Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Готовые ключевые этапы урока всегда будут у вас под рукой

Организационный момент

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Объяснение материала

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Итоги урока

After rain comes fine weather.. 8 кл урок 1-2 юнит 1

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Класс: 8

Тема урока: After rain comes fine weather..

Цели урока:

- развитие навыков аудирования и чтения

- введение и активизация новой лексики

- воспитание любви и заботливого отношения к окружающей природе, месту, где мы живем.

Оборудование: речевые опоры,  диск с аудиозаписью.


ХОД УРОКА.  I. Орг. момент.  1) Приветствие.

 Good morning, pupils!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I am glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

Ok. What is the weather like today?

- The weather is …

- Thank you.

2) Проблема: прослушивание стихотворения Now we’re going to listen to the poem.. Guess the problem what we are going to discuss. 

Просмотр содержимого документа
«After rain comes fine weather»

Класс: 8

Тема урока: After rain comes fine weather..

Цели урока:

- развитие навыков аудирования и чтения

- введение и активизация новой лексики

- воспитание любви и заботливого отношения к окружающей природе, месту, где мы живем.

Оборудование: речевые опоры, диск с аудиозаписью.

I. Орг. момент. 
1) Приветствие.

 Good morning, pupils!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I am glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

Ok. What is the weather like today?

- The weather is …

- Thank you.

2) Проблема: прослушивание стихотворения
Now we’re going to listen to the poem.. Guess the problem what we are going to discuss. 

What’s the Weather Like Today?

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. 
What’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it rainy?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s quite funny
How it’s changing.
    и ответить на вопрос:     What are we going to speak about today?

We are going to discuss the weather in different parts of countries.

We are going to discuss everyday temperature.

We are going to discuss the climate.
We are going to discussthe weather forecast.

-Yes, you’re absolutely right. Today we’re going to discuss different kinds of weather
in different parts of our planet.We start to speak about the weather and get to know more useful and interesting information. One will be about how to make a weather forecast

II. Фонетическаязарядка.

 -But first let’s read the poem about some kind of weather. Open your books, page 6, ex. 1. Who would like to read it?

When the weather is wet 
We must not fret, 
When the weather is cold 
We must not scold. 
When the weather is warm 
We must not storm. 
But be thankful together 
Whatever the weather. 

- Very well! Let’s read it all together quickly.

- Can you give the Russian equivalent to it? 

Какой бы ни была погода, 
Не важно, что за время года — 
Пускай хоть дождик, жаркий зной, 
Пускай мороз, снежинок рой. 
Порой готовы разозлиться… 
А зря! Ей так и не смениться — 
Не дуйтесь на её невзгоды, 
А радуйтесь любой погоде! 

Fret – волноваться, беспокоиться. 
Scold – ругать, бранить. 
Storm – кричать, горячиться.

What is the main idea of the poem? 

As for me I think…

-Youre absolutely right

III. Речевая зарядка + ознакомление с новой лексикой

Now we will do some tasks for learning of new words. You should join the pictures with their meaning – page 6, ex. 3.

Also you need learn the parts of world and guess what the weather in each parts. Page 7, ex. 5.

IV. Основная часть урока.


Page 7, ex. 6. We will read the rules of conversation about the weather in Britain. And ex. 7 – make a dialogue using ex. 6.


Read the rules ex. 9.

Диалогическая речь

Ex. 10. read, listen and act the dialogue.


Are you tired? Let’s have a rest.

Make 3-4 circular motions with your eyes to the right and to the left at a moderate pace. 2. Close your eyes, counting from 1 to 3! Open your eyes and look into the distance, counting from 1 to 5 . ( 4-5 times)

V. Заключительная часть урока. 

T: So, the lesson is coming up to the end. Your hometask – page 8, ex. 11. You need make up short statement about the weather.

Просмотр содержимого документа

Fill in the chart:









Fill in the chart:









Fill in the chart:









Fill in the chart:









Fill in the chart:









Просмотр содержимого документа
«Grammar Task»

Write the sentences in Future Simple:

  1. He draws well.

  2. The day is cool.

  3. Children read interesting books at home.

  4. We open the window in our room.

  5. We go to the cinema in the afternoon.

  6. She watches a new comedy on TV.

  7. The boy takes his dog for a walk.

  8. I write a letter to Mr.Jackson.

  9. The girls help their mother about the house.

Write the sentences in Future Simple:

  1. He draws well.

  2. The day is cool.

  3. Children read interesting books at home.

  4. We open the window in our room.

  5. We go to the cinema in the afternoon.

  6. She watches a new comedy on TV.

  7. The boy takes his dog for a walk.

  8. I write a letter to Mr.Jackson.

  9. The girls help their mother about the house.

Write the sentences in Future Simple:

  1. He draws well.

  2. The day is cool.

  3. Children read interesting books at home.

  4. We open the window in our room.

  5. We go to the cinema in the afternoon.

  6. She watches a new comedy on TV.

  7. The boy takes his dog for a walk.

  8. I write a letter to Mr.Jackson.

  9. The girls help their mother about the house.

Write the sentences in Future Simple:

  1. He draws well.

  2. The day is cool.

  3. Children read interesting books at home.

  4. We open the window in our room.

  5. We go to the cinema in the afternoon.

  6. She watches a new comedy on TV.

  7. The boy takes his dog for a walk.

  8. I write a letter to Mr.Jackson.

  9. The girls help their mother about the house.

Просмотр содержимого документа

Answer the questions:

1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?

2) Tell about the weather in Italy?

3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?

4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?

5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, and South)?

Answer the questions:

1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?

2) Tell about the weather in Italy?

3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?

4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?

5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, and South)?

Answer the questions:

1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?

2) Tell about the weather in Italy?

3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?

4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?

5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, and South)?

Answer the questions:

1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?

2) Tell about the weather in Italy?

3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?

4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?

5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, and South)?

Answer the questions:

1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?

2) Tell about the weather in Italy?

3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?

4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?

5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, and South)?

Answer the questions:

1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?

2) Tell about the weather in Italy?

3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?

4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?

5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, and South)?

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Конспект урока»

Конспект урока английского языка 5 класс

Тема: Погода


1) познакомить учащихся со страноведческими аспектами,

2) развивать умение применять материал в практических ситуациях,

3) расширять кругозор учащихся.


  1. Формирование лексического навыка употребления слов по теме «Погода»,

  2. формирование умения чтения и проверка умения говорения,

  3. контроль грамматических навыков

Класс: 5-А

Учебник: Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis “Way Ahead 4”, MACMILLAN EDUCATION LTD

Материал: компьютер, мультимедиа проектор, раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

  1. Орг.момент

  2. Проверка домашнего задания

  3. Новый материал “Weather”

  4. Фон. Зарядка

According to the weather forecast…

The weather forecast says that…

A thunderstorm



A heavy shower

It will be rainy

It will be cool

It will be foggy

It will be windy

It will be dull

It will be nasty

It will be bright

It will be awful

It looks like rain/ snow/ gale/thunderstorm

Read the questions you should answer during the presentation:

1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?

2) Tell about the weather in Italy?

3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?

4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?

5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, and South)?

5.Демонстрация презентации

6.Выполнение послетекстового упражнения

7.Проверка упражнения

8. Grammar Exercise

9. Итоги урока

10. Домашнее задание

11. Заключение

Просмотр содержимого документа
«After rain comes fine weather продолжение»

Класс: 8

Тема урока: After rain comes fine weather..

Цели урока:

- развитие навыков аудирования и чтения

- введение и активизация новой лексики

- воспитание любви и заботливого отношения к окружающей природе, месту, где мы живем.

Оборудование: речевые опоры, диск с аудиозаписью.

I. Орг. момент. 
1) Приветствие.

 Good morning, pupils!

-Good morning, teacher!

-I am glad to see you, sit down please. Who is on duty today? Who is absent?

Ok. What is the weather like today?

- The weather is

- Thank you.

2) Проблема: прослушивание стихотворения
Now we’re going to listen to the poem.. Guess the problem what we are going to discuss. 

What’s the Weather Like Today?

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. 
What’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it rainy?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s quite funny
How it’s changing.
    и ответить на вопрос:     What are we going to speak about today?

We are going to discuss the weather in different parts of countries.

We are going to discuss everyday temperature.

We are going to discuss the climate.
We are going to discussthe weather forecast.

-Yes, you’re absolutely right. Today we’re going to discuss different kinds of weather
in different parts of our planet.We start to speak about the weather and get to know more useful and interesting information. One will be about how to make a weather forecast

II. Фонетическаязарядка.

 -But first let’s read the poem about some kind of weather. Open your books, page 6, ex. 1. Who would like to read it?

When the weather is wet 
We must not fret, 
When the weather is cold 
We must not scold. 
When the weather is warm 
We must not storm. 
But be thankful together 
Whatever the weather. 

- Very well! Let’s read it all together quickly.

- Can you give the Russian equivalent to it? 

Какой бы ни была погода, 
Не важно, что за время года — 
Пускай хоть дождик, жаркий зной, 
Пускай мороз, снежинок рой. 
Порой готовы разозлиться… 
А зря! Ей так и не смениться — 
Не дуйтесь на её невзгоды, 
А радуйтесь любой погоде! 

Fret – волноваться, беспокоиться. 
Scold – ругать, бранить. 
Storm – кричать, горячиться.

What is the main idea of the poem? 

As for me I think…

-You’re absolutely right

III. Речеваяз арядка + ознакомление с новой лексикой

Well, how do we know about the everyday temperature?

- On TV, radio, use thermometer.

-Yes, you are right. But are all thermometers in all courtiers equal? What scales do you know?

Look at the blackboard please. There are some useful words on it, let’s read them.

Centigrade – шкала температур

Celsius – Цельсий

Fahrenheit – шкала температур по Фаренгейту

temperature – температура

above zero – выше нуля

below zero – ниже нуля

degree – градус

forecast – прогноз погоды, прогнозировать погоду.

-Let’s read these words all together after me. Now read them one by one, begin please.

Open your books on p.8 ex.16. So what scales are used in different countries? Let’s read! Now can you answer my question?

- In Russia Celsius scale is used. In Britain they use both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. In the USA temperature is measured in Fahrenheit.

IV. Основнаячастьурока.


Now we are going to listen to forecasts in different courtiers. Look at the table in ex.16 p.9. There are some names of big cities there, let’s remember their pronunciation, repeat these names after me. Very well! Now listen to the recording of the weather forecast and fill in the table. Be very attentive!







St Petersburg







cool, wet

sunny, cloudy

cloudy, windy

dry, warm

sunny, dry

wet, hot

sunny, cloudy

stormy, windy

cloudy , dry










Now let’s check if you have done this task correct. Look at the blackboard please. One of you asks the question and another gives a full answer according to he information he had written in his table.

Question: What was the weather like in …?

Answer: It was … and … in … It was … degrees above (below) zero.

Are you ready to start? Who would like to be the first?


- What was the weather like in Amsterdam?

- It was cool and wet in Amsterdam. It was 6 degrees above zero. What was the weather like in Moscow?

- - It was sunny and cloudy in Moscow. It was 1 degree below zero. What was the weather like in St Petersburg?


We have read about changing the temperature according to the scale in ex.15. Now let’s try to complete the dialogue with the correct temperature! Ex.17 p.9. Who would like to read the dialogue? Well, how can we complete it? Very well. Now let’s listen to the recording and check if you are right.

Key: - I think it is +10 degrees Centigrade.

- That’s right! Thank you.


Are you tired? Let’s have a rest.

Make 3-4 circular motions with your eyes to the right and to the left at a moderate pace. 2. Close your eyes, counting from 1 to 3! Open your eyes and look into the distance, counting from 1 to 5 . ( 4-5 times)


Now you know what the weather can be and how to tell about the weather forecast. Look at the table in ex.19 p.9. Listen to the weather forecast and tick the right variant. Tell you classmates about the weather for tomorrow.

Answer: In the morning it will be wet and cloudy. The temperature will be from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius above zero. At noon it will be sunshine and a light wind. The temperature will be 56-60 degrees Fahrenheit above zero.


С9 №20


Let’s continue our work in groups.

Now I’ll give you 5 minutes to write a weather forecast in our area for tomorrow in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Useex19, 20, 21 p.9 inyourStudentsbooks.

Составление проектов на плакатах по группам. 1- погода на утро 2- погода на день 3-погода на вечер.

Are you ready? Доска: The weather forecast

P1 –рассказывает и прикрепляет к доске

P2 - рассказывает и прикрепляет к доске

P3 - рассказывает и прикрепляет к доске

Well, now look at the blackboard. Our project “The weather forecast” is ready

III. Заключительная часть урока. 

T: So, the lesson is coming up to the end.

I would like you to appreciate your work in each group. 
(В каждой группе есть оценочный лист, и учащиеся оценивают работу каждого члена 
Well, I see that your opinion coincides with yours. Your marks … 

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«The Weather»

Prezentacii.com The Weather


The Weather

What can the weather be like ?   Clear Good  Dry Cloudy Snowy Stormy Hot Humid Cool Cold Wonderful Sunny Warm Sultry Frosty Wet Dreadful Windy  Fine  Sleety Rainy Foggy Misty Bad  Terrible Nasty Freezing Calm

What can the weather be like ?





























Match the words to the symbols 1 Sunny 2 foggy 3 cloudy 4 rainy 5 snowy 6 thunder and lightning a b d c f e

Match the words to the symbols

1 Sunny

2 foggy

3 cloudy

4 rainy

5 snowy

6 thunder and lightning







to pour to heat to rise to drizzle to storm to warm to drop to lighten to clear  up To influence to thunder to expect The weather in verbs to listen to to change to freeze to observe to forecast to sleet to shine to dry to fall to melt to blow to rain to snow

to pour

to heat

to rise

to drizzle

to storm

to warm

to drop

to lighten

to clear up

To influence

to thunder

to expect

The weather in verbs

to listen to

to change

to freeze

to observe

to forecast

to sleet

to shine

to dry

to fall

to melt

to blow

to rain

to snow

What weather do you like?  Answer choosing some expressions: Calm Windy Foggy Clear Cold Warm Cool Hot Dry Wet Sunny Cloudy My favourite weather is Heavy showers a lot of snow a lot of sunshine a thick fog Fine drizzle Light rain Hard hailstorm Prolonged frost Thunder and lightning I like the weather with

What weather do you like?

Answer choosing some expressions:













My favourite weather is

Heavy showers

a lot of snow

a lot of sunshine

a thick fog

Fine drizzle

Light rain

Hard hailstorm

Prolonged frost

Thunder and lightning

I like the weather with

Describe the weather in the picture

Describe the weather in the picture

What is the weather like today?

What is the weather like today?

  • It is … (fine, cloudy) today.
  • The atmospheric pressure is … (high, low…).
  • The sun is shining (It is raining).
  • It is … (warm, cold).
  • The temperature is …-… degrees (below, above) zero.
  • The wind is blowing from the (south, north, south-east…).
  • The wind is (warm, cold, strong, light…).
What is the weather in the pictures? Use the structure: To be + V-ing

What is the weather in the pictures?

Use the structure:

To be + V-ing

What is the weather in different parts today?  Describe:  Temperature Precipitations Clouds Wind Atmospheric pressure Atmospheric phenomena

What is the weather in different parts today?

Describe: Temperature




Atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric phenomena

What was the weather yesterday? Describe: the temperature, precipitations, the wind direction, the clouds, the atmospheric pressure… Don’t forget to use the V-structure: was/were + V-ing V (ed), V 2  for example : It was not cold yesterday.  The wind blew from the west.

What was the weather yesterday?

Describe: the temperature, precipitations, the wind direction, the clouds, the atmospheric pressure…

Don’t forget to use the V-structure:

was/were + V-ing

V (ed), V 2

for example : It was not cold yesterday.

The wind blew from the west.

Let’s play : you are the weather  forecast.  What will  the weather be like   in our city tomorrow?  In Great Britain?  Use the verb structure : It will be …  The weather will be …

Let’s play : you are the weather forecast. What will the weather be like in our city tomorrow? In Great Britain? Use the verb structure : It will be … The weather will be

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint»

Учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназии №1554 Типикина Юлия Алексеевна

Учитель английского языка ГБОУ гимназии №1554

Типикина Юлия Алексеевна

Weather According to the weather forecast… The weather forecast says that… A thunderstorm Gale Fog A heavy shower Согласно прогнозу погоды… В прогнозе погоды говорится, что… Гроза Буря Туман Сильный ливень


  • According to the weather forecast…
  • The weather forecast says that…
  • A thunderstorm
  • Gale
  • Fog
  • A heavy shower

Согласно прогнозу погоды…

В прогнозе погоды говорится, что…




Сильный ливень

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

  • It will be rainy
  • It will be cool
  • It will be foggy
  • It will be windy
  • It will be dull
  • It will be nasty
  • It will be bright
  • It will be awful
  • It looks like rain/ snow/ gale/thunderstorm
  • Дождливая
  • Прохладная
  • Туманная
  • Ветреная
  • Пасмурная
  • Ненастная
  • Ясная
  • Ужасная
  • Похоже, что будет дождь/снег/буря/гроза.
Answer the questions:

Answer the questions:

  • 1) What will the weather be like in the South of France tomorrow?
  • 2) Tell about the weather in Italy?
  • 3) Will it rain in the North of Norway?
  • 4) What will the weather be like in the South of Norway?
  • 5) Tell about the weather forecast in Russia for tomorrow (East, West, North, South)?
Weather Forecast for tomorrow

Weather Forecast for tomorrow



France  According to the weather forecast for tomorrow it will be cloudy in the North of France and sunny, becoming cloudy in the  afternoon in the South.


According to the

weather forecast

for tomorrow it will be

cloudy in the North of

France and sunny,

becoming cloudy in the

afternoon in the South.



  • Heavy showers in the West and a
  • mix of sun and cloud in the East
Norway The weather forecast says that it will snow in the North and rain in the South. The weather will be dull and nasty.


The weather forecast says that

it will snow in the North and

rain in the South. The weather

will be dull and nasty.

Russia  According to the weather forecast, it will be foggy in the East, rainy in the South, it will snow and rain in the West. It looks like rain and thunderstorm in the North.


According to the weather forecast, it will be foggy in the East, rainy in the South, it will snow and rain in the West. It looks like rain and thunderstorm in the North.



  • Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis “Way Ahead 4”, MACMILLAN EDUCATION LTD
  • http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?p=9&text=%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B7%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D1%8B%20%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F&pos=292&uinfo=ww-1349-wh-667-fw-1124-fh-461-pd-1&rpt=simage&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.rb.ru%2Fupload%2Farchive%2Fimg%2Fcontent%2Ftemp850.gif


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