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Big cities and industry in Australia

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Урок английского языка по теме "Big cities and industry in Australia" разработан для учащихся 11 класса. Через работу в парах и группах учащиеся смогут закрепить знания о географическом положении Австралии и познакомиться с информацией о больших городах и промышленности Австралии.

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«Big cities and industry in Australia»

Урок английского языка в 11 классе

Тема «The Commonwealth of Australia – big cities and industry»


Тип – ознакомление с новым материалом


  1.  познакомить с информацией о больших городах Австралии, ее промышленностью; совершенствовать умения слушать, читать с извлечением нужной информации; создать условия для обсуждения учащимися полученных знаний.

  2. способствовать развитию способностей к репродуктивной и продуктивной речевой деятельности, оперативной памяти, любознательности; функциональной грамотности;

  3. воспитывать уважительное, толерантное отношения к истории и культуре стран изучаемого языка, формирования устойчивого интереса к предмету.

Формы и методы – критическое мышление, групповая работа, презентация, тест

Ход урока.

  1. Орг. момент. – 3m

Проверка д/з.

  1. Warming up.- 5m

Checking the students’ answers for the quiz from the last lesson.

1a 2b 3a 4c 5b 6c 7b 8c 9b 10b

  1. You are right. Now I want you to review your knowledge of geography of Australia.

I have envelopes with questions and answers. You will work in pairs. You need to match questions and answers. – 9m

  1. What is the official name of Australia?
    What territories are there in the Commonwealth of Australia?
    What area does Australia have?
    What is the capital of Australia?
    In what hemisphere is Australia situated?

What is the population of Australia?
What are the biggest cities in Australia?

Who is formally the head of the state?
Who represents the Queen of England?

 What is the official currency in Australia?

  1. The population of Australia is about 23 million people.

Formally the head of the country is the queen or a king of Great Britain.

The area is about eight million square kilometers.

The capital of Australia is Canberra.

The Governor-General represents the queen of England.

Australia is situated in the south hemisphere.

The official name is the Commonwealth of Australia.

The official currency is the Australian dollar.

The Commonwealth of Australia consists of six states and two territories: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Federal Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.

There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.

  • One high-level student makes a report with the map.

  • Two students do the task individually.

  1. Very good. And today I suggest you to know more about big cities of Australia and industry of the country. – 10m

You will work in groups. Each group has a sheet with some information about the topic. You need to make a report with posters and presentations.

Group A – Sydney

Group B – Melbourne

Group C – Adelaide

Group D – Perth

Group E – Brisbane

Group F – Industry


- Australia’s biggest city

- 3500000 people

- founded in 1788

- Australia’s leading seaport

- a city of old and new buildings

- a lot of lovely parks and gardens

- Opera House


  • Australia’s second largest city

  • 3000000 people

  • The financial centre of nation

  • Stone buildings reminds visitors of cities in England

  • An industrial city

  • Factories produce many goods


  • Over 1000000 people

  • A large center of exporting wine

  • Festival of arts held every two years

  • Famous for Adelaide (the Queen)


  • The major west coast city

  • Over 1000000 people

  • A sea port

  • The most beautiful Australian city which reminds Americans of cities in Southern California


  • 1700000 people

  • The third largest city in Australia

  • Many skyscrapers

  • Beautiful beaches


Almost one half of Australian territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. For quite a long period of time it was thought to be useless for economic development. But it is rich in coal, iron ore, bauxites, uranium, lead and many other mineral resources.

For almost a century the production and export of sheep wool was the basis of the economy of the country. Now the most important industries are oil, chemical, ore mining, radio electronics, and food industry. The country exports agricultural products and raw materials.

  1. Presentations of students work. (Remember the rules of work in groups) – 15m

  2. Conclusion. Reflexia. Marks.- 3m

Hometask – to make a poster about one of the big city

Учащиеся познакомятся с большими городами Австралии, ее промышленностью, смогут составить связные высказывания по предложенной информации, будут работать в парах и группах.


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