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Funny English

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Extra-curricular activities in English for 4 grade pupils.

Funny English

Цель: повышение интереса учащихся к английскому языку, закрепление лексико – граматических знаний, обучение умению работать в группе, развитие памяти, мышления, чтения.

Необходимое оборудование: интерактивная доска


Good afternoon dear pupils! How are you? I’m glad to see you! You are welcome to our competition “Funny English”. Today we'll speak about English, play many interesting games, you will have different tasks and remember what we have learned at our lessons.

We wish you success and good luck.

Three teams will take part in a game of the most quick witted and the cleverest. At the end of competition, we shall find out who the winner is. So let’s begin our game lesson.

Now it's time to introduce our teams.

1st group is «Eagles»

2nd group is «Space»

3rd group is «Stars»

Now listen to the rules of our game. It consist of 6 stages.

I. «Tenge ilu»

II. “What is unnessesary?»

III. «Baiga»

IV. «A magic Vocabulary»

V. «Do you know? »

VI. «Polyglot».

- So pupils let’s begin.

I. The first round is «Tenge ilu». Составлять слова, расставляя по местам буквы, написанные за монетами.

irlbayr - library

ufirafn - funfair

esuemum - museum

taehrte - theatre

ncefngi - fencing

chaeary - archery

lladnabh - handball

nyclcig - cycling

bkemtoroi - motorbike

isph - ship

lpane - plane

ecoosre - scooter

I I. “What is unnessesary?». Каждой группе даются слова, среди которых следует найти лишнее.

1. rowing, archery, sing, water polo, rugby

2. swimming pool, library, funfair, tennis, theatre

5. Summer, winter, rain, spring, autumn

6. mountain, ocean, desert, island, weather

7. Teacher, pupil, blackboard, manager, book

8. Mother, sister, aunt, dad, doctor

9. English, Russian, Phone, Mathematics, Physical Training

10. road, plane, minibus, scooter, ship

11. September, October, May, Apple, April

12. mechanic, dentist, hospital, photographer, nurse

III. The third round is “Baiga”. The task is to answer the questions as quickly as possible. Answer the questions by choosing the cells. Уважаемые игроки, мы желаем Вам удачи и успехов. Третий этап игры - " Baiga ". Какая группа быстрее ответит на вопросы?

1.How many seasons in a year? (four) 2. Make the comparative form to the word: Happy (happier) 3. What colours are on Kazakhstan flag? (blue and yellow) 4. The great Kazakh poet? (Abai)

5. Where is Baiterek Tower? (Nur-Sultan) 6. What’s capital of Kazakhstan? (Nur-Sultan) 7. What’s capital of England? (London) 8. What’s the official language of the UK? (English) 9. Make the comparative form to the word: Good (better)

10. What is the Big Ben? (a clock)

11. How many letters are there in English alphabet? (26)

12. Make the comparative form to the word: Hot (hotter)

13. Make the superlative form to the word: Late (the latest)

14. Name the day of the week. (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, est.)

IV. The forth round is «A magic Vocabulary» Четвертый раунд - «A magic Vocabulary» в коробке даны слова, нужно найти перевод этих слов.


V. The fifth part is «Do you know? »

In this envelops there are three letters: A, B and C. I will read you questions and all answers will start with the letter A, B or C. Is everything clear for you? Then let`s begin.

Letter A

The name of the fruit

The river in the USA

The name of the month

The name part of the body

The name of school subject

The capital of Kazakhstan

The famous Kazakh writer

Letter B

The name of the fruit

The antonym of the word good

An object in the classroom

A kind of the dance

The name of school subject

An important day once in a year in our life

A colour

A member of the family

Letter C

The name of the month

The name of animal

The name of food

An object in the classroom

The third letter of the alphabet

The place where we watch the film

A transport

The name of drinks

VI. The sixth part of our competition is called “Polyglot”. I will give you some riddles and you will try to guess them. Then you must translate these words into Kazakh and Russian. If you give us the correct answer in 3 languages you will get 30 points. Listen carefully.

Отгадайте загадку и ответьте на английском, русском, казахском языках.

  1. It is running night and day but it never runs away. (Clock, Watch, сағат, часы)
  2. The little old man who has 12 children. (A year, жыл, год)
  3. What is it that looks like a cat, eats like a cat, walks like a cat, but still it is not a cat? (A kitten, марғау, Котенок)
  4. I have a round face and two large eyes,

That can see in the dark; they call me wise. (an owl, үкі, сова)

  1. What has four legs, but can’t walk? (a chair, орындық, стул)
  2. The teacher writes on me with chalk. My face is black. I cannot talk. (blackboard,тақта, доска

VI. Подведение итогов.

Dear children, we have come to the end of our lesson. The winner of the game is …!

I hope you will improve your English knowledge. Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part at our lesson. I think you have enjoyed the lesson! You are really very clever and talented!

Good bye! See you soon!

08.12.2022 11:19

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