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Входное тестирование по английскому языку для 7 класса

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Входное тестирование по английскому языку для 7 класса

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«Входное тестирование по английскому языку для 7 класса»

Входной мониторинг по английскому языку. 7 класс


Gaelic football

The Irish play football, and they are good at rugby, but they also play Gaelic football. This kind of football comes from a traditional Irish game.

Gaelic football is an exciting game. It has elements of football and rugby. You play it with a round ball, like a football, but the players can use their hands.

There are strict rules. The players can touch the ball, but they are not allowed to throw it. They have to pass the ball from hand to hand to other players. They also have to bounce or kick it when they run with it. They have to score goals to get points for their team.

In Gaelic football the players do not wear special clothes. They put on shorts, T-shirts and trainers, but they don’t need any special equipment like helmets or gloves. To play the game they don’t use sticks, bats or rackets. They just need a ball.

The first international tournament took place in 1886 in Ireland. However, today Gaelic football is quite popular in the USA and Australia.

Read the text about Gaelic football and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 _____ The Irish are good rugby players.

2 _____ Gaelic football is a combination of football and rugby.

3 _____ The players can’t touch the ball with their hands.

4 _____ The players wear helmets.

5 _____ Gaelic football is not popular in America.


Write what you did at the weekend and what it was like (70 -90 words).




Choose the right word and mark A, B, C or D

1 Georgia __________ like eating English breakfast.

A don’t         B doesn’t         C aren’t         D isn’t

2 Pam __________ breakfast at half past eight yesterday morning.

A has                 B have                 C is having         D had

3 How old __________ you in 2004?

A are                 B have                 C were                 D had

4 __________ you walk to the shops or take a bus?

A Are                 B Is                 C Does         D Do

5 Today is __________ than yesterday.

A much cold         B more cold         C colder         D cold

6 Which book are you __________ in the holidays?

A read                 B going to read             C will read         D have read

7 We __________ go to work yesterday because it was Sunday.

A don’t         B wasn’t         C didn’t         D weren’t

8 This exercise is __________ than that one.

A difficulty         B much difficult      C more difficult     D difficult

9 Are there __________ big shopping malls near your home?

A any                 B some         C the                 D a

10 How __________ milk do you put in your tea?

A many         B much         C any                 D some

11 I __________ this blouse at a shop in Paris last summer.

A bought         B brought           C buy                 D bring

12 We __________ the history of Bolivar last year.

A study         B studying         C studies         D studied

13 What is Harry __________ today?

A wear                 B wearing         C to wear         D wore

14 __________ never seen a tsunami.

A I’ve                 B I’m                 C I haven’t         D I was

15 Don’t buy that book. It’s not very good. You __________ enjoy it.

A will                 B can                 C won’t         D must


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