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Activity 2 (to finish stories)

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This is task for project plan(activities ) 

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«Activity 2 (to finish stories)»

The Bear and the Travellers

Two travellers were on a long journey through the countryside. They were walking along a track on the edge of some wood, when, some way ahead of them, they suddenly spotted a great bear ambling towards them. They were not sure whether the bear had seen them, but not wanting to take any risks, the first traveller climbed up the first tree and hid amongst the high branches. ………………………………………………………………………………..

12 Months

The stepdaughter was sent to the forest for the brushwoods. As she came back home with the brushwoods her stepmother sent her to the wood again to get the snowdrops. IN DECEMBER! Where could she get the snowdrops in December?   …………………………………………………. 


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