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Презентация к тексту "альфред нобель" (раздел 1 учебник комаровой 8 класс)

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Эта презентация предназначена для работы с текстом"Альфред Нобель". В начале презентации представлена информация о российских нобелевскиз лауреатах. Из опыта, детя было очень интересно узнать, кто из наших соотечественников был удостоен этой престижной премии. 

Готовя к монологическому высказыванию, я всегда составляю определённое количество упражнений на самой распечатке и в презентации. Надеюсь в вашей работе мои труды будут полезны.

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«Презентация к тексту "альфред нобель" (раздел 1 учебник комаровой 8 класс)»

The 8 th form discoveries achievements challenges personal goals improve skills adventures awards campaigns help community Interesting  lives

The 8 th form




personal goals

improve skills




help community

Interesting lives

Who is this man? inventor He is a famous Sweden He is from He was born in 1833 He invented His name is Alfred Nobel

Who is this man?


He is a famous


He is from

He was born in


He invented

His name is

Alfred Nobel

Russian outstanding scientists, writers and public figures awarded for excellence in the field of Chemistry Medicine and Physiology Physics Literature Peace

Russian outstanding scientists, writers and public figures awarded for excellence in the field of


Medicine and Physiology




Chemistry Semyonov Nikolay Nikolayevich, 1956 for his work on the mechanism of chemical transformation


Semyonov Nikolay Nikolayevich, 1956

for his work on the mechanism of chemical transformation

Physiology and Medicine Pavlov Ivan Petrovich, 1904 for his work on the physiology of digestion (пищеварение)

Physiology and Medicine

Pavlov Ivan Petrovich,


for his work on the physiology of digestion (пищеварение)

Physiology and Medicine Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich, 1908 for his work on immunity

Physiology and Medicine

Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich,


for his work on immunity

Frank Ilya Mikhailovich 1958 Physics Cherenkov Pavel Alekseyevich Tamm Igor Yevgenyevich for the discovery of   Cherenkov radiation

Frank Ilya Mikhailovich 1958



Pavel Alekseyevich

Tamm Igor Yevgenyevich

for the discovery of   Cherenkov radiation

Physics Landau Lev Davidovich, 1962 for his development of a mathematical theory of super fluidity (сверхтекучесть) that accounts for the properties of liquid helium


Landau Lev Davidovich,


for his development of a mathematical theory of super fluidity (сверхтекучесть) that accounts for the properties of liquid helium

Prokhorov Alexander Mikhaylovich, 1964 Physics Basov Nikolay Gennadiyevich for their fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics that led to the development of  laser  and maser

Prokhorov Alexander Mikhaylovich, 1964


Basov Nikolay Gennadiyevich

for their fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics that led to the development of  laser  and maser

Physics Kapitsa Pyotr Leonidovich, 1978 for his basic inventions and discoveries in the area of low-temperature physics


Kapitsa Pyotr Leonidovich, 1978

for his basic inventions and discoveries in the area of low-temperature physics

Physics Alferov Zhores Ivanovich, 2000 for developing semiconductors used in high-speed- and optoelectronics


Alferov Zhores Ivanovich, 2000

for developing semiconductors used in high-speed- and optoelectronics

Ginzburg Vitaly Lazarevich, 2003 Physics Abrikosov Alexei Alexeyevich, 2003 for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids

Ginzburg Vitaly Lazarevich, 2003


Abrikosov Alexei Alexeyevich, 2003

for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids

Sir Novoselov Konstantin Sergeevich, Physics 2010 for the work on graphene (графен)  

Sir Novoselov Konstantin Sergeevich,



for the work

on graphene


Literature Pasternak Boris Leonidovich, 1958 Doctor Zhivago Pasternak's translations of William Shakespeare   Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Othello,  King Henry IV (Parts I and II), Hamlet,  Macbeth, King Lear


Pasternak Boris Leonidovich, 1958

Doctor Zhivago

Pasternak's translations of William Shakespeare  

Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Othello, 

King Henry IV (Parts I and II), Hamlet, 

Macbeth, King Lear

Literature Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 1965 And Quiet Flows the Don (about the period of collectivization)


Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 1965

And Quiet Flows the Don

(about the period of collectivization)

Literature Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr Isayevich, 1970 Cancer Ward August 1914  The Gulag Archipelago ˌɑː(r)kɪˈpeləɡəʊ


Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr Isayevich, 1970

Cancer Ward

August 1914

The Gulag



Peace  Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich, 1945 an activist for disarmament, peace and human rights, civil liberties and civil reforms


Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich,


an activist for disarmament, peace and human rights, civil liberties and civil reforms

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeyevich, Peace  1990 Gorbachev's policies of glasnost (

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeyevich,



Gorbachev's policies of glasnost ("openness") and perestroika ("restructuring") and his reorientation of Soviet strategic aims contributed to the end of the Cold War.

to give smth to smb or make it available to them, because they need it or want it provide remain to continue to be in the same state or condition scientific about or related to science, or using its methods outstanding extremely good or impressive as a result of something that you have just mentioned thus

to give smth to smb or make it available to them, because they need it or want it



to continue to be in the same state or condition


about or related to science, or using its methods


extremely good or impressive

as a result of something that you have just mentioned


someone who is willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people generous the importance, honour, and praise that people give someone they admire glory to make something better, or to become better improve a person who owns or runs a factory or industrial company industrialist injure to hurt smb, in an accident or an attack

someone who is willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people


the importance, honour, and praise that people give someone they admire


to make something better, or to become better


a person who owns or runs a factory or industrial company



to hurt smb, in an accident or an attack

to stay away from the attention that smb or smth gets from newspapers, television etc avoid publicity a scientist who studies the structure of substances and the way they react with other  substances chemist concern to make someone feel worried or upset explosive a substance that can cause an explosion

to stay away from the attention that smb or smth gets from newspapers, television etc



a scientist who studies the structure of substances and the way they react with other  substances



to make someone feel worried or upset


a substance that can cause an explosion

inventor smb whose job is to invent things linguist smb who is good at foreign languages make a fortune to make a very large amount of money mankind all humans considered as a group the work or industry of getting gold, coal etc out of the earth mining smth that you use to fight with or attack smb with, such as a knife, gun weapon


smb whose job is to invent things


smb who is good at foreign languages

make a


to make a very large amount of money


all humans considered as a group

the work or industry of getting gold, coal etc out of the earth


smth that you use to fight with or attack smb with, such as a knife, gun


Anagrams 1.siiinfccet 2. noapew 3. adoiuttnngs 4. amnnidk 5. nisgitlu 6. dssnraluttiii 7. rueeogsn 8. itcesmh 9. einram 10. lbcyuiitp 11. iignnm 12. stuh 13. rjuein 14. ntfreou 15. vroipem 16. orccenn 17. ygrlo 18. osseeiplvx 19. orpeidv 20. vtnnerio



2. noapew

3. adoiuttnngs

4. amnnidk

5. nisgitlu

6. dssnraluttiii

7. rueeogsn

8. itcesmh

9. einram

10. lbcyuiitp

11. iignnm

12. stuh

13. rjuein

14. ntfreou

15. vroipem

16. orccenn

17. ygrlo

18. osseeiplvx

19. orpeidv

20. vtnnerio

Complete the statements. 1. He was always щедр to the беднякам . 2. He was a патриот of his родины and he died alone in a чужой country. 3. Most of the family вернулся to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred воссоединился them in 1863, beginning his own study of взрывчатки in his father’s laboratory. 4. Since Nobel's death many выдающиеся учёные , писатели and общественные деятели from different countries have become Nobel Prize winners.

Complete the statements.

1. He was always щедр to the беднякам .

2. He was a патриот of his родины and he died alone in a чужой country.

3. Most of the family вернулся to Sweden in 1859, where Alfred воссоединился them in 1863, beginning his own study of взрывчатки in his father’s laboratory.

4. Since Nobel's death many выдающиеся учёные , писатели and общественные деятели from different countries have become Nobel Prize winners.

5. Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish изобретатель and промышленник , was a man of many контрастов. 6. He had never been to school or university but had studied частным образом . 7. Like his father, Alfred Nobel was одарён богатым воображением and изобретателен. 8. His greatest wish was to see an end of wars and таким образом peace between nations.

5. Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish изобретатель and промышленник , was a man of many контрастов.

6. He had never been to school or university but had studied частным образом .

7. Like his father, Alfred Nobel was одарён богатым воображением and изобретателен.

8. His greatest wish was to see an end of wars and таким образом peace between nations.

9. Человеколюб , he never had a family or wife to love him. 10. He изобрёл динамит , чтобы  улучшить the peacetime industries of горного дела and дорожного строительства.  11. He  был удачливее в бизнесе and showed more финансового благоразумия. 12. In his youth he had серьёзно интересовался in литература and философия.

9. Человеколюб , he never had a family or wife to love him.

10. He изобрёл динамит , чтобы улучшить the peacetime industries of горного дела and дорожного строительства.

11. He  был удачливее в бизнесе and showed more финансового благоразумия.

12. In his youth he had серьёзно интересовался in литература and философия.

13. He сделал состояние but lived a простой life. 14. В течение his полезной life he often felt he was бесполезен. 15. He saw it used as a оружие для войны to kill and калечить people. 16. В своём известном завещании he left money to обеспечить prizes for выдающуюся work in Физике , Химии,  Физиологии and Медицине,  Литературе and Peace.

13. He сделал состояние but lived a простой life.

14. В течение his полезной life he often felt he was бесполезен.

15. He saw it used as a оружие для войны to kill and калечить people.

16. В своём известном завещании he left money to обеспечить prizes for выдающуюся work in Физике , Химии, Физиологии and Медицине, Литературе and Peace.

17. But since his death his name has brought известность and славу to others. 18. He was весёл in company but often грустен when оставался alone. 19. By the time he was 20 he had been a искусным/опытным химиком and an исключительным лингвистом , говоря на Шведском, Русском, Немецком, Французском, Итальянском and Английском.

17. But since his death his name has brought известность and славу to others.

18. He was весёл in company but often грустен when оставался alone.

19. By the time he was 20 he had been a искусным/опытным химиком and an исключительным лингвистом , говоря на Шведском, Русском, Немецком, Французском, Итальянском and Английском.

20. Всемирно известный for his works he was never лично известен , for throughout his life he избегал публичности. 21. Nobel никогда по-настоящему не волновался about making money or even making научных открытий.

20. Всемирно известный for his works he was never лично известен , for throughout his life he избегал публичности.

21. Nobel никогда по-настоящему не волновался about making money or even making научных открытий.

Find the synonym and make up a sentence about Alfred Nobel became rich made a fortune was cheerful in company was joyful in public was often unhappy when stayed unaccompanied was often sad when remained alone

Find the synonym and make up a sentence about Alfred Nobel

became rich

made a fortune

was cheerful in


was joyful in public

was often unhappy when stayed unaccompanied

was often sad when remained alone

built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries set up more than 80 companies in 20 other countries were awarded Nobel Prize for excellence in the field of Physics, … became Nobel Prize winners for outstanding works in Physics, he made up an explosive to develop … invented dynamite to improve …

built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries

set up more than 80 companies in 20 other countries

were awarded Nobel Prize for excellence in the field of Physics, …

became Nobel Prize winners for outstanding works in Physics,

he made up an explosive to develop …

invented dynamite to improve …

was never really concerned about making money was never interested in /worried about earning money was open-handed to low-income people was generous to the poor when he was young he was into / was keen on … in his youth he took a serious interest in …

was never really concerned about making money

was never interested in /worried about earning money

was open-handed to low-income people

was generous to the poor

when he was young he was into / was keen on …

in his youth he took a serious interest in …

an inventor and industrialist, he was a man of many contrasts an experimenter and manufacturer, he was a many-sided person a skillful chemist and an excellent linguist, speaking … an experienced chemist and an outstanding linguist speaking …

an inventor and industrialist, he was a man of many contrasts

an experimenter and manufacturer, he was a many-sided person

a skillful chemist and an excellent linguist, speaking …

an experienced chemist and an outstanding linguist speaking …

he was always a patriot of his motherland/ he was always loyal to his motherland was a patriotic son of his native land Throughout his life he avoided publicity During all his life he escaped attention

he was always a patriot of his motherland/ he was always loyal to his motherland

was a patriotic son of his native land

Throughout his life he avoided publicity

During all his life he escaped attention

During his successful life he often felt he was worthless During his useful life he often felt he was useless In his famous will he left money to provide prizes In his famous will he made his fortune over to provide ...

During his successful life he often felt he was worthless

During his useful life he often felt he was useless

In his famous will he left money to provide prizes

In his famous will he made his fortune over to provide ...

Like his father, Alfred Nobel was imaginative and inventive. Just as his father, Alfred Nobel was creative and resourceful. but he was more successful in business and more reasonable /sensible in finance /finance affairs. he had better luck in business and showed more financial sense.

Like his father, Alfred Nobel was imaginative and inventive.

Just as his father, Alfred Nobel was creative and resourceful.

but he was more successful in business and more reasonable /sensible in finance /finance affairs.

he had better luck in business and showed more financial sense.

Translate into English. 1.Он родился в Стокгольме 21 октября 1833 года. 2. Но после его смерти его имя принесло известность и славу другим. 3. Его величайшим желанием было увидеть конец войн и, таким образом, мир между народами. 4. Альфред Нобель был великим изобретателем и промышленником. 5. Всю свою жизнь он избегал публичности.

Translate into English.

1.Он родился в Стокгольме 21 октября 1833 года.

2. Но после его смерти его имя принесло известность и славу другим.

3. Его величайшим желанием было увидеть конец войн и, таким образом, мир между народами.

4. Альфред Нобель был великим изобретателем и промышленником.

5. Всю свою жизнь он избегал публичности.

6. Он был патриотом своей родины и умер в одиночестве в чужой стране. 7. Как и его отец он обладал богатым воображением и изобретательностью. 8. Он переехал в Россию вместе со своими родителями в 1842, где его отец сделал хорошую карьеру в инженерной отрасли. 9. Он никогда не ходил в школу и не учился в университете, а учился у частных учителей. 10. Он был человеком контрастов.

6. Он был патриотом своей родины и умер в одиночестве в чужой стране.

7. Как и его отец он обладал богатым воображением и изобретательностью.

8. Он переехал в Россию вместе со своими родителями в 1842, где его отец сделал хорошую карьеру в инженерной отрасли.

9. Он никогда не ходил в школу и не учился в университете, а учился у частных учителей.

10. Он был человеком контрастов.

11. В 1863 году он начал своё собственное исследование взрывчатых веществ в лаборатории отца. 12. Oн был удачливее в бизнесе и благоразумнее в финансовых делах. 13. В обществе он был весел, но грустил, когда оставался один. 14. Он всегда был щедрым к бедным. 15. В молодости он серьёзно увлекался литературой и философией.

11. В 1863 году он начал своё собственное исследование взрывчатых веществ в лаборатории отца.

12. Oн был удачливее в бизнесе и благоразумнее в финансовых делах.

13. В обществе он был весел, но грустил, когда оставался один.

14. Он всегда был щедрым к бедным.

15. В молодости он серьёзно увлекался литературой и философией.

16. Он изобрёл динамит, чтобы улучшить такие мирные отрасли как горное дело и дорожное строительство. 17. Он создал более 80 компаний в 20 разных странах. 18. Он сделал состояние, но жил простой жизнью. 19. Всю свою полезную жизнь он чувствовал себя никчёмным.

16. Он изобрёл динамит, чтобы улучшить такие мирные отрасли как горное дело и дорожное строительство.

17. Он создал более 80 компаний в 20 разных странах.

18. Он сделал состояние, но жил простой жизнью.

19. Всю свою полезную жизнь он чувствовал себя никчёмным.

20. У него любящего всё человечество не было ни семьи, ни жены, любящей его. 21. К 20 годам он уже был искусным химиком и превосходным лингвистом, говорящим на 6ти языках. 22. В своём известном завещании он оставил деньги на обеспечение наград за выдающуюся работу в области физики, химии, физиологии и медицины, литературы и за миротворческую деятельность.

20. У него любящего всё человечество не было ни семьи, ни жены, любящей его.

21. К 20 годам он уже был искусным химиком и превосходным лингвистом, говорящим на 6ти языках.

22. В своём известном завещании он оставил деньги на обеспечение наград за выдающуюся работу в области физики, химии, физиологии и медицины, литературы и за миротворческую деятельность.

23. Его никогда по-настоящему не интересовали научные достижения или деньги. 24. Он увидел своё изобретение, использующееся как оружие, чтобы убивать и калечить людей. 25. Он был широко известен благодаря своим работам, но малоизвестен как личность.

23. Его никогда по-настоящему не интересовали научные достижения или деньги.

24. Он увидел своё изобретение, использующееся как оружие, чтобы убивать и калечить людей.

25. Он был широко известен благодаря своим работам, но малоизвестен как личность.

Let’s talk! Give a talk about Alfred Nobel’s biography. What kind of person was he? Was his life interesting or not. Why? Was his life useful? Why? Why was he a man of many contrasts?

Let’s talk!

Give a talk about Alfred Nobel’s biography.

What kind of person was he?

Was his life interesting or not. Why?

Was his life useful? Why?

Why was he a man of many contrasts?

Would you like to become a Nobel Prize winner? Why? Would you like to become a Nobel Prize winner? Why? Was Alfred Nobel an outstanding person? Why? Give a talk about his achievements. Do you know the names of any other Nobel Prize winners? Name them and their inventions? Would you like to become a Nobel Prize winner? Why?

Would you like to become a Nobel Prize winner? Why?

Would you like to become a Nobel Prize winner? Why?

Was Alfred Nobel an outstanding person? Why?

Give a talk about his achievements.

Do you know the names of any other Nobel Prize winners? Name them and their inventions?

Would you like to become a Nobel Prize winner? Why?


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