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Входное тестирование по английскому языку для 6 класса

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Входное тестирование по английскому языку для 6 класса

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«Входное тестирование по английскому языку для 6 класса»


1.Make up words.

a) h, g, e, n, s, i. l

b) e, i, s, c, n, e, c

c) t, y, h, s, i, o, r

d) a, m, d, r, a

e) s, a, t, h, m

f)f, o, i, r, a, n, m, t, i, n, o

2. Add the tag ending.

a) Nice day,___________________________________________________?

b)It will rain tomorrow,__________________________________________?

c)It was a group of 15 students,____________________________________?

d)They didn’t arrange a date of the competition,_______________________?

e)You are responsible for the result,_________________________________?

3.Cross out the word with a positive meaning.

a) impossible, impolite, imagine

b) unknown, understand, unfriendly, unlucky

c) nothing, normal, non-stop

4. Translate from English into Russian.

A travelling painter__________________________________________

A sleeping horse______________________________________________

The letter sent by a lawyer______________________________________

The advert written by us________________________________________

5. Write down the word combinations.

Big                    Palace__________________________________________

Trafalgar           Tower__________________________________________

Bloody               Square__________________________________________

Buckingham       Ben___________________________________________

Westminster       Abbey_________________________________________

6. Put in verbs in the correct form.

a) He… pictures on the wall yesterday. (draw)________________________

b) Why… she always …silly questions? (ask)_________________________

c) Last summer they… abroad.(go)_________________________________

d) Look! The boys…their homework. (do)___________________________

e) They… any help, do they? (need)_______________________________

7. Write down the opposites.

Rude, possible, polite, happy, unlucky, true, unfriendly, pleasant, noisy, lucky, unpleasant, false, unhappy,  friendly, impossible, quiet



Ответы к тесту:

  1. English, Science, History, Drama, Maths, Information

  2. a) Nice day, isn’t it?

b)It will rain tomorrow, won’t it?

    c)It was a group of 15 students, wasn’t it?

    d)They didn’t arrange a date of the competition, did they?

e)You are responsible for the result, aren’t you?

3. imagine, understand, normal

4. imagine, understand, normal

4. путешествующий художник, спящая лошадь; письмо посланное адвокатом; объявление написанное нами

5. Big  Ben

    Buckingham   Palace

    Trafalgar   Square

    Bloody  Tower                  

    Westminster  Abbey

6. drew, does…ask, went, are doing, don’t need

7. Rude - polite

 Possible - impossible

 happy  - unhappy

unlucky- lucky

true - false

 unfriendly - friendly

,pleasant- unpleasant

 noisy - quiet


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