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"Билеты для переводного экзамена по английскому языку. в 5 классе"

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Билет №1. Билет №2. Примерные топики для устного высказывания. УМК Комарова И. Ю.

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«"Билеты для переводного экзамена по английскому языку. в 5 классе"»


  1. Монолог и беседа по теме: “All about my school”.

  1. What year are you in?

  2. How many students are there in your class?

  3. What is your favorite subject?


I want to tell you about my school.

I’m in the fifth Form. I go to school number 4. It’s big and comfortable.

There are many classrooms and labs there, such as English, Chemistry and Physics ones. We’ve got two computer classes.

I like reading. So, I often go to the school library. It’s upstairs.

There’s a school canteen. The food is hot and delicious. But as for me, I prefer taking lunch from my home. I usually eat a sandwich and some fruit.

There are two gyms and sport grounds next to the school. Our school teams always take part in different competitions. I personally play chess and tennis.

I love my school very much.

That’s all I wanted to say.

  1. Чтение текса с заданием.



  1. Монолог и беседа по теме:”The place where I live”.

1. Do you live in a flat or in a house?

2. What places are there near your house?

3. What is good about the place where you live?


I want to tell you about the place where I live.

I live in a small green town of Yuzhnouralsk. It’s young and beautiful.

It’s an industrial centre of Chelyabinsk region. There are many plants and factories there. They produce different goods.

Yuzhnouralsk is an educational town. There are 7 schools, a college and a famous IT club “Cube”.

There are two museums, the Culture Palace, a big park with many attractions. The students of the Art School, Dancing and Circus Studios are famous everywhere. I think, Yuzhnouralsk is a cultural centre.

The town’s got two swimming pools, a large skating rink, Sport School and a wonderful stadium. Our sportsmen take part in different competitions in and out of the town.

Yuzhnouralsk has a lot of places to relax. You can visit two big cinemas or eat in one of convenient cafes or restaurants. There’s a bowling and many shops and supermarkets, too.

I love my town very much.

That’s all I wanted to say.

  1. Чтение текса с заданием.


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