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«Агата Кристи». УМК " Звездный английский" 7 класс.

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««Агата Кристи». УМК " Звездный английский" 7 класс.»

“ Agatha Christie – a well-known Detective Novelist”

Agatha Christie – a well-known Detective Novelist”

The Queen of Great Britain and Agatha Cristie

The Queen of Great Britain and Agatha Cristie

Agatha’s house and room

Agatha’s house and room

Agatha Christie is writing her exciting crime novels

Agatha Christie is writing her exciting crime novels

Hercule Poirot and Miss Marpel – the main heroes of Christie’s novels

Hercule Poirot and Miss Marpel – the main heroes of Christie’s novels

Agatha Christie is the best-selling writer of her time. She is called the Queen of Crime

Agatha Christie is the best-selling writer of her time.

She is called the Queen of Crime


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