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Noise Pollution (материал по теме «Земля в опасности. Экология» для учащихся 10 класса, английский язык.)

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«Noise Pollution (материал по теме «Земля в опасности. Экология» для учащихся 10 класса, английский язык.)»

Марченко Наталья Анатольевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №9 г. Азова, Ростовской области.

Представлен материал по теме «Земля в опасности. Экология» для учащихся 10 класса, английский язык.

Класс работает по УМК “Spotlight”. 10 класс. Авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.

Материал состоит из 3 частей:

1 - линейный текст «Noise Pollution»;

2 - 5 заданий к тексту разного уровня сложности;

3 - ответы к предлагаемым заданиям.

Источник текста: Exam Success/Rimmer, Vinogradova, Kozhevnikova – изд-во Сambridge, 2013

Цель: развитие функциональной читательской грамотности при работе над текстом на английском языке.


  • понимать прочитанный текст, его основную мысль;

  • уметь находить и извлекать необходимую информацию;

  • извлекать информацию различного уровня из текста;

  • пользоваться компенсационными умениями;

  • использовать содержание текста для умения выражать свои мысли в устной и письменной речи;

  • интерпретировать содержание текста в контексте затронутых в нем проблем.

№ задания

Проверяемые элементы содержания

Уровень сложности задания


Понимание фактологической информации во всем тексте (выбор ответа).



Понимание основного содержания прочитанного и выбор заголовка.



Понимание основного содержания, умение найти в тексте и соотнести языковые единицы.



Понимание основного содержания текста, умение работать с синонимичной группой в английском языке.



Выявление связи между прочитанным и окружающей реальностью (развернутый ответ).


Noise Pollution

A Unwanted noise is everywhere - and getting worse. It can make people ill with migraines, stomach upsets, skin problems and can even lead to terrible things, including murder. It is a public health problem which is not going to go away.

B Our ears act as our warning signals. They are designed to tell us about danger, and they never turn off. Even in sleep, if someone calls your name, your brain will register the sound. So unwanted noise is like a continuous alarm that never lets us relax.

C If it comes from neighbours, you will feel angry and probably trapped. People who don't complain about noisy neighbours are likely to get depressed, while those who do make their feelings known are often accused of being neurotic. Most people, however, do not end up murdering their neighbours; they simply move away.

D Long-term exposure to loud noise (levels above 90 decibels which is the equivalent of being in a noisy factory) can lead to hearing loss. But certain sounds are attention-grabbing, regardless of decibel level, and it is these sounds that are the most difficult to shut out.

E Research is being done on the effect of background noise on people's ability to concentrate, and it has been found that the most distracting noises are those which vary a lot in rhythm, frequency and speed. In fact, the human voice is one of the most distracting sounds.

F The sound of two people talking can reduce concentration by 30%, but if a third person joins in, producing a more constant babble of noise, the reduction in concentration is less. For this reason, people often work better in a big, crowded office than in one which they share with just one or two others.

G Another background noise which some people find irritating is so-called 'piped music' - the music used by supermarkets and airports, for example, which is supposed to put people into a dreamy state of mind. A recent survey found that 80% of people do not notice the music in the background and the other 20% hated it. As a result, one of London's airports has dropped it.

H But other kinds of music are used as therapy to help people relax, and pain clinics sometimes use it to relieve pain. Other types of music make people feel active and full of energy. American scientists recently claimed that listening to Mozart can increase your IQ by 15 points.

The message from all this is that when we can choose the sounds we hear, then all is well; it is unwanted noise that can lead to disaster.

The tasks based on the text. Задания к тексту.

1.Read the text about noise and answer the questions. The questions focus on the main point of each paragraph. Прочтите текст о шуме и ответьте на вопросы. Вопросы фокусируются на главной идее каждого абзаца.

1. Name two facts about this topic. (A)

2. What's the most important piece of information about our ears? (B)

3. What kind of noise can ruin people's home lives? (C)

4. Which sentence in this paragraph is the most important? (D)

5. Why is the human voice a very distracting sound? (E)

6. How does a third person make a difference? (F)

7. What's the purpose of piped music? (G)

8. Why doesn't it work? (G)

9. What are therapy, pain relief and increased 1O examples of? (H)

2. Look at the following headings and choose the most suitable one for each paragraph of the text. One heading is extra. Посмотрите на следующие заголовки и выберите самый подходящий для каждого абзаца текста. Один заголовок лишний.

1 Always on duty

2 Three are better than two

3 A threat to health

4 Various benefits

5 Voices break concentration

6 Noise from next door

7 Sounds you can't ignore

8 Pointless music

9. Mozart is the best composer.

3. Look through the text again. Find out and write English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations. Просмотрите текст ещё раз. Найдите и запишите английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям.

  1. не желаемый шум

  2. приводить к ужасным вещам

  3. предупреждающие сигналы

  4. чувствовать себя как в ловушке

  5. привлекающий внимание

  6. сильно отличаться

  7. музыка, транслируемая в общественных местах

  8. клиники боли

  9. увеличить

4. Give synonyms using the text. Дайте синонимичные формы, используя текст.

  1. to play a role

  2. to speak out against

  3. to exclude

  4. to make less

  5. to declare

5. What is your opinion about the dangerous of noise pollution? Что Вы думаете об опасности шумового загрязнения?

Выполненные задания.

Задание 1.

1. It's getting worse. It can damage your health.

2. They never turn off. The rest of the paragraph emphasises that our ears are always at work - register the sound, never lets us relax.

3. Noise from neighbours.

4. The second one because it almost dismisses the first sentence (“regardless of decibel level”) in order to make a more important point - the problem with certain sounds.

5. It is very irregular in rhythm, frequency and speed.

6. Reduction in concentration is less with a third person because there is a more constant babble of noise, which is less distracting.

7. It is supposed to make you feel relaxed.

8. People either hate it or don't even hear it.

9. The good effects that some music can have.

Задание 2.

















Задание 3.

  1. unwanted noise

  2. lead to terrible things

  3. warning signals

  4. feel trapped

  5. attention-grabbing

  6. vary a lot

  7. piped music

  8. pain clinics

  9. increase

Задание 4.

  1. to act

  2. to complain

  3. to shut out

  4. to reduce

  5. to claim

Задание 5. Вариант возможного ответа.

Noise pollution can cause health problems for people and wildlife, both on land and in the sea. From traffic noise to rock concerts, loud or inescapable sounds can cause hearing loss, stress, and high blood pressure. Noise pollution adversely affects the lives of millions of people. Studies have shown that there are direct links between noise and health. Problems related to noise include stress related illnesses, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity. I think the problem of noise pollution is one of the most impotent problems nowadays.


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