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Air pollution lesson plan

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Air pollution

The aim of the lesson:1. To teach pupils to get main information from  reading, from the Internet, from other subjects; to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of the ways to help,  to solve them.

2.To develop oral speech, to improve pronunciation, to train thematic vocabulary; to summarize grammar on  Second Conditional; to develop reading skills.

3. To develop memory and attention.

Type of the lesson: perfection of knowledge and complex application of knowledge and ways of activity.

Interaction: Biology, Geography, Chemistry.

Equipment: slides on reflecting environmental pollution, set of pictures.

Methods:group work


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«Air pollution lesson plan»

Air pollution

The aim of the lesson:1. To teach pupils to get main information from reading, from the Internet, from other subjects; to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of the ways to help, to solve them.

2.To develop oral speech, to improve pronunciation, to train thematic vocabulary; to summarize grammar on Second Conditional; to develop reading skills.

3. To develop memory and attention.

Type of the lesson: perfection of knowledge and complex application of knowledge and ways of activity.

Interaction: Biology, Geography, Chemistry.

Equipment: slides on reflecting environmental pollution, set of pictures.

Methods:group work

The procedure;

  1. Organization moment.

Good morning, boys and girls. A dutier’s report.

  1. Checking up home work

Exercise 15. Read the sentences and complete them.

Exercise 16. Project work about Aral Sea.

  1. Asking from the past theme;

1.a.What is First Conditional Sentence? Give examples.

b.What’s the problem of Aral Sea?

c.Why has Aral Sea lost its natural balance?

2.Warm up. Now close your eyes and think about fresh air and say:

I’m walking by the river.

I’m walking in the forest.

I’m walking by the river to meet my friend.

IV. Preaparation to the new theme;

1.Vocabulary work. Let’s read and repeat.

Affect- әсер ету lead-жүргізу, басқару

Mankind-адамзат emissions-шығару

Measure- өлшем, дәреже promote-алға итеру, көтеру

Flood- су тасқыны encourage-жігерлендіру,

Seep out- өтіп кету fossil-қазбалы

Fuel-отын, жанармай contribute-көмектесу

V.Explaining the new theme. Today we’ll speak about air pollution.

1.Air pollution is a community problem. Cars, buses and airplanes are the worst pollutants.They seriously burned gases into the air. The air can be also polluted by smoke and gases . The air may be carried away by wind and by air currents, or settle over. Here are some causes of air pollution: 1. Factories

2. Petroleum 3. Power lines 4. Pesticides 5. Fertilizer dust 6.Indoor air pollution 7. Mining operatots

2. Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. People suffer from: respiratory infections, heart disease, lung cancer.Let’s watch a video about air pollution.

3.Grammar: Second conditional is used to express unreal actions.

Form. If+Past simple+Would+Infinitve

Positive. If I ate cake, I would get fat.

Negative. If he got up earlier, he wouldn’t always be late.

Question. What would you do if you won a lot of money?

VI.Checking up understanding.

Exercise 1.p 97. Read the sentences.

1.If I saw a UFO in the park , I wouldn’t be afraid of it.

2. If my friend were here , he would help me.

3.If I were you , I’d plant trees every spring.

VII. Consolidation of the new theme:

1.What will happen if we don’t protect the Earth?

2. What do the Kazakh word “Zhasyl” and ‘ el” mean?

3.What do you think of air pollution?

4.What are the most polluted cities in Kazakhstan?

5.Do you plant trees every year? If “ yes” why? If “no” why?

VIII. Home work. 1.To learn the new words by heart.

2.Write about the President’s tree-planting project around Astana.


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