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Аудирование в формате ВПР для 11 класса

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Задание по аудированию  в формате Всероссийской проверочной работы для 11 класса.  Диалог  взят из раздела «Аудирование» открытого банка заданий для ЕГЭ ФИПИ.

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«Аудирование в формате ВПР для 11 класса»

Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий 1-5

по аудированию – 10 минут.

Вы услышите диалог. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите

запись дважды.

  1. Who doesn’t believe all rock music is good?

1) Sally 2) Bob 3) Neither


  1. Who thinks that rock music is usually too loud?

1) Sally 2) Bob 3) Both


  1. Who agrees to listen to some classical music?

1) Sally 2) Bob 3) Both


  1. Who goes to the concert on Saturday?

1) Sally 2) Bob 3) Both


5) Who wants to wear elegant clothes to a concert?

1) Sally 2) Bob 3) Neither
















Текст аудиозаписи для заданий 1-5

Bob: Hey, Sally, how’s it going?

Sally: Hi, Bob, all’s well, thanks. Listen, what are you doing this Saturday?

Bob: Not much, why?

Sally: There is this concert at the White Hall Saturday night at 7. Would you like to come with me? I’ve got two tickets.

Bob: Who is playing?

Sally: Dream Theatre. Do you know them?

Bob: No. Never heard of them.

Sally: Really? They are pretty old progressive rock band? Do you like rock music?

Bob: Not really. Rock music makes too much noise. It’s usually too loud and doesn’t have much of a melody. Most of the time I can’t even make up the lyrics.

Sally: I’d have to disagree with you there. There are, of course, rock bands that don’t make quality music and are very hard to listen to but some bands are amazing. Many rock musicians are highly professional and have extensive music education, so it’s a pleasure to listen to them.

Bob: I don’t know, Sally, the rock I’ve heard hasn’t impressed me. I am much more of a classical music fan. I enjoy a good symphony played by a professional orchestra. Don’t you think it is fun to hear all these instruments come together in harmony?

Sally: Yeah, but classical music seems so boring, Bob! May be I just have to learn to understand it or something. So far I’ve been listening to rock and some jazz, maybe I should download a couple of symphonies for a change, any you’d recommend.

Bob: No need to download, Sally. There is a radio station Classic FM that plays nice pieces nonstop. You can check that out first to see if you like any of it and then you can download your favourites.

Sally: Hey, that’s a great idea, Bob. I’ll do that when I do my art project for school tomorrow. Maybe classical music will inspire me in the right direction and I’ll make an awesome piece of art. But since I am willing to try your favourite music, how about you return a favour and come with me to the concert on Saturday? You might like it after all.

Bob: Sounds fairMaybe I’ll change my mind about rock music and start listening to some of it more often. What shall I wear to the concert?

Sally: Just normal clothes, jeans and a T-shirt. Last time I went to their concert, some people were dressed in leather and chains and others were in suits and dresses. I prefer to stick to casual.

Bob: OK! Great! I’ll come by your house around six on Saturday.

Sally: Perfect! See you then!

Использованные ресурсы:

  • http://compendium.su/english/ege_3/6.html


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