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5 класс. Тест по лексике.

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Лексический тест по английскому языку для учащихся 5 класса, изучающих английский язык по УМК "Английский с удовольствием" - ФГОС (Биболетова М.З и др.).  Этот тест создан для проверки лексических навыков. Ученики самостоятельно могут проверить насколько хорошо ими усвоена лексическая сторона данного раздела.

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«5 класс. Тест по лексике.»

5 класс. Тест по лексике

I уровень сложности

  1. Задание: зачеркните ненужное слово каждого ряда.

а) an apple, a cabbage, an apricot, a banana, an orange, a pear;

b) a potato, a tomato, a carrot, a pear, an onion, a cabbage.

2. Задание: выберите нужный цвет для ответа на вопрос.

1) What colour is an apricot? a) purple b) green c) yellow

2) What colour is an apple? a) black b) brown c) red

3) What colour is a potato a) white b) orange c) brown

4) What colour is a cabbage a) grey b) blue c) green

5) What colour is a carrot? a) brown b) red c) orange

Выберите и вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово.

3. Задание:

1) He is from Northern Ireland. He is … a) English b) Irish c) Russian

2) She is from Wales. She is… a) Scottish b) Welsh c) English

3) He is from Scotland. He is … a) English b) Scottish c) Irish

4) She is from England. She is… a) Russian b) Welsh; c) English

4. Задание:

1) I like to play the piano. My hobby is … a) painting b) music c) reading

2) He likes to draw pictures. His hobby is … a) collecting coins b) collecting computer games c) drawing

3) The artist likes to paint pictures. His hobby is … a) painting b) photography c) drawing

5. Задание:

1) My favourite sport is… a) music b) football c) reading

2) Her favourite sport is… a) collecting coins b) tennis c) drawing

3) His favourite sport is… a) photography b) collecting computer games c) boxing

6. Задание:

1) What do we write with? a) brush b) pen c) pencil

2) What do we draw with? a) pencil b) brush c) pen

3) Where do we put pens and pencils? We put them into the … a) cup b) pencil-box c) book

4) Where do we sit at the lesson? We sit at the … a) sofa b) desks c) chairs

5) What do we read at the lesson? a) textbooks b) papers c) pencil-box

6) Where do we write in? We write in our … a)exercise-books b) calculators c) bags

7) What is there on the wall? There is a … a) picture b) flowers c) maps

8) What do we count with? We count with … a) pen b) book c) calculator

9) What are children in the classroom? They are … a) doctors b) teachers c) pupils

10) Who teachers the children? The … teach the children. a) students b) teachers c) officers


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