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Cases of Usage of the verb TURN

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I haven't been writing for a long time accumulating teaching ideas and useful resources which I could use at my lessons.

Autumn is a fairy-tale-ish season and I'm going to take advantage of it writing about a fabulous verb TURN.

In my opinion the fascination of thid verb is that TURN had a very close connection with Russian "обернууться" literally an metaphoricaly and was used in old tales.

Let's get startred.

1. a : to cause to move around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve (крутить что-то) <turn a wheel/крутить колесо> <turn a crank/крутить рукоятку>

b (1) : to cause to move around so as to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting) повернуть до какого-то предела <turned the knob till the door opened>

(2) : to affect or alter the functioning of (as a mechanical device) or the level of (as sound) by such movement включить <turn the oven to 400°> <turn the music to full volume>

c : to execute or perform by rotating or revolving, кувыркаться <turn handsprings>

d : to twist out of line or shape подвернуть (лодыжку) : wrench <had turned his ankle>

2. a (1) : to cause to change position by moving through an arc of a circle пододвинуться к чему-л. <turned her chair to the fire>

(2) : to cause to move around a center so as to show another side of перевернуть <turn the page>

(3) : to cause (as a scale) to move so as to register weight показать (на шкале)

b : to revolve mentally обдумывать: think over : ponder

3. a : to reverse the sides or surfaces of перевернуть/вывернуть : invert <turn pancakes> <turn the shirt inside out>: as

(1): to dig or plow so as to bring the lower soil to the surface вскопать <turn the compost weekly>

(2) : to make (as a garment) over by reversing the material and resewing перешить/подогнать по размеру <turn a collar>

(3) : to invert feet up and face down (as a character, rule, or slug) in setting type перевернуть

b : to reverse or upset the order or disposition of перевернуть вверх тормашками <everything was turned topsy-turvy>

c : to disturb or upset the mental balance of : derange, unsettle <a mind turned by grief> выводить из равновесия, нарушать чьё-л. спокойствие

d : to set in another especially contrary direction повернуть вспять

4. a : to bend or change the course of поменять курс : divert <a battle that turned the tide of history>

b : to cause to retreat повернуть (избавиться) <used fire hoses to turn the mob>

c : to alter the drift, tendency, or expected result of

d : to bend a course around or about обогнуть : round <turned the corner at full speed>

5. a (1) : to direct or point (as the face) in a specified way or direction направить

(2) : to present by a change in direction or position <turning his back to his guests>

b : to bring to bear (as by aiming, pointing, or focusing) обратить что-л к кому-л. : train <turned the light into the dark doorway> <turned a questioning eye toward her>

c : to direct (as the attention or mind) toward or away from something

d : to direct the employment of : apply, devote <turned his skills to the service of humankind>

e (1) : to cause to rebound or recoil <turns their argument against them>

(2) : to make antagonistic : prejudice <turn a child against its mother>

f (1) : to cause to go in a particular direction <turned our steps homeward>

(2) : drive, send <turncows to pasture> <turning hunters off his land>

(3) : to convey or direct out of an inverted receptacle <turn the mixture into a baking dish>

6. a (1) : to make acid or sour скиснуть <the mik turned>

(2) : to change the color of (as foliage) помнять цвет

b (1) : convert, transform <turn defeat into victory> превратиться

(2) : translate, paraphrase

c : to cause to become of a specified nature or appearance <turned him into a frog><embarrassment turned her face red>

d : to exchange for something else <turn coins into paper money>

e : to cause to defect to another side

7. a : to shape especially in a rounded form by applying a cutting tool while revolving in a lathe обточить, придать круглую форму

b : to give a rounded form to by any means <turn the heel of a sock>

c : to shape or mold artistically, gracefully, or neatly <a well turned phrase> колкая фраза

05.10.2015 07:53

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