очень громко чтобы слушатели (=the audience) могли услышать.

II. Compose special questions using suggested words

  1. are / this / at / Why / like / looking / you / me?

  2. do / to / university / What / enter / you / want?

  3. Nick / his / How / does / after / disease / feel?

  4. How / were / people / there / the / many / street / in?

  5. are / holidays / Where / for / you / going / your?

III. Translate in English in written form

Первые программы BBC (Британская телерадиовещательная корпорация) увидели свет в 1936. Большинство населения Британии не могли видеть этих программ, так как на всю Британию было всего 100 телевизоров. Программы шли только в течение двух часов в течение дня, за исключением воскресенья, когда вещание прерывалось полностью. Наравне с новостями очень популярными были кулинарные программы. Первым телешефом стал француз Марсель Булестин в 1937. Первой телевизионной рекламой стала реклама часов bulova. Она длилась всего 20 секунд. Компания заплатила всего 9 долларов за ее показ в перерыве бейсбольного матча.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 4.

I. Use the right past form of the verb in brackets.

1. German car company ‘Daimler Benz’ (begin) producing ‘Motorenveloziped’ in 1894. It (not go) very fast. It’s maximum speed (to be) about 20 km/h.

2. Bridget Driscoll (to be) the 1st person to die as a result of a car accident. This accident (take place) on August the 17th 1896. She (to walk) into the path of a car. The car (not to stop). It (to hit) her and she died.

3. Italian engineers (to be) the first in the world to build a motorway. On the 21st of September 1924 the first car (to drive) from Milan to Varese. It (to reach) the top speed of the time.

II. Make disjunctive questions from the sentences

1. This is a new car. 2. The Russian Federation is the greatest country in the world. 3. The new building of the Moscow State University is one of the highest building in Moscow. 5. This text is the most beautiful text you’ve ever had to translate. 6. This classroom is new and well equipped. 7. This boy is the youngest in his class. 8. You came to the railway station in time. 9. We must discuss very important questions today. 10. My room is much bigger than yours.

III. Translate in English in written form

C 2005 года благодаря технологии 3G стало возможным смотреть телевизор на мобильном телефоне. Первой страной, перешедшей на цифровое вещание, стали Соединенные Штаты Америки в июне 2009. Канада и Япония сделали это в 2011. Россия начала постепенное отключение аналогового сигнала в 2019 году. Процесс отключения аналогового сигнала в России проходил в 4 этапа. С 11 февраля на цифровое вещание перешли Магаданская, Пензенская, Рязанская, Тульская, Ульяновская, Ярославская области и Чеченская Республика. Переход на цифровое вещание формата DVB-T2 завершился 14 октября 2019.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 5.

1. Choose the right variant

1. The museum is visited __ me with a great interest.

a. with c. on

b. by d. at

2. The composition about holidays was written__the pupils today

a. with c. on

b. by d. at

3. The butter is the best cut___ the hot knife

a. with c. on

b. by d. at

4. I am ___the concert

a. with c. on

b. by d. at

5. He teaches mathematics__school

a. with c. on

b. by d. at

II. Replace the perfect active by perfect passive

  1. TV has informed us about the new quarantine measures. 2. I haven’t read this book yet. 3. Michael has broken his pencil. 4.He has finished his world.5. I have met him today. 6. I haven’t received any letters of him lately. 7. A student has done all his tasks. 8. The typist has just typed the letter. 9. After customs officer has already examined the ship the captain gave the command to continue moving. 10. I have sent for him immediately.

III. Translate in English

Три IT-гиганта.

Вследствие своего успеха слово «Google» стало уже нарицательным. Вместо того, чтобы сказать «искать что-либо в Интернете», мы давно говорим «погуглить». Поисковую машину основали двое студентов из Калифорнии, Ларри Пейдж и Сергей Брин в 1988. Сейчас компания google имеет 30 миллиардов долларов прибыли в год. Неофициальный лозунг компании «Не будь злом». Для сравнения, годовая прибыль российской IT-компании «Яндекс» составляет 24 миллиарда долларов.

Компания «Amazon» была основана в 1995 году американцем Джеффом Безосом. Название компании берет свои истоки в названии крупнейшей реки в мире.

Первым в мире сервисом обмена видео стал сайт youtube. Он был основан в 2005 году тремя друзьями из Калифорнии. В ноябре 2006 компания youtube была куплена интернет-гигантом google за огромные $1.65 млрд.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Вариант 6.


1.Which question word do we use when we talk about a person





2. Which question word do we use when we talk about a place





3. Which question word do we use when we talk about a time






Decide whether Present Simple or Present Continuous is used instead of brackets

James Keen (to be) a taxi driver from Windsor near London. He (to work) six times a week. Today – Red Nose Day – he (to drive) taxi as usual, but he (to raise) some money for Comic Relief at the same time. I usually (to give) something for Comic Relief, but this year I (to want) do something more. I (to wear) a red wig and a Red Nose Day T-shirt. And my taxi (to have) a Red Nose on his front. But today I (to ask) all my customers to pay extra £1 for the Red Nose Day.


Translate in Russian

Nadja Savalha is an actor and TV presenter. She often presents cookery programmes on Breakfast TV in the UK. However, today is a Red Nose Day and she is not cooking. She is raising money for the Red Nose Day. She is walking 100 kilometers across the Kaisut Desert in Kenya. The sun is shining and it is 40 degrees above zero.

James Thornton is a TV actor – he usually stars in popular soapy opera. Charlie Baker is a comedian – he usually appears in comedy shows, both live and on TV.


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