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Внеклассное мероприятие

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«Внеклассное мероприятие»

Ход мероприятия:

  1. Today we meet to take part of the competition, which is called “Your majesty of English Language”. Translate, please.

In competition takes part the 22, 23, 24 groups.

Our competition consists of 5 tests: calling card, quize around GB, dialogues, your home task and our captain’s competition Our severe judges is…

Now let’s begin our competition.

The first our test is calling card of group (The 4 group introduces your team

  1. Now let’s get over the next test which is call quiz ‘around GB’

  2. Teams look at the blackboard. There are you can see 12 questions. Your task is answer the questions by turn.

1.Who is officially the head of the UK?

The Queen Elizabeth II

2. What is the largest museum in London?

The British Museum

3. When do British people celebrate Halloween?

31st of October

4. What is the biggest tower clock in the world?

The Big Ben

5. What is the name of British flag?

The Union Jack

6. Who lived in Sherwood forest?

Robin Hood

7. What is the national Scottish costume called?

The Kilt

8. What river is London situated on?

The Thames

9. What is the difference between English and Russian tea?

English tea with milk, Russian - with lemon

10. What is the colour of double-deckers’ in London?


11. What is the official language of GB?


12. Name the best known musician group of Liverpool.

The Beatles

  1. Our next competition is to put the dialogue in the right logical order. While our teams will be ready lets do task and add some scores to your favourite team( пословицы)

Now our participant are ready and lets check up.

  1. Your next competition is your home task. It was your little scenes. While the teams will ready lets listen to our jury.

  2. Last our competition is competition of captains. They will do English riddles

  • Clean, but not water,
    White, but not snow,
    Sweet, but not ice-cream,
    What is it?


  • I am purple, yellow, red, and green
    The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
    I show my colours after the rain
    And only when the sun comes out again


  • There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of black babies. What is it?


  • What invention allow people to walk through walls?


  • When I eat I live, but when I drink I die. What am I?


  • What is given to you but used more by others? 

your name

  1. Now let’s listen our judges and they tell us which team has a lot of balls and win in our competition.)

Тема: «Your Majesty the English Language»

(Его величество английский язык)

Цели и задачи: - развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

- актуализация разговорных и социокультурных навыков;

- воспитание интереса к традициям и обычаям, существующим в англоязычных странах.

Форма проведения: КВН

Оборудование: карточки с различными заданиями

План мероприятия:

  1. Вступление

  2. Визитки команд

  3. Страноведческая викторина

  4. Конкурс диалогов

  5. Домашнее задание

  6. Конкурс капитанов

  7. Подсчет баллов

Test for 09.12

  1. Who is officially the head of the UK?

  2. W hat is the largest museum in London?

  3. When do British people celebrate Halloween?

  4. W hat is the biggest tower clock in the world?

  5. What is the name of British flag?

  6. W ho lived in Sherwood forest?

  7. What is the national Scottish costume called?

  8. What river is London situated on?

  9. What is the difference between English and Russian tea?

  10. W hat is the colour of double-deckers’ in London?


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