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Разработка урока "Sport in our life"

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Практической целью урока является: совершенствование лексико-грамматического навыка речи по данной теме, развитие навыка аудирования, устной речи. В данном уроке учитель использует речевую ситуацию на этапе активизации лексического навыка речи, а так же для развития навыка аудирования и говорения.

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«Разработка урока "Sport in our life"»

Sport Competitions

Sport Competitions

The aims of the lesson  Практична : проконтролювати ступінь засвоєння знань, сформованості навчальних умінь та навичок учнів з теми «Sport »; узагальнити граматичний матеріал (утворення і вживання вищого й найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників); ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою теми «Sport », навчати вживати її в діалогічному мовленні. Розвиваюча: розвивати навички розуміння прочитаного, навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, вміння учнів працювати над проектними роботами; сприяти розвитку логічного мислення учнів. Виховна: виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, старанність і повагу один до одного; розширювати кругозір учнів.

The aims of the lesson

  • Практична : проконтролювати ступінь засвоєння знань, сформованості навчальних умінь та навичок учнів з теми «Sport »; узагальнити граматичний матеріал (утворення і вживання вищого й найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників); ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою теми «Sport », навчати вживати її в діалогічному мовленні.
  • Розвиваюча: розвивати навички розуміння прочитаного, навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, вміння учнів працювати над проектними роботами; сприяти розвитку логічного мислення учнів.
  • Виховна: виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, старанність і повагу один до одного; розширювати кругозір учнів.
Тип уроку: Урок-узагальнення

Тип уроку:


Materials :   плакати з прислів’ями та висловами; картинки з видами спорту; дидактичний матеріал

Materials :

плакати з прислів’ями та висловами; картинки з видами спорту; дидактичний матеріал

Procedure of the lesson І. Початок уроку 1. Організаційний момент: привітання, організація класу до уроку. T.: Good morning, children. I’m, glad to meet and great you too. Ps.: Hello, teacher. T.: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today ? 2. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. Brainstorming . Пошук мовлення відповідей. T.:  What is good and what is bad about sports? 3. Оголошення теми уроку. T.: You know that today we’ll have the competitions between two teams . T.: Now the pupils divide on two teams. Tell me, what are the names of your teams?

Procedure of the lesson

І. Початок уроку

1. Організаційний момент: привітання, організація класу до уроку.

T.: Good morning, children. I’m, glad to meet and great you too.

Ps.: Hello, teacher.

T.: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today ?

2. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Brainstorming . Пошук мовлення відповідей.

T.: What is good and what is bad about sports?

3. Оголошення теми уроку.

T.: You know that today we’ll have the competitions between two teams .

T.: Now the pupils divide on two teams. Tell me, what are the names of your teams?

Основна частина.  T .: On the blackboard of our classroom there are some proverbs and sayings. Can you read and translate them? Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is. It's necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal. It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game. A sound mind in a sound body. All men can’t be first. Learn to creep before you leap. Lookers-on see more than players.

Основна частина.

T .: On the blackboard of our classroom there are some proverbs and sayings. Can you read and translate them?

  • Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.
  • It's necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal.
  • It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game.
  • A sound mind in a sound body.
  • All men can’t be first.
  • Learn to creep before you leap.
  • Lookers-on see more than players.

2. Повторення лексичного матеріалу за темою “Спорт”. (Вчитель показує слайди з видами спорту. Команди по черзі називають вид спорту та описують його. Хто докладніше і граматично вірно висловить свою відповідь, той отримує бали)

2. Повторення лексичного матеріалу за темою “Спорт”. (Вчитель показує слайди з видами спорту. Команди по черзі називають вид спорту та описують його. Хто докладніше і граматично вірно висловить свою відповідь, той отримує бали)

Baseball Game    Baseball is a sport enjoyed by amateur and professional athletes around the world. Professional leagues in North America, Japan, and many Latin American countries are extremely popular. The modern version of the sport was developed in the United States and is often called the country’s “national pastime.”

Baseball Game

Baseball is a sport enjoyed by amateur and professional athletes around the world. Professional leagues in North America, Japan, and many Latin American countries are extremely popular. The modern version of the sport was developed in the United States and is often called the country’s “national pastime.”

Basketball  Basketball, fast-paced game played on a rectangular court, generally indoors, by two five-player teams. The primary objective of the game is to score more points than the opposition by putting a round ball through a circular band, called a rim. One of the most popular sports in the world, basketball is played by men and women of all ages and ability levels in more than 200 countries.


Basketball, fast-paced game played on a rectangular court, generally indoors, by two five-player teams. The primary objective of the game is to score more points than the opposition by putting a round ball through a circular band, called a rim. One of the most popular sports in the world, basketball is played by men and women of all ages and ability levels in more than 200 countries.

Volleyball  Volleyball, popular team sport played by hitting an inflated ball back and forth over a high net. In the indoor game, each team has six players, while in beach volleyball, played outdoors on sand, teams consist of two players each.


Volleyball, popular team sport played by hitting an inflated ball back and forth over a high net. In the indoor game, each team has six players, while in beach volleyball, played outdoors on sand, teams consist of two players each.

Soccer ( football) Soccer, game played by two teams on a rectangular field, in which players attempt to knock a round ball through the opponents’ goal, using any part of the body except the hands. Generally, players use their feet and heads as they kick, dribble, and pass the ball toward the goal. One player on each team guards the goal. This player, the goalkeeper, is the only player allowed to touch the ball with the hands while it is in play. Soccer is the world's most popular sport, played by people of all ages in about 200 countries. The sport has millions of fans throughout the world.

Soccer ( football)

Soccer, game played by two teams on a rectangular field, in which players attempt to knock a round ball through the opponents’ goal, using any part of the body except the hands. Generally, players use their feet and heads as they kick, dribble, and pass the ball toward the goal. One player on each team guards the goal. This player, the goalkeeper, is the only player allowed to touch the ball with the hands while it is in play.

Soccer is the world's most popular sport, played by people of all ages in about 200 countries. The sport has millions of fans throughout the world.

G o l f Golf, outdoor game in which individual players use specially designed clubs to propel a small, hard ball over a field of play known as a course or links. The object of the game is to advance the ball around the course using as few strokes as possible.

G o l f

Golf, outdoor game in which individual players use specially designed clubs to propel a small, hard ball over a field of play known as a course or links. The object of the game is to advance the ball around the course using as few strokes as possible.

Boxing  Boxing,  sport   between two matched combatants wearing padded gloves. A boxer’s primary aim is to land as many blows as possible to the head and torso of the opponent, using strength and speed to dominate the contest. One of the oldest sports still practiced, boxing dates back thousands of years. Today the sport is popular in many parts of the world and encompasses both amateur and professional matches.


Boxing,  sport

  between two matched combatants wearing padded gloves. A boxer’s primary aim is to land as many blows as possible to the head and torso of the opponent, using strength and speed to dominate the contest. One of the oldest sports still practiced, boxing dates back thousands of years. Today the sport is popular in many parts of the world and encompasses both amateur and professional matches.

Tennis Tennis, game played with a racket and a ball by two (as in singles) or four (as in doubles) competitors, on a rectangular court with a net strung between the midpoints of the longer sides of the court. Tennis may be played indoors or outdoors. The game ranks as one of the most popular spectator and participation sports in the world, with fans and competitors in more than 100 countries.


Tennis, game played with a racket and a ball by two (as in singles) or four (as in doubles) competitors, on a rectangular court with a net strung between the midpoints of the longer sides of the court. Tennis may be played indoors or outdoors. The game ranks as one of the most popular spectator and participation sports in the world, with fans and competitors in more than 100 countries.

Track  and Field Track and Field, a group of  running, hurdling, jumping, and throwing events held between individuals or teams at indoor and outdoor meets. The running and hurdling competitions make up the track events , while the jumping and throwing contests comprise the field events . In many countries the sport as a whole is called athletics . Running races are the most prominent track-and-field events; they range in length from the indoor 50-meter dash to the outdoor marathon, which is 42 km, 195 m long. Hurdling Javelin Throw P ole vaulting

Track and Field

Track and Field, a group of  running, hurdling, jumping, and throwing events held between individuals or teams at indoor and outdoor meets. The running and hurdling competitions make up the track events , while the jumping and throwing contests comprise the field events . In many countries the sport as a whole is called athletics . Running races are the most prominent track-and-field events; they range in length from the indoor 50-meter dash to the outdoor marathon, which is 42 km, 195 m long.


Javelin Throw

P ole vaulting

Citius, Altius, Fortius The Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger) best captures track-and-field competition. Track and field’s many events, including the sprints, the high jump, the pole vault, and the javelin, test an athlete’s ability to run faster, jump higher and longer, and throw farther.

Citius, Altius, Fortius

The Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger) best captures track-and-field competition. Track and field’s many events, including the sprints, the high jump, the pole vault, and the javelin, test an athlete’s ability to run faster, jump higher and longer, and throw farther.

Outdoor Stadium Outdoor track and field events are usually held in large stadiums. Track events are run on a large oval field, and field events are held on the turf area enclosed by the field.

Outdoor Stadium

Outdoor track and field events are usually held in large stadiums.

Track events are run on a large oval field, and field events are held on the turf area enclosed by the field.

S w i m m i n g Synchronized Swimming Water polo, a team sport played in swimming pools, became an Olympic sport in 1900. Water Polo

S w i m m i n g

Synchronized Swimming

Water polo, a team sport played in swimming pools, became an Olympic sport in 1900.

Water Polo

Ice Hockey  Ice Hockey, fast-paced winter sport in which two opposing teams of skaters use long, curved sticks to try to drive a hard rubber disk into each other’s goal. A rough, action-packed game, ice hockey is considered one of the fastest of all sports. It is played in about 30 countries. Ice hockey is especially popular in Canada, where the modern game developed. Other forms of the sport include field hockey and street hockey.

Ice Hockey

Ice Hockey, fast-paced winter sport in which two opposing teams of skaters use long, curved sticks to try to drive a hard rubber disk into each other’s goal. A rough, action-packed game, ice hockey is considered one of the fastest of all sports. It is played in about 30 countries. Ice hockey is especially popular in Canada, where the modern game developed. Other forms of the sport include field hockey and street hockey.

S k a t i n g Speed Skating Figure Skating

S k a t i n g

Speed Skating

Figure Skating

S k i i n g Cross-Country Skiing Downhill Racing Freestyle Skiing Ski Racing Ski Jumping Snowboarding

S k i i n g

Cross-Country Skiing

Downhill Racing

Freestyle Skiing

Ski Racing

Ski Jumping


Martial Arts Martial Arts, various kinds of fighting arts, with or without weapons, most of which originated in East Asia. They are aikido, judo, jujutsu, karate, kendo, kung fu, sumo, t’ai chi, tae kwon do.

Martial Arts

Martial Arts, various kinds of fighting arts, with or without weapons, most of which originated in East Asia. They are aikido, judo, jujutsu, karate, kendo, kung fu, sumo, t’ai chi, tae kwon do.

Wrestling Wrestling, sport in which two contestants try to force each other’s shoulders to the floor, thus scoring a fall and winning the match.


Wrestling, sport in which two contestants try to force each other’s shoulders to the floor, thus scoring a fall and winning the match.

Weightlifting Weightlifting, sport based on  the lifting of a series of progressively heavier metal weights. Weightlifting is one of the sports in the Olympic Games.


Weightlifting, sport based on 

the lifting of a series of progressively heavier metal weights. Weightlifting is one of the sports in the Olympic Games.

Archery , art, practice, or skill of using a bow and arrow for hunting, warfare, or as a sport. Automobile Racing Bowling, indoor game in which players roll balls attempting to knock down ten pins.  Badminton is a racket sport played with a shuttlecock, a cork ball fitted with stabilizing feathers.

Archery , art, practice, or skill of using a bow and arrow for hunting, warfare, or as a sport.

Automobile Racing

Bowling, indoor game in which players roll balls attempting to knock down ten pins.

Badminton is a racket sport played with a shuttlecock, a cork ball fitted with stabilizing feathers.

Curling Cricket In the game of curling, which originated in Scotland and the Netherlands in the first half of the 16th century, a player slides a stone toward a target while other members of the team brush the ice with brooms to make the stone travel further. Considered the national game of England, cricket is also quite popular in countries that were formerly British colonies, such as India, Canada, Australia, and Pakistan. International matches can last between three and five days, and final scores often total several hundred runs.



In the game of curling, which originated in Scotland and the Netherlands in the first half of the 16th century, a player slides a stone toward a target while other members of the team brush the ice with brooms to make the stone travel further.

Considered the national game of England, cricket is also quite popular in countries that were formerly British colonies, such as India, Canada, Australia, and Pakistan. International matches can last between three and five days, and final scores often total several hundred runs.

Cycling , bicycle riding either as a competitive sport or for recreation.

Cycling , bicycle riding either as a competitive sport or for recreation.

Diving (sport), act of plunging into water headfirst or feetfirst from diving boards, poolsides, the shore, docks, or cliffs. Diving (underwater), act of entering water and remaining below the surface to explore, to work, or simply to have fun.

Diving (sport), act of plunging into water headfirst or feetfirst from diving boards, poolsides, the shore, docks, or cliffs.

Diving (underwater), act of entering water and remaining below the surface to explore, to work, or simply to have fun.

Dog sledding , activity in which a dog team pulls a sled and a driver over snow and ice. Skydiving is an exciting sport in which people jump out of airplanes, free-fall for a time, and then open parachutes to land safely.

Dog sledding ,

activity in which a dog team pulls a sled and a driver over snow and ice.


is an exciting sport in which people jump out of airplanes, free-fall for a time, and then open parachutes to land safely.

Fencing,  art of attack and defense with a sword or similar weapon. Gymnastics,   competitive sport that tests an athlete's strength, rhythm, balance, flexibility, and agility.


art of attack and defense with a sword or similar weapon.


  competitive sport that tests an athlete's strength, rhythm, balance, flexibility, and agility.

Horse Racing Horse Show Rodeo

Horse Racing

Horse Show


T.: Now I need one pupil from each team. Take the cards and listen to me attentively. You must listen the text and statements. If you agree them write “True”, if not – “False”. Is it clear? Get down to work.

T.: Now I need one pupil from each team. Take the cards and listen to me attentively. You must listen the text and statements. If you agree them write “True”, if not – “False”. Is it clear? Get down to work.

Text. A letter About Sports in England. 37. High Street, London, S.E. 9 June 4th 2002 Dear Lena, I greatly enjoyed your letter in which you told me about sports in your town. I’ll try to tell you now about the games we play in England.  Firs of all, I must tell you that football is played in England in winter, and not in summer. Football is most popular game in England, because England is the home of football. Schools and towns have football teams, and of course the English team is well known in the world.  We do not play ice hockey much in England, because the winter is not very cold. But we play fiend hockey/ there are man’s team and women’s, and many schools have teams too.  Other games which we play in England are tennis, basket-ball and volleyball. We have gymnastics every week in our school gymnasium. We run and jump and play basketball, volleyball and others games. In summer we have gymnastics in the playground.  Well, I end my letter for today.  I wish you all the best and hope to receive another letter from your soon.      Your friend, Mary Smith.

Text. A letter About Sports in England.

37. High Street, London, S.E. 9 June 4th 2002

Dear Lena,

I greatly enjoyed your letter in which you told me about sports in your town. I’ll try to tell you now about the games we play in England.

Firs of all, I must tell you that football is played in England in winter, and not in summer. Football is most popular game in England, because England is the home of football. Schools and towns have football teams, and of course the English team is well known in the world.

We do not play ice hockey much in England, because the winter is not very cold. But we play fiend hockey/ there are man’s team and women’s, and many schools have teams too.

Other games which we play in England are tennis, basket-ball and volleyball. We have gymnastics every week in our school gymnasium. We run and jump and play basketball, volleyball and others games. In summer we have gymnastics in the playground.

Well, I end my letter for today.

I wish you all the best and hope to receive another letter from your soon.

Your friend, Mary Smith.

True or False This letter is about sports in Ukraine. Football is played in England in winter. England is the home of football. English team is not well known in the world. The winter is very cold in England. English people play field hockey. Mary has gymnastics every week in her school gymnasium. In summer they do not have gymnastics. Mary lives in London in Low Street. This letter is from England.

True or False

  • This letter is about sports in Ukraine.
  • Football is played in England in winter.
  • England is the home of football.
  • English team is not well known in the world.
  • The winter is very cold in England.
  • English people play field hockey.
  • Mary has gymnastics every week in her school gymnasium.
  • In summer they do not have gymnastics.
  • Mary lives in London in Low Street.
  • This letter is from England.
Puzzle- words (побудувати слово )  T.: The other two pupils have to make up the words using the letters. You’ll have one point for each right words. I  команда    II команда № 1 1 . i n g s k № 2 2. m i i g r u 1. n a s g y m t i c s 2. a i t r n e r 3. n g f e c n 4. o l l b a f t 3. s s e c h 5. y p l e r 4. c k c r i e t 5. m a n o r s p t s

Puzzle- words (побудувати слово )

T.: The other two pupils have to make up the words using the letters. You’ll have one point for each right words.

I команда II команда

№ 1

1 . i n g s k

№ 2

2. m i i g r u

1. n a s g y m t i c s

2. a i t r n e r

3. n g f e c n

4. o l l b a f t

3. s s e c h

5. y p l e r

4. c k c r i e t

5. m a n o r s p t s

« Step by step” (рухлива лексична гра)  T.: While they are working let’s do the next task. I need two pupils once more. Come here. Stand still. You must name sports-words and move your steps. One step – one word. Be very attentive. Don’t say one word twice. If you say the wrong word you must move one step back. Do you understand me? Then start! The winner will get 3 points.

« Step by step” (рухлива лексична гра)

T.: While they are working let’s do the next task. I need two pupils once more. Come here. Stand still. You must name sports-words and move your steps. One step – one word. Be very attentive. Don’t say one word twice. If you say the wrong word you must move one step back. Do you understand me? Then start! The winner will get 3 points.

Crossword (розгадування кросворду )  T.: The task is to fill in the crossword and find a key-word in a line. The highest marks is 7. referees will check your work  ( дидактичний матеріал )

Crossword (розгадування кросворду )

T.: The task is to fill in the crossword and find a key-word in a line. The highest marks is 7. referees will check your work

( дидактичний матеріал )

Crossword 1 Fill in the crossword and find a key-word in a bold line Хокей  Боротьба Теніс Шахи Катання на ковзанах Тренер Обидва Crossword 2 Fill in the crossword and find a key-word in a bold line Шашки Гравець Фехтування Атлетика Плавання Стрибки Гімнастичний зал

Crossword 1

  • Fill in the crossword and find a key-word in a bold line
  • Хокей
  • Боротьба
  • Теніс
  • Шахи
  • Катання на ковзанах
  • Тренер
  • Обидва

Crossword 2

Fill in the crossword and find a key-word

in a bold line

  • Шашки
  • Гравець
  • Фехтування
  • Атлетика
  • Плавання
  • Стрибки
  • Гімнастичний зал
Question – answer (політолог) T.: “Question – answer” is the next task. Listen to me attentively! You I must make up the questions using the following words, write them down and ask the members of the other team. Do it one by one. The card №1 will start. You have 5 minutes. The highest mark is 6.

Question – answer (політолог)

T.: “Question – answer” is the next task. Listen to me attentively! You I must make up the questions using the following words, write them down and ask the members of the other team. Do it one by one. The card №1 will start. You have 5 minutes. The highest mark is 6.

№ 1 you, Do, in for, go, sport? you, Can, swim? to see, you, competitions, like, do, boxing, on TV? in your school, When, have, did you, basketball match, last? better, What, played, team? like, Did, the game, you? № 2 kind, do, What, of sport, you, in for, go? play, you, Can, Chess? to skate, you, Do, like? took part, What, in the game, teams? won, game, Who, the?

№ 1

  • you, Do, in for, go, sport?
  • you, Can, swim?
  • to see, you, competitions, like, do, boxing, on TV?
  • in your school, When, have, did you, basketball match, last?
  • better, What, played, team?
  • like, Did, the game, you?

№ 2

  • kind, do, What, of sport, you, in for, go?
  • play, you, Can, Chess?
  • to skate, you, Do, like?
  • took part, What, in the game, teams?
  • won, game, Who, the?
Fill in the gaps. Учн і повинн і заповнити  пропуски  в  таблиц і « Ступені порівняння»  T.: I need two pupils. Your task is to fill in the gaps in the table. You must recollect the degrees of comparison of adjectives. The highest mark is twelve. Referees will check your work. The highest mark is 12.

Fill in the gaps. Учн і повинн і заповнити пропуски в таблиц і « Ступені порівняння»

T.: I need two pupils. Your task is to fill in the gaps in the table. You must recollect the degrees of comparison of adjectives. The highest mark is twelve. Referees will check your work. The highest mark is 12.

Interesting Active More interesting ? More active ? Worse Cold ? ? The worse ? Hot The coldest Better Easy Hotter The best Difficult ? ? ? ? The easiest Less The most difficult Narrow The least Narrower Polite ? ? ? № 2 More The politest deep The most Deeper ? ? Bigger Famous ? Duty The biggest Dirtier ? The most famous Clever More beautiful ? ? The most beautiful Large The cleverest Larger ? Better Long ? Many ? The best More ? The longest Worse ? Interesting The worst More interesting



More interesting


More active






The worse



The coldest




The best






The easiest


The most difficult


The least








The politest


The most








The biggest



The most famous


More beautiful



The most beautiful


The cleverest








The best



The longest




The worst

More interesting

Заключна частина уроку   T.: While referees count your points. Stand up, please. (Журі підраховує кількість балів і визначає переможців.) T.: Children, come to the blackboard. Dear referees, are you ready with the results? (Журі оголошує результати, вітає переможців)

Заключна частина уроку

T.: While referees count your points. Stand up, please.

(Журі підраховує кількість балів і визначає переможців.)

T.: Children, come to the blackboard. Dear referees, are you ready with the results?

(Журі оголошує результати, вітає переможців)

S P O R T I N O U R L I F E S port An individual or group competitive physical activity An active and interesting pastime participated in for pleasure or exercise Regular exercise promotes physical fitness


S port

  • An individual or group competitive physical activity
  • An active and interesting pastime participated in for pleasure or exercise
  • Regular exercise promotes physical fitness


Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

Вебинар для учителей

Свидетельство об участии БЕСПЛАТНО!