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Англис тили боюнча

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«Англис тили боюнча»

      Open-door lesson  theme of the lesson :Films, films, films The 5 th form “A” Abakirova Jainagul

Open-door lesson theme of the lesson :Films, films, films

The 5 th form “A” Abakirova Jainagul

He wore a hat and tall boots .he helped his owner to become rich and get married . Which film is this?
  • He wore a hat and tall boots .he helped his owner to become rich and get married .

Which film is this?

2) A young woman ate an apple  and fell asleep for a long time .  She woke up when a prince kissed her .   Which film is this?

2) A young woman ate an apple and fell asleep for a long time . She woke up when a prince kissed her . Which film is this?

3)The boy’s parents send him a camera gun. The boy gave it to his friend Sharik and Sharik took a lot of pictures of animals.    Which film is this?   Hollidays in Prostokvashino

3)The boy’s parents send him a camera gun. The boy gave it to his friend Sharik and Sharik took a lot of pictures of animals. Which film is this?

Hollidays in


The boy studied in Hagwarts. Once ne reed a magic map and found a secret room .   Which film is this?   Harry Potter and his secret room

The boy studied in Hagwarts. Once ne reed a magic map and found a secret room . Which film is this?

Harry Potter

and his

secret room

The old man gave the “ABC” book to a wooden boy . The boy sold the book and bought a ticket for the puppet show .    Which film is this?   Buratino

The old man gave the “ABC” book to a wooden boy . The boy sold the book and bought a ticket for the puppet show . Which film is this?


 The old man came home and told his wife about the golden fish.  The old woman became very angry.   Which film is this?   The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

The old man came home and told his wife about the golden fish. The old woman became very angry. Which film is this?

The Tale of the


and the Fish

 Two friends drank a magic syrup in dangerous  situations and became very strong.     Which film is this?

Two friends drank a magic syrup in dangerous situations and became very strong. Which film is this?

A boy found a jar. He cleaned it and saw a genie     Which film is this?   The old man khattabych

A boy found a jar. He cleaned it and saw a genie Which film is this?

The old man


Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention


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