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2 Lesson -plan Saparbaeva

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«2 Lesson -plan Saparbaeva»

Teacher: Asel Saparbaeva

School: Jorobek Satylganov – Ak-Talaa Rayon, Naryn Oblast

Topic: Valentine’s Day in America

Grade: 8th form

Level: Pre- Intermediate

Objectives: 1) Students will be able to discuss Valentine’s Day. 2) Students will be able to match pictures with their descriptions . 3) Students will be able to make Valentine’s cards and make plans for the holiday.

Materials and Equipment: Blackboard, chalk, four sheets of flipchart, markers, colored papers and 10 pictures depicting American Valentine’s Day and slips of papers with descriptions. (provided).








Teacher gives hints about the topic. Students guess what topic they study today.

  • This is a holiday. Americans celebrate it in February . They make cards and give each other. Sometimes youth in Kyrgyzstan also celebrate it.

When students find the word “Valentine’s Day”, Teacher elicits from the students:

  • When do you celebrate the Valentine’s Day?

  • How do you celebrate it?

  • How Americans celebrate it?

Class- all students in turn by raising hands.

5 minutes.



Teacher has 10 pictures and their descriptions on the slips of papers.



Eating at the cafe

Last Valentine’s day was fantastic. We went to the restaurant and had delicious food for dinner.

Watching movies

I like watching movies. Every year I go to the cinema on Valentine’s Day with my husband.

Going to picnic

Americans like to go to picnic. On Valentine’s Day sometimes they go to country side , breath with fresh air and have snacks there.

Giving gifts

My grandparents live in Colorado. Every year they celebrate Valentine’s Day and give each other gifts.

Eating chocolate

My favorite chocolate is Alpen Gold. My boyfriend knows that and buys me a lot of chocolates on Valentine’s Day.


At the weekends and on the holidays we go dancing.

Cooking dinner together

Every year we celebrate Valentine’s Day different. Last year we went to a picnic, this year we are cooking dinner together at home.

Buying a gift

I like to get gifts from my husband. He bought jewelry for the Valentine’s Day for me.

Go to a trip

On this Valentine’s Day we are planning to travel. We will go to ……..

Propose marriage

My boyfriend is very romantic. He asked to marry me on the Valentine’s Day.

Teacher mixes pictures with their descriptions and gives to each student either picture or the description of the picture. Students should match pictures with the descriptions and find their partners. When all the students match their own pictures with the descriptions and find their partners they will present their work to the whole class.

After that students and a teacher will discuss how Americans celebrate Valentine’s day.

Teacher shows Valentine card as an example.

Pair work

15 minutes



Teacher gives students colored papers and students make Valentine cards, write their wishes and give each other.

Individual work

10 minutes



Teacher divides students into 4 groups and gives to each group different topic. Groups make plan for Valentine’s Day according to their topics and write on a flipchart. Groups’ topics are the followings:

Group #1- Going to picnic

Group #2-Cook dinner together

Group #3-Propose marriage

Group#4-Go to a trip

After writing their plans on a flipcharts, groups hang them on the walls. Students do “Gallery walk”, they go around, see the plans, if they have something to add to the plans they can.

Group work

13 minutes


Homework and Evaluation

Evaluation will be formative. The teacher should pay attention to individual students to see who understands the topic and concepts discussed and who will need further explanation.

Homework: Students will write a short paragraph about what they like about American Valentine’s Day and what they do not and why.

Individual work

2 minutes for explanation of homework.


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