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Animals in the air, Spotlight 8

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«Animals in the air, Spotlight 8»

Animals in the air

  1. Find the translation of the word combinations.

  1. сушилось белье

  2. молодой человек заинтересовался происходящим

  3. небольшие клочки бумаги

  4. дым обладает силой поднимать вещи

  5. улавливать дым

  6. был сделан из бумаги и материи

  7. они поместили овцу, утку и курицу

  8. новое изобретение было большим успехом

  9. большое количество народа

  10. парящий высоко в небе.

  1. Find synonyms in the text.

  1. Energy

  2. Raise

  3. took place in

  4. was interested in

  5. take

  6. test

  7. voyage

  8. chicken

  9. touched down

  10. swim

  1. True, False, Not Stated

  1. Joseph M. was interested in what his shirts had started to float upwards.

  2. He threw paper in the water.

  3. He thought that it was the wind.

  4. Joseph wanted to be a sailor.

  5. Joseph and his brother made experiments on the first hot air balloon.

  6. They presented their first o tar in the 16th century.

  7. The Mongolfier were afraid of going up themselves.

  8. They put a duck, a chicken and some sheep.

  9. Animas were in the air for ten minutes.

  10. The first flight with a man was a great success.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. When did Joseph have an idea to create a hot air balloon?

  2. What did he do to see if the same thing happened to them?

  3. What did he want to become?

  4. Who did he begin performing experiments with?

  5. When did Joseph present a hot air balloon?

  6. What did they put in the basket?

  7. Why was the new invention a great success?

Animals in the air

  1. Find the translation of the word combinations.

  1. сушилось белье

  2. молодой человек заинтересовался происходящим

  3. небольшие клочки бумаги

  4. дым обладает силой поднимать вещи

  5. улавливать дым

  6. был сделан из бумаги и материи

  7. они поместили овцу, утку и курицу

  8. новое изобретение было большим успехом

  9. большое количество народа

  10. парящий высоко в небе.

  1. Find synonyms in the text.

  1. Energy

  2. Raise

  3. took place in

  4. was interested in

  5. take

  6. test

  7. voyage

  8. chicken

  9. touched down

  10. swim

  1. True, False, Not Stated

  1. Joseph M. was interested in what his shirts had started to float upwards.

  2. He threw paper in the water.

  3. He thought that it was the wind.

  4. Joseph wanted to be a sailor.

  5. Joseph and his brother made experiments on the first hot air balloon.

  6. They presented their first o tar in the 16th century.

  7. The Mongolfier were afraid of going up themselves.

  8. They put a duck, a chicken and some sheep.

  9. Animas were in the air for ten minutes.

  10. The first flight with a man was a great success.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. When did Joseph have an idea to create a hot air balloon?

  2. What did he do to see if the same thing happened to them?

  3. What did he want to become?

  4. Who did he begin performing experiments with?

  5. When did Joseph present a hot air balloon?

  6. What did they put in the basket?

  7. Why was the new invention a great success?


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