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Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

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Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body's ability to fight infection and disease.

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«Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)»



Content: 1.What is AIDS 2. Causes of AIDS 3. AIDS transmission factors 4. AIDS symptoms 5. AIDS diagnosis 6. AIDS treatment 7. AIDS prevention


1.What is AIDS

2. Causes of AIDS

3. AIDS transmission factors

4. AIDS symptoms

5. AIDS diagnosis

6. AIDS treatment

7. AIDS prevention

What is AIDS: AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection, when, due to a weakened immune system, a person becomes defenseless against any infections and some types of cancer .

What is AIDS:

AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection, when, due to a weakened immune system, a person becomes defenseless against any infections and some types of cancer .

Causes of AIDS Almost all cases of AIDS are caused by HIV infection, so this term is used to describe the end stage of HIV.  Other causes of severe immunodeficiency can be damaging radiation, genetic mutations, taking anticancer drugs.

Causes of AIDS

Almost all cases of AIDS are caused by HIV infection, so this term is used to describe the end stage of HIV.

Other causes of severe immunodeficiency can be damaging radiation, genetic mutations, taking anticancer drugs.

AIDS transmission factors 1.Human biological fluids. 2.Honey tool infected with a virus. 3.Personal hygiene items: razors, manicure sets, toothbrushes and toothpicks, combs.

AIDS transmission factors

1.Human biological fluids.

2.Honey tool infected with a virus.

3.Personal hygiene items: razors, manicure sets, toothbrushes and toothpicks, combs.

AIDS symptoms an incubation period lasts several years after infection, during which a person has no obvious symptoms. Only after a while, when the virus significantly weakens the immune system, does the final phase of the disease begin, in which the symptoms of AIDS appear.  The main symptom of AIDS is the development of secondary lesions, which are almost never found in healthy people (tumor).

AIDS symptoms

an incubation period lasts several years after infection, during which a person has no obvious symptoms. Only after a while, when the virus significantly weakens the immune system, does the final phase of the disease begin, in which the symptoms of AIDS appear.

The main symptom of AIDS is the development of secondary lesions, which are almost never found in healthy people (tumor).

 AIDS diagnosis AIDS is established after confirmation of HIV infection and immune disorders based on the clinical and general laboratory picture of the disease.  blood PCR Immunological tests

AIDS diagnosis

AIDS is established after confirmation of HIV infection and immune disorders based on the clinical and general laboratory picture of the disease.

  • blood PCR
  • Immunological tests
AIDS treatment  Prevent the development of AIDS, it is necessary to start specific antiretroviral therapy as early as possible , which inhibits the virus and improves immunity.

AIDS treatment

Prevent the development of AIDS, it is necessary to start specific antiretroviral therapy as early as possible , which inhibits the virus and improves immunity.

 AIDS prevention Use condoms during sexual intercourse; Use disposable or sterile instruments when performing any interventions that violate the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes; Avoid risky sexual behavior and not use drugs;  Be regularly tested for HIV if the person is at risk;  Adhere to a healthy diet; exercise regularly; give up smoking and alcohol,

AIDS prevention

Use condoms during sexual intercourse;

Use disposable or sterile instruments when performing any interventions that violate the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes;

Avoid risky sexual behavior and not use drugs;

Be regularly tested for HIV if the person is at risk;

Adhere to a healthy diet; exercise regularly; give up smoking and alcohol,

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