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Английский язык. Презентация по теме "Environmental problems. Plastic tides" 10 класс

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«Английский язык. Презентация по теме "Environmental problems. Plastic tides" 10 класс»

today’s topic Plastic tides

today’s topic

Plastic tides

Answer the questions: 1. Do you think plastic is a big problem in the world? 2. Have you ever seen plastic pollution in your area? 3. What can we do to reduce the amount of plastic in the oceans? 4. Do you think people should be more responsible with their plastic waste? 5. Have you ever thought about the impact of plastic pollution on animals?

Answer the questions:

1. Do you think plastic is a big problem in the world?

2. Have you ever seen plastic pollution in your area?

3. What can we do to reduce the amount of plastic in the oceans?

4. Do you think people should be more responsible with their plastic waste?

5. Have you ever thought about the impact of plastic pollution on animals?

How do you translate “garbage patch”?

How do you translate “garbage patch”?

Answer the questions: 1. How much plastic ends up in our oceans each year? 2. How many individual pieces of plastic are estimated to be in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? 3. What are the two main types of plastic found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? 4. How big is the region of ocean where the garbage patch is scattered? 5. How long would it take to cover the entire area of the garbage patch on foot? 6. How long do plastic fishing lines take to break down?  7. What are the potential consequences of ingesting microplastics for sea animals and humans? (your own ideas)

Answer the questions:

1. How much plastic ends up in our oceans each year?

2. How many individual pieces of plastic are estimated to be in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

3. What are the two main types of plastic found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

4. How big is the region of ocean where the garbage patch is scattered?

5. How long would it take to cover the entire area of the garbage patch on foot?

6. How long do plastic fishing lines take to break down? 

7. What are the potential consequences of ingesting microplastics for sea animals and humans? (your own ideas)


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