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Amazing seasons of the year

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«Amazing seasons of the year»


I like any kind of weather no matter the season.

In summer it’s always sunny and hot. Sometimes it could be even stuffy and dry. But it’s so cool at summer night when it’s warm and calm and you can see an amazing view of millions of stars shining bright in the dark sky. I also adore summer showers – they are usually rare this time and bring a great refreshment to a hot summer day. I love to swim and get sunburnt on the beach. I love playing football outside with my friends. I guess summer is the best season no matter the weather.

In autumn the weather is rather nasty: it’s mostly cloudy, windy, rainy and dull. Because of the constant rains there are so many little and big puddles in the streets and it’s usually muddy. Sometimes the weather could be foggy and it’s so dangerous to drive a car that time. I also hate when it’s drizzling in autumn or when it rains like cats and dogs. The sky is usually dark with big heavy clouds in autumn. I often feel sick and tired of this season of the year. The leaf-fall starts in October and the red and yellow leaves cover the ground. There are no flowers in the gardens anymore. In November almost all trees stand bare. It’s getting colder, the strong cold winds become to blow and it seems like nature is slowly fading.

In winter the weather is often snowy and frosty. But there are also some days when it’s sunny, calm and nice. It gets dark early. Because of the strong frosts people prefer to stay indoor in the evening. Some days it snows hard and the temperature is 15-20 degrees below zero. The lakes, rivers and pools are frozen. But when the snow covers the ground everything around looks so beautiful in winter! I love watching the snowflakes falling down from the sky. They are white, cold and soft. The deep snow covers the ground, trees, roofs of the houses. It’s like a true winter fairy-tale. It’s time to make a snowman and play with snowballs!

In spring nature awakens from its winter sleep. The days become longer. The grass begins to shoot and everything around starts to blossom. You can see a rainbow in the sky after the rain. In spring the weather is rather changeable. In the morning it could be a heavy rain with a strong wind, thunder and lightnings. And in an hour it could turn into a nice clear and calm but still cold day. I love watching clouds in spring: they look like little cotton boats floating in the sky.

Every season is nice in its own way!


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