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Американские школы. Система будущих времен.

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«Американские школы. Система будущих времен.»

Название предмета: английский язык

Класс: 10

УМК: «Английский в фокусе», под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012

Уровень обучения: базовый

Тема урока: Американские школы. Система будущих времен.

Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы: 12

Место урока в системе уроков по теме: 7ля 10 кл. ский в фокусе: учеб. ык0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Цель урока: развитие речевых навыков.

Задачи урока:

1. Организовать повторение лексики по теме “School Life”.

2. Организовать закрепление грамматического материала “Ways to express future meaning”.

3. Организовать чтение текста с полным пониманием прочитанного.

4. Организовать монологические высказывания учащихся в связи с вербальной ситуацией по теме.

5. Организовать письменные монологические высказывания учащихся в связи с вербальной

ситуацией по теме.

Планируемые результаты:

знать: некоторые особенности учебного процесса и школьной жизни в американских школах, понятия и реалии: class discussion, locker, report card, cheerleading, debating, prom, host family, exchange programme; грамматические структуры, используемые для выражения значения будущего «Future Simple Tense, Future Continuous Tense, Future Perfect Tense, Present Simple tense, Present Continuous Tense, to be going to».

уметь: правильно употреблять в речи лексические единицы по теме «School Life», функционально- адекватно воспринимать грамматические структуры “Ways to express future meaning” и правильно их использовать в речи, читать с полным пониманием прочитанного (a leaflet about school life in the USA), догадываться о значении лексических единиц по аналогии, дефиниции и контексту, говорить о особенностях школьной жизни в США и России, логически излагать свои мысли, , составлять листовку, рассказывающую о жизни в своей школе.

Техническое обеспечение урока: компьютер

Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока: учебник, словари, CD, карточки с упражнениями, грамматические таблицы

Содержание урока

1. Организационный момент: Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson.

2. Warm-up: - to revise topic vocabulary ‘School’

  • In two minutes write as many words to the topic ‘School’ as you can (Pp work in three groups).

  • Name the words in turn. The group which is the last to name the word id the winner.

3. Home task:

  • Last lesson we spoke about the US system of education. You were to draw a diagram of the Russian system of education following the example and write a paragraph about the Russian system of education. So, demonstrate your diagram and say some words about the Russian system of education.

(Pp speak on the topic, post their diagrams on the blackboard for others pupils to view)

  • Hand in your diagrams and texts.

(Pp hand in their papers with homework)

II. Основная часть:

1. Introduction: - to introduce the topic and objectives

- to practice making comparisons

  • Look at the diagrams and say how the systems of American and Russian education are similar.

  • Look at the diagrams and say how the systems of American and Russian education are different.

  • Do you think school life in the USA and Russia differs a lot?

  • What have you heard about school life in America?

  • So today we are going to read and speak about school life in American high schools.

School life in American high schools.

(write the topic of the lesson on the blackboard)

  • We are going to: - to practice and expand topic vocabulary ‘School’

- to practice grammar structures “Ways to express future meaning”

- to read a text about some aspects of life in American high schools

- to practice reading for lexical accuracy

- to practice talking about school life in American high schools

2. Language work: - to practice grammar structures “Ways to express future meaning”

  • Remember the grammar structure we revised last lesson, answer the questions about it.

  • At home you were to do an exercise to practice the Future Perfect Tense. Swap your papers and check

using the answer key (on the blackboard).

Answer Key

1. won’t have had 6. will have bought

2. will have flown 7. won’t have memorized

3. will have finished 8. will have finished

4. will have taken 9. will have started

5. will have stopped 10. won’t have come

  • Ask questions if something is not clear.

  • Remember the other ways to express future meaning

  • Look through the grammar table to refresh your memory, answer the questions.

  • Put the verbs into the correct form (cards ex. 1).

  • Check with the class, explain, correct if necessary.

Answer Key

1. will call 5. arrives

2. am going 6. will have written

3. will be relaxing 7. are meeting

4. will have left 8. will fail

3. Reading: - to practice reading for detailed comprehension

- to practice predicting information

ex. 2 p. 57

  • Read the title of the leaflet and try to guess what it is about.

Answer Key

The leaflet is for those who don’t live in the USA and who would like to study there for a year.

  • Look at the picture and headings and say what you think life in an American school is like.

Answer Key

The picture and the headings tell us that teaching styles are informal, class discussions take place and that there are sports and other activities in US schools.

  • Read the text and check if you are right.

Динамическая пауза

4. Vocabulary: - to expand and practice topic vocabulary

- to practice reading for lexical accuracy

- to practice defining words / using dictionary

- to practice making sentences with the words

ex. 3 a p. 57

  • Read the text and complete the gaps (1-8) with the correct word formed from the words in brackets

(individual work)

  • Compare your answers with your partner (pair work)

  • Listen to the recording and check your answers

Answer Key

1 relaxed 5 twice

2 education 6 sporty

3 driving 7 organizing

4 locker 8 extremely

ex. 3 b p. 57

  • Explain the underlined words and phrases (Pp use their dictionaries to define the words by giving a synonym or an example)

  • Suggest any words that are similar / the same in Russian (group work – 3 groups)

Answer Key

Gr 1

encourage: inspire with confidence

independently: on your own, without help

journalism: the profession involving writing or reporting news for the media

business studies: a school subject that deals with all aspects of business

Gr 2

experience: happen to you, go through

unique: special

chat: talk

report card: the piece of paper upon which a students’ schools grades are written

Gr 3

depend on: determined by

expect: to believe something will happen

cheerleading: dance and gymnastics performed to encourage crowds to cheer on sports teams

debating: a formal discussions on a particular topic

committee: an organization of people set up to promote something

  • Check the answers with the whole class.

  • Make your sentences with these words.

5. Speaking: - to practice talking about school life in American schools

- to practice expressing opinions on the topic

ex. 4 p. 57

  • Say what you have found about school life in The USA from the leaflet.

  • Answer the questions:

1. Would you like to spend a year in an American high school?

2. What would you like / not like?

  • Say what you think about spending a year in an American school.

Answer Key

I would like to go as I’d really like to study American history and get the chance to take driving lessons. I also think sports and extra-curricular activities are a good idea but I am afraid I would miss my friends and family in Russia if I went.

III. Заключительная часть:

1. Подведение итогов.

2. Home task:

a) Revise topic vocabulary (p. 57)

b) Revise grammar structures “Ways to express future meaning”, (card 2 – open the brackets, use the correct

form of the verb)

c) ex. 5 p. 57

- design a leaflet inviting students from abroad to spend a year at your school, write about subjects, a typical day at school, sports and extra-curricular activities

- don’t forget that the information must be factual – your school must provide all of the activities included in the leaflet

- you may work individually or in pairs or in groups of three

d) get ready to speak on the topic (for more advanced Pp)


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