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American slang and Idioms. Американский сленг и идиомы

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Самые употребляемые в речи американцев сленговые выражения и идиомы для увеличения разговорного словарно запаса учеников 8 класса.

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«American slang and Idioms. Американский сленг и идиомы»

give it a shot - to try something

break the news - to make something known

cost an arm and a leg - to be very expensive

make up one's mind - to reach a decision; to decide

save the day - to prevent a disaster or misfortune

talk over - to discuss

easier said than done - more difficult than you think

get canned [slang] - to lose one's job; to get fired

hang in there - to not give up

keep one's chin up - to stay positive

look on the bright side - to be optimistic

set eyes on - to look at; to see for the first time

stab someone in the back - to betray someone

tell off- to scold; to tell someone in strong words what one really thinks

When pigs fly! [slang] - never

blow something - to spoil or botch something

(to) buckle down - to start working seriously

can't stand - to hate

(to) cut class - to miss class without an excuse

Get real! - be serious or realistic about what's going on

(to) have one's heart set on - to really want something

(to) hit the books - to start studying

(to) not give a hoot - to not care about

(to) slack off- to waste time

(to) butt in [slang] - to interrupt; to interfere

Way to go! - Good work!

(to) take something the wrong way - to take offense

under one's breath - quietly; in a whisper

(to be) up in the air - not yet determined; uncertain

  1. (to) cheer someone up - to make someone happy

  2. (to) go into business - to start a business

  3. good thinking - good idea; smart planning

  4. (to) make a bundle - to make a lot of money

  5. (to be) on edge - nervous; irritable

  6. (to) pig out [slang] - to eat greedily; to stuff oneself

  7. Fat chance! - definitely not

  8. (to) not sleep a wink - to be awake all night

  9. (to) beat around the bush - to talk around the subject; to avoid getting to the point

  10. Good for you! - Good job! Well done!

  11. made of money - very rich

  12. pipe dream - an unrealistic hope

  13. by far - by a wide margin; by a great difference

  14. (to) count on someone - to depend or rely on someone

  15. (to) give someone the cold shoulder - to be cold to someone on purpose; to snub someone

  16. it's a deal - I agree (to a proposal or offer)

  17. (to) kid around - to joke around; to tease

  18. (to) make a pig of oneself [slang] - to overeat; to eat too much

  19. (to) sit tight - to wait patiently

  20. (to) make a living - to earn enough money to support oneself

  21. out of the question - impossible

  22. take it or leave it - accept or reject an offer, usually a final one

  23. (to) twist (someone's) arm - to persuade someone; to convince someone

  24. (to) take a break - to stop and rest from an activity

  25. things are looking up - things are improving

  26. (to) lend a hand - to help

  27. (to) take over - to assume control

  28. (to) work one's tail off [slang] - to work very hard

  29. (to) crank out - to produce rapidly or in a routine manner

  30. Give me a break! - that's ridiculous; that's outrageous

  31. head over heels in love - very much in love

  32. (to be) nuts about - to like very much

  33. (to have a) big head - arrogant; too proud of oneself

  34. (to) give (someone) a ring - to telephone someone

  35. piece of cake - very easy

  36. (to) round up - to gather people together

  37. chitchat - casual conversation; gossip

  38. (to) do one's best - to try as hard as possible

  39. rest assured - be sure

  40. right away - immediately

  41. tall order - a task or goal that is difficult to achieve

  42. big shot - a powerful or important person

  43. for sure - definitely

  44. (to) give it one's best shot - to try as hard as one can

  45. (to) get a handle on - to gain an understanding of

  46. rolling in dough - very rich

  47. come on in - enter

  48. (to) get plastered [slang] - to get drunk

  49. (to) level with (someone) - to speak openly and honestly with someone

  50. no hard feelings - no anger; no bitterness

  51. Not on your life! - definitely not

  52. all along - throughout; from beginning to end

  53. (to) chill out [slang] - to relax

  54. (to) cut it out - stop it; stop the annoying behavior

  55. (to be) in charge of- having responsibility for

  56. (to) foot the bill - to pay

  57. (to) wine and dine - to take someone out for an evening or an expensive meal

  58. (to) wrap up - to finish


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