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Артикль с географическими названиями

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Часто учащиеся путаются в артиклях английского языка или вообще забывают об их существовании. В презентации дается доступное объяснение употребления / отсутствия определенного артикля. 

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«Артикль с географическими названиями»

Articles  with geographical names Учитель английского языка

Articles with

geographical names

Учитель английского языка

We do not use articles with continents, e.g. Europe Asia North America South America Africa Australia

We do not use articles with continents, e.g.

  • Europe
  • Asia
  • North America
  • South America
  • Africa
  • Australia
We do not usually use articles with geographical areas, e.g. Eastern Europe Western Europe Central America Siberia

We do not usually use articles with geographical areas, e.g.

  • Eastern Europe
  • Western Europe
  • Central America
  • Siberia
But “the” is used with: the Far East the Middle East the North Pole the South Pole

But “the” is used with:

  • the Far East
  • the Middle East
  • the North Pole
  • the South Pole
We do not use articles with names of countries.  But we use “the” with the names of countries if they include words such as: state republic kingdom federation

We do not use articles with names of countries. But we use “the” with the names of countries if they include words such as:

  • state
  • republic
  • kingdom
  • federation


 The Russian Federation

The Russian Federation

 Great Britain

Great Britain

 The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom

Exceptions: The Netherlands The Ukraine The Sudan The Vatican City


  • The Netherlands
  • The Ukraine
  • The Sudan
  • The Vatican City
We do not use articles with the names of cities, towns, villages.

We do not use articles with the names of cities, towns, villages.



 Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg



Exceptions: The Hague


  • The Hague
“ The” is also used with of-phrases, e.g.

The” is also used with of-phrases, e.g.

 The city of Moscow

The city of Moscow

 The city of Saint Petersburg

The city of Saint Petersburg

We do not use articles with the names of streets avenues highways squares

We do not use articles with the names of

  • streets
  • avenues
  • highways
  • squares
 Sixth Avenue

Sixth Avenue

 Red Square

Red Square

We do not us е “the” with the names of languages when they are not followed by the word language  English  but  the English language

We do not us е “the” with the names of languages when they are not followed by the word language



the English language


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