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A story with a hidden proverb.

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Задание можно использовать в 7-8 класах при работе с текстами как на уроках, так и во внеурочной деятельности. ...

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«A story with a hidden proverb.»

A story with a hidden ending.

1 Read the story. You will find the words that do not belong to the sentences. Write out the words. If you do the exercise correctly, the words that you have written out will give a well known proverb.

Once there was a man where named Bob who had the terrible habit of always being late. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't seem to be on time for anything. His friends there and family had all given up on trying to get him to be punctual.

One day, Bob was invited to a fancy dinner party is at is boss's house. He knew he had a to make a good impression will, so he set multiple alarms and even asked a friend to call him in the morning to make sure he woke up on time.

But of course, Bob still managed to oversleep. He there rushed around frantically trying to get ready, but he ended up forgetting his shoes and had to go back to get them. By the time he finally arrived at the party, everyone was already sitting at the table and his boss was giving a speech.

Embarrassed, Bob tried to sneak is in and find a seat, but accidentally a knocked over a vase of flowers on his way. The whole room turned to look at him, and Bob could feel his face turning bright red.

"Sorry I'm late," Bob stammered, "I was too busy trying to find the perfect pair of shoes to wear."

His boss just chuckled and said, "Well, at least you made it, Bob. Better late than never, right?"

And from that day on, Bob made a vow to always be fashionably way late to every event. Because they, if you can't change your bad habits, you might as well embrace them with a sense of humor.

2 Give your own headline of the text.


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