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5 кл. Викторина Santa_Claus_Quiz

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Викторина Santa Claus Quiz составлена в период введения дистанционного обучения в условиях повышенной опасности заражения новым типом вируса.

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«5 кл. Викторина Santa_Claus_Quiz»

What do you know about Santa Claus?

  1. Where is Santa from?

  1. The UK.

  2. The North Pole.

  3. The USA.

  1. What colour is his costume?

  1. It’s green.

  2. It’s white.

  3. It’s red.

  1. His boots and belt are usually ….

  1. black

  2. red

  3. brown

Circle the right option.

  1. He is …

  1. old and sad.

  2. plump and jolly.

  3. thin and greedy.

  1. And he’s got a … beard.

  1. black

  2. grey

  3. white

  1. He goes into your house through the ….

  1. window.

  2. chimney.

  3. front door.

  1. How does he go from house to house?

  1. On a sleigh.

  2. On a horse.

  3. By car.

  1. His sleigh is pulled by … reindeer.

  1. three.

  2. six.

  3. nine.

  1. … is the most famous reindeer.

  1. Blitzen.

  2. Rudolph.

  3. Vixen.

  1. Rudolph’s nose is … .

  1. white.

  2. brown.

  3. red.

  1. What are Santa’s reindeer favourite treats?

  1. Cabbage.

  2. Carrots and

sugar cubes.

  1. Potatoes.

  1. Santa likes eating ….

  1. chocolate.

  2. cookies.

  3. soup.

  1. Santa’s helpers are ….

  1. ghosts.

  2. fairies.

  3. elves.

  1. What do most elves wear

on the tip of

their shoes?

  1. Bells.

  2. Holly.

  3. Stars.

  1. Santa checks

his list … .

  1. once.

  2. twice.

  3. three times.

  1. Where does he carry the toys?

  1. In his pocket.

  2. In a box.

  3. In a sack.

  1. He delivers the gifts on … .

  1. Christmas Eve.

  2. Christmas Day.

  3. Boxing Day.

Ответы викторины (теста) РОЖДЕСТВО:

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. c

6. b
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. c

11. b
12. b
13. c
14. a
15. a

16. a
17. b


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