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Articulatory classification of English sounds

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There are two major classes of sounds traditionally distinguished in any language- consonants and vowels. The opposition "vowels vs. consonant" is a  linguistic universal. The  distinction is based mainly on auditory effect.

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«Articulatory classification of English sounds»

There are two major classes of sounds traditionally distinguished in any language- consonants and vowels. The opposition "vowels vs. consonant" is a linguistic universal. The distinction is based mainly on auditory effect. Consonants are known to have voice and noise combined, while vowels are sounds consisting of voice only. From the articulatory point of view the difference is due to the work of speech organs. In case of vowels no obstruction is made, so on the perception level their integral characteristic is tone, not noise. In case of consonants various obstructions sre made. So consonants are characterized by a complete, partial or intermittent blockage of the air passage. The closure is formed in such a way that the air stream is blocked or hindered or otherwise gives rise to audible friction. Ad a result consonants are sounds which have noise as their indispensable characteristic. Armenian phoneticians classify consonants according to the following principles:1) degree of noise:2) place of articulation:3) manner of articulation:4) position of the soft palate:5) force of articulation.

1) There are few ways of seeing situation concerning the classification of English consonants. According to V.A. Vassilyev primary importance should be given to the type of obstructions and the manner of production noise. On this ground he distinguishes two karge classes.

a) occlusive, in the production of which a complete obstruction is formed:

b) constrictive, in the production of which an incomplete obstruction is formed.Each of two classless is subdivided into noise consonants and sonorants.


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