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"Батарейки, сдавайтесь!"

Категория: Экология

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Презентация научно-исследовательского проекта на английском языке

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«"Батарейки, сдавайтесь!"»

Яворская Александра Николаевна  МБОУ «Гимназия п.Нижний Куранах»    Руководители проекта: Олизаренко Юлия Валерьевна, Поночевная Нина Афанасьевна

Яворская Александра Николаевна МБОУ «Гимназия п.Нижний Куранах»

Руководители проекта:

Олизаренко Юлия Валерьевна,

Поночевная Нина Афанасьевна

THE BATTERIES, GIVE UP! My actions are not always huge, but it does not matter so much. It is such small deeds that give me importance as a volunteer, as a person


  • My actions are not always huge, but it does not matter so much. It is such small deeds that give me importance as a volunteer, as a person
I want to live  One battery thrown into a bucket pollutes about 400 liters of water or about 20 square meters of land. In the forest area it is the habital of two trees, two moles, one hedgehog and several thousand earthworms!  Moreover, harmful substances can get to the person’s table with water and food.

I want to live

One battery thrown into a bucket pollutes about 400 liters of water or about 20 square meters of land. In the forest area it is the habital of two trees, two moles, one hedgehog and several thousand earthworms! Moreover, harmful substances can get to the person’s table with water and food.

Researches I have done experiments with batteries. Each battery has a protective coating. But when exposed to water, snow, sunlight, it begins to collapse. Toxic metals are coming out.


I have done experiments with batteries. Each battery has a protective coating. But when exposed to water, snow, sunlight, it begins to collapse. Toxic metals are coming out.

Household waste There is no centralized system for garbage collection in my settlement. It is often thrown into landfills. Used batteries get into the soil.  This situation is so urgent both for my area and for the whole country.

Household waste

There is no centralized system for garbage collection in my settlement. It is often thrown into landfills. Used batteries get into the soil. This situation is so urgent both for my area and for the whole country.

What to do when you can still save trees, hedgehogs, moles and worms? We need to talk about the problem. I had a conversation with junior and secondary students about the dangerous of discarded batteries.    I put pressure on the banks to collect the batteries.   I stuck leaflets with appeals to batteries dispose.

What to do when you can still save trees, hedgehogs, moles and worms?

  • We need to talk about the problem. I had a conversation with junior and secondary students about the dangerous of discarded batteries.
  • I put pressure on the banks to collect the batteries.
  • I stuck leaflets with appeals to batteries dispose.
 I posted information sheets about the necessity of batteries dispose. At a meeting with Polius Aldan management we agreed to collect batteries for recycling.
  • I posted information sheets about the necessity of batteries dispose.
  • At a meeting with Polius Aldan management we agreed to collect batteries for recycling.
Working as a teacher`s helper in the school camp, I had a great opportunity to hold an action for children «Batteries, give up!» .  I told kids about the goals of my activity. They took part in the action with pleasure.

Working as a teacher`s helper in the school camp, I had a great opportunity to hold an action for children «Batteries, give up!» . I told kids about the goals of my activity. They took part in the action with pleasure.

In 7 month I managed to collect more than 2000 batteries , it is 28 kg! IMAGINE!

In 7 month I managed to collect more than 2000 batteries , it is 28 kg!


Join in my campaign «Batteries, give up!»

Join in my campaign «Batteries, give up!»


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