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Тренировочные работы для подготовки к ВПР

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«Тренировочные работы для подготовки к ВПР»

Task 1

А. The narrator says that it is _________.

1. difficult to have Chinese food in England 2. easy to find Italian food in many countries 3. not easy to find English food in England

B. According to the narrator the sales of _________.

1. British food is going up 2. pasta and pizza are increasing 3. chicken, rabbits, apples and tea are increasing

C. The narrator believes that British cooking _________.

1. has always been great 2. is good because it is international 3. was good until World War II

D. The narrator says that the British _________.

1. eat only traditional British food 2. buy a lot of foreign ingredients 3. don’t like cooking with foreign ingredients

E. The narrator says that British weather _________.

1. usually ruins fruit and vegetables 2. is not an important influence on British food 3. gives the opportunity to produce good quality food

Task 2

A recent study shows that some male cockatoos create their own musical tools for drumming. The drumming and rhythm seem to be an extra component made to impress the ladies. Each bird has its own distinct style. Other animals (e.g. frogs and birds) use drumming and music to communicate as well, but cockatoos can drum at a steady rhythm, with a totally unique style, for up to half an hour — which takes quite a bit of practice.

Moreover, plenty of animals use tools, but far fewer make those tools themselves.

Among humans, a regular beat is associated with a group-based activity, especially dancing. As for the cockatoos, drumming with a regular beat is a done solo.

Task 3

Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7−8 предложений). План ответа поможет вам:

— the place

— the action

— the person's appearance

— whether you like the picture or not

— why

Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”

Task 4

This text deals with …

1. The windy city.

2. Things to see.

3. The roof of the world

4. The place suggested seeing.

5. The destroyed house.

6. Pilotless aircraft.

A. If you are bored with beaches, try Alaska. Our trip to America’s largest and most northerly state was one of the greatest experiences of my life. We entered a different world. The scenery with its mountains 'and volcanoes was spectacular, particularly the dramatic Columbia Glacier, over 90 metres high. We. spent our final day in Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city.

B. Yesterday afternoon a 35-year-old housewife escaped death when a tree blew and fell onto her house, completely destroying it. It was windy. She heard a strange noise coming from the tree. Suddenly the wind blew a little stronger, and she watched it crash onto the roof. The Bonnet family are staying with their friends while their house is rebuilt.

C. The third-largest city in the United States, Chicago, is on the shore of Lake Michigan. Two rivers, the Chicago and the Calumet run through the city, and canals link them with the Mississippi River, which flows down to the Gulf of Mexico. Ships can also sail from Chicago through the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. The climatic conditions of the city are very specific because strong winds blow through it.

D. An American jet pilot took off from Fort Worth, but the jet’s engines went wrong. The pilot ejected, but the plane didn’t crash. The engines began working again. The jet flew for more than one hour over three states. Finally, it crashed near Lincoln, Nebraska. It hit some trees in a field where a farmer was working. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

E. Last year I went to Spain for my holiday. I spent the first week in Seville, and then I took a train to Barcelona, where Г spent another ten days. It is a beautiful city and I had a marvellous time. I stayed in a very expensive hotel right in the centre, but I didn’t mind spending a lot of money because it is a wonderful place and very convenient. My brother recommended it; he goes to Spain a lot and he never stays anywhere else.

Task 5

My Secretary

Rose is beautiful, smart and kind. She has a bigger heart than anyone I A____. She does her job very well, everything B____ on time, but my love for Rose doesn`t depend on that job. I love her because she C____ on my side ever since we first met a year ago. She D____ about me. When I was a young man, I thought that one day I E____ a writer. Rose makes me believe that if I work hard, my dream will come true. She expects me to become a great writer. Right now she is typing the book which I have been writing for three years already.

A 1) have ever known 2) has ever known 3) know 4) knows

B 1) is organized 2) organized 3) organizes 4) is organizing

C 1) have always been 2) has always been 3) is always 4) was always

D 1) care 2) cared 3) cares 4) is caring

E 1) becomes 2) will become 3) become 4) Would become

Task 6


There (A)____ hundreds of castles in the British Isles. Some of them are ruins, but (B)____ are in very good condition. Some castles are homes for (C)____ people like the Queen of (D)____! Many of them are very, very old, and have got a (E)____ history. Castles are big, strong buildings. People built castles in the past to protect everyone inside the castle from attack. Many castles have legends.

1. buildings; 2. famous; 3. England; 4. fascinating; 5. are; 6. people; 7. others.


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