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Разработка заданий по иностранному языку на тему "Хобби, увлечения"

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

1. Переведите названия хобби на английский язык:

1. садоводство

2. рыбалка

3. конные скачки

4. езда на велосипеде

5. пробежка

6. прыжки с парашюта

7. боевые искусства

2. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова из рамки:

music, favorite, listen to music, information, news, collect, singers, programmes, CDs, museums

Rich people often ______ pictures, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to ______, libraries. As for me, I like to ______. Therefore I collect ______. I like different music ______. I collect discs of my favorite groups and _______. I carefully study the printed ______. I try to find everything about my ______ singers. I also like to watch musical ______ on TV. I want to keep up with the ______ in the world of music.

3. Прочитайте текст и определите, какие из утверждений соответствуют прочитанному тексту ( True), не соответствуют (False):

So, Helen left for the mountains she loved so much and Kate stayed at home in London. Kate`s mother saw that her daughter was lonely. She bought her a beautiful collection of stamps and coins. The coins were in silver boxes and the stamps were in a large album. But Kate didn`t think much of her collections. Collecting things was not her hobby at all.

Then Kate`s mother decided to take her to the theatre. Kate was not a theatregoer but she liked theatre very much. From the seats which were in the stalls she could see the stage very well. She could see the actors on the stage and the scenery which was fantastic. She liked the performance very much and said she would like to take part in it. Whenever Kate`s mother could she always bought tickets for this or that famous play.

But usually Kate stayed at home. She read a lot. And yet Kate was very weak and it was difficult for her to walk. Life in the city didn`t do her any good.

Какие из утверждений соответствуют прочитанному тексту ( True), не соответствуют (False):

1. Kate left for the mountains she loved so much.

2. Kate`s mother bought her daughter a beautiful collection of stamps and coins.

3. Kate cared for her collections of stamps and coins.

4. Kate`s mother decided to take her to the theatre.

5. But usually Kate stayed at home and watched TV.

Закончите следующие предложения:

  1. Kate`s mother saw that ____________________.
  2. Kate was not a theatregoer but __________________.
  3. Life in the city _______________.
  1. Заполни пропуски подходящим по смыслу словам из рамки.

fond collection hobby thematic stamps cinemagoer

theme reading cartoons proud collecting

Dear Kate,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you.

I am going to tell you about my 1--. I like 2-- different things: coins, CDs, toys and other things. But most of all I am 3 -- of collecting 4--. I have got a big 5 -- of stamps. My collection is 6 ---. The 7 --- of my collection is animals. I have got stamps from different countries and I am 8-- of it. My mother`s hobby is 9--. She likes reading novels. My brother is fond of watching films and 10 --. He is a 11--.

What is your hobby? Do you like collecting stamps?

Write back soon.




6. Составьте предложения:

1. he / not / jazz / enjoy.

2. we / like / not / shopping.

3. interests / have / I / many.

4. hate / books / she / reading.

5. he / buy / to / fishing rods / like.

6. time / spend / much / they / don’t / at / home.

7. I / for / hobby / this / need / and / needle / yarn.

8. David / fond / is / of / coins / collecting.

9. makes / happy / reading / me / and / to / music / listening.

7. Напишите о своем увлечении используя данные шаблоны фраз:

I have … (many, several, a few, only one) hobbies / hobby.

My favorite hobby is ….

I enjoy ….

It is … (expensive, cheap, free).

I do it … (in a company, alone).

This hobby is done … (outside, inside).

I love it because it is … (funny, relaxing, intellectual, etc.).

The best thing of my hobby is that ….

But I don’t like ….

28.01.2024 23:36

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