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5 класс английский язык 3 четверть контрольная работа

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Контрольная работа за 3 четверть 5 класс УМК Вербицкая

Содержание работы:

  1. Чтение текста, установление соответствий утверждений и содержания текста.
  2. Проверка знания(написания) неправильных глаголов
  3. Умение переделывать предложения из утвердительных в отрицительные
  4. Употребление Present Perfect
  5. Употребление Пассивного залога.

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«5 класс английский язык 3 четверть контрольная работа»

Test-paper №3 (5 Form) 1 variant.

  1. Прочитай текст. Напиши, соответствуют ли утверждения тексту. True (верно) or False (неверно).

Robert Burns, a well-known and popular Scottish poet was born in 1759,in a poor farming family. There were seven children in it. Robert read a lot. His favourite writer was Shakespeare.

At the age of 15 began to write poems. He wrote about people and every day things. His song “Auld Lang Syne” is known to everybody in Scotland. They sing this song on the first of January. Robert Burns died in 1796. People all over the world know and love his poems.

  1. Robert Burns was a Russian poet.

  2. Robert Burns family wasn’t rich.

  3. Robert liked to read Shakespeare's books.

  4. His poems were about people.

  5. People sing his song on Christmas.

  6. 1896 is the date of his death.

  1. Напиши 3 формы глаголов.

Become____________, like_________, spend________, hurt________, go___________.

  1. Переделай предложения в отрицательные.

  1. Mark brought me a cake.

2 .They travel to America every summer.

3 .We have built the new house.

4 .Mark and Antony are playing chess now.

5.Tom waters the flowers every Sunday.

IV. Используй the Present Perfect (have/has+V3)

1. Kate_________ (lose) the key.

2. We________ (enter) the library.

3. They__________ (not/ find) the information for their poster.

4. Tom and Andrew__________ (write) the article for the magazine.

5. _____you ever_____(to be) in the USA?

V. Раскрой скобки, используя the Passive Voice. (to be+V3)

  1. Maslenitsa _______ (celebrate) in winter.

  2. Collecting coins ______ (call) “the hobby of the kings”.

  3. The first bicycle ________(invent) in 1840.

  4. The trees _______(cut) every month.

  5. The books _______ (write) in the last century.

  1. Выбери подходящее слово: наречие или прилагательное.

1. My sister is a…a) carefuly b) careful c) carefully... driver.

2. Mary sings….a) bad b) badly c) good.

3. Kirill is really…a) well b) badly c) bad…. at Maths.

4. My teacher speaks …a) soft b) softly c) quiet.


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