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All treasures from the Kargopol region

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«All treasures from the Kargopol region»

All treasures from the Kargopol region

All treasures from the Kargopol region

 Here is a map of the Kargopol Region

Here is a map of the Kargopol Region

The land of Kargopol, lying around the Lake Lache and the River Onega, is an administrative unit of the Arkhangelsk Region, in the south-west of the Russia.
  • The land of Kargopol, lying around the Lake Lache and the River Onega, is an administrative unit of the Arkhangelsk Region, in the south-west of the Russia.
In the 16 th and 17 th centuries , the town of Kargopol was one of Russia’s major culturel and trading centres.
  • In the 16 th and 17 th centuries , the town of Kargopol was one of Russia’s major culturel and trading centres.
In the 17 th centure the architecture attend to such a high level as to form a distinctive local school; applied arts and folk crafts as well as the calligraphy, emerged and throne in the land; the local school of icon painting was well known all over the country.
  • In the 17 th centure the architecture attend to such a high level as to form a distinctive local school; applied arts and folk crafts as well as the calligraphy, emerged and throne in the land; the local school of icon painting was well known all over the country.
View of Kargopol from the Kolobova Hill

View of Kargopol from the Kolobova Hill

 A postcard by Ivan Bilibin , representing a married woman of Kargopol District, Olonetsk Province. It was written in 1905.

A postcard by Ivan Bilibin ,

representing a married

woman of Kargopol District, Olonetsk Province. It was written in 1905.

Embroided women's smock of the first half of the 19 th centure, worked in double-sided, geometric and satin stitches with gold and flax threads and silks on linen. Length 109 sm.

Embroided women's smock of the first half of the 19 th centure, worked in double-sided, geometric and satin stitches with gold and flax threads and silks on linen. Length 109 sm.

Detail of a wedding headdress of the second half of the 19 th centure, couchworked in gold and silver and decorated with false pearls on brocade and linen. Village of Krivtsy.

Detail of a wedding headdress of the second half of the 19 th centure, couchworked in gold and silver and decorated with false pearls on brocade and linen. Village of Krivtsy.

Village of Niz: Kargopol weavers lived here

Village of Niz: Kargopol weavers lived here

Village of Grinevo, the centure of Kargopol earthernware toys maker Ulyana Babkina, the oldest earthernware toys maker

Village of Grinevo,

the centure of Kargopol

earthernware toys maker

Ulyana Babkina,

the oldest earthernware

toys maker

The toys in moulded clay with painted decoration in tempera wew made by U. Babkina in Grinevo village.

The toys in moulded clay with painted decoration in tempera wew made by U. Babkina in Grinevo village.

Domes of the Church of the Ascention, Kusherika parish

Domes of the Church of the Ascention, Kusherika parish

An eastern view of the New Market Place. It is a Church of the Nativity of St John the Precursor, between 1740 and 1751.

An eastern view of the New Market Place. It is a Church of the Nativity of St John the Precursor, between 1740 and 1751.

This bell-tower was built in 1767

This bell-tower was built in 1767

It is a north-eastern view of the Annunciation.It was built in 1692 by the architect Shakhanov.
  • It is a north-eastern view of the Annunciation.It was built in 1692 by the architect Shakhanov.
Western view of the Church of St. George built in the 17 th centure, boarding of the late 19 th centure. Village of Porzhinskoye.

Western view of the Church of St. George built in the 17 th centure, boarding of the late 19 th centure. Village of Porzhinskoye.

South-eastern view of the Church of the Annunciation, built in 1795, rebuilt in 1896, Turchasovo parish

South-eastern view of the Church of the Annunciation, built in 1795, rebuilt in 1896, Turchasovo parish



 Ресурсы Дурасов Г.П. Альбом «Каргополье.Художественная сокровищница». – М. : Советская Россия. – 1984 «Каргополь». Редактор Дмитренко М.В. – Ленинград. : Искусство - 1971


  • Дурасов Г.П. Альбом «Каргополье.Художественная сокровищница». – М. : Советская Россия. – 1984
  • «Каргополь». Редактор Дмитренко М.В. – Ленинград. : Искусство - 1971


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