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Weather is the condition of the air that surrounds the earth.The weather may be hot or cold,cloudy or clear,windy or calm.It may bring rain,snow.We wear clothes depending largely on the weather.We put on heavy clothes when it is cold and dress lightly when it is hot.We also heat our homes in cold weather and cool them in hot weather.Our mood also depends on the weather.The weather has a great impact on agriculture. Farmers need clear weather to plant and harvest their crops.A storm or a sudde ...
19.03.2020 10:05 77
London is the capital of Great Britain.It is a political,industrial and cultural centre of the country.Eleven million people live in London.It is one of the biggest cities in the world.London is situated on the Thames River.It is the most important seaport in Great Britain.The oldest part of London is the City. The City is the business centre of London and the United Kingdom.There many big banks and business offices.Half a million people work in the City during the day, but only four and half ...
26.02.2020 20:17 68
Sport is very important in our life.It is popular among young and old people. Physical training is an important subject at school.Pupils have got physical training lessons twice a week.Boys and girls play volleyball and basketball at the lessons. There is a sports ground near our school and schoolchildren go in for sports in the open air. Many different competitions are held at schools, a great number of pupils take part in them.All participants try to get good results and become winners.Spor ...
26.02.2020 11:22 79

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