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Teachers deserve a lot of honor and appreciation for the wonderful work they do. They take raw and ignorant minds and shape and mould them into productive and skillful people who are able to take their place in life with confidence and hope. Indeed teaching is a great and noble profession because everyone, regardless of their station and position in life once sat at the feet of these great men and women even if only for a short time. Take time to think about all the teachers in your life and ...
05.10.2018 19:51 253
I am proud to be associated with a select group of people who help share a future and are better known as TEACHERS! Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions. Congratulations on Teacher's Day! Let all our hearts be really strong, healthy, big and awfully kind! Happy Teacher's Day! ...
05.10.2016 22:42 305
Dear Friends! It’s that time again. That time to trade in the loose routines of summer for the fixed schedules that a new school year requires. Back to school! All the best for a happy New School Year! May Peace, Hope and Success be with you Today, Tomorrow and Always ! Good luck with everything! ...
06.09.2016 22:09 438
I wish you lots of love, peace, endless joy, great health and enormous wealth! May your days be as glittery as diamond, may your friends be as good as gold, may your heart stay as green as emerald, and may your soul remain as pure as pearl. Пусть ваши дни сверкают, словно бриллианты, друзья будут на вес золота, пусть сердце ваше всегда остается зеленым (то есть молодым), словно изумруд, а душа — чистой, словно жемчужина. May your Christmas be filled with lo ...
25.12.2015 20:32 353

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