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April Fools Day

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«April Fools Day»

April Fools' Day Кукукиной Аси 5»В» класса 116 гимназии

April Fools' Day

Кукукиной Аси

5»В» класса

116 гимназии

As you know people make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun!
  • As you know people make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun!
The history Some people think this holiday began in France in the 16 th century  In 1564, the king of France wanted to change the 1 st day of new year from April 1 st to January. Many people do not like to celebrate the new year on April 1  and they called the king April’s Fool

The history

  • Some people think this holiday began in France in the 16 th century
  • In 1564, the king of France wanted to change the 1 st day of new year from April 1 st to January.
  • Many people do not like to celebrate the new year on April 1 and they called the king April’s Fool

Famous Jokes

Famous Jokes

And people often take masks

And people often take masks


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