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Брейн-ринг на тему «Science and technology in Great Britain» для 9-10-х классов

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«Брейн-ринг на тему «Science and technology in Great Britain» для 9-10-х классов»

Брейн-ринг на тему «Science and technology in Great Britain» для 9-10-х классов (60 минут). Составитель: учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия №1 имени В.А. Сайбеля» АГО Улыбина Е.Ю.

Обобщающая игра “Брейн-ринг” по теме «Science and technology in Great Britain».

За 2 недели до викторины учащиеся получают следующее задание – повторить изученный материал по истории и науке Великобритании, об известных британских ученых и их изобретениях.


Обобщение изученного материала о науке, об известных британских ученых и их изобретениях.


  • развитие познавательных и творческих способностей учащихся;

- расширение кругозора;

- расширение лексического запаса;

- развитие компенсаторной компетенции учащихся, метапредметных связей с историей;

- воспитание уважительного отношение к окружающему миру, миру науки и техники;

- воспитание интереса и положительной мотивации к получению знаний в разных областях;

- повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.


  • файл с заданиями для участников;

  • видеофайл;

  • ответные бланки;

  • презентация для игроков (рассылается после прохождения викторины с целью ознакомления с правильными ответами на вопросы).

Ход и правила викторины:

1. В викторине принимают участие ученики 9-10 классов.

2. Игра осуществляется в дистанционном формате на территории образовательной организации.

3. В день игры учебная организация получает на электронную почту файлы с заданиями, а также ответные бланки.

4. Викторина состоит из 6 раундов. За каждый правильный ответ участник получает 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 54.

5. Победители, набравшие наибольшее количество баллов, награждаются дипломом «Знатоки истории и науки».

  1. Начало викторины.
My dear friends, today you are going to have our intellectual game called Brain Ring devoted to Science and technology in Great Britain. Today, doing things is very convenient with the rise of technology. It has improved communication, education, business, healthcare, and basically, every application in life. Computers, internet, smartphones, cars, and machinery – these technologies helped humans in so many ways. Thanks to the brilliant inventors, researchers, and scientists. British people contributed a lot to the world. According to a Japanese research firm, over 40% of the world’s inventions originated in the United Kingdom. Some of these are complex inventions. Some of them are the simplest of the simplest, but you can never imagine your life without these things. Let’s start our quizzing game.
  1. Вопросы викторины.
  1. Science and study.
Read the description and choose the right variant. 1. The study of living things. a) Geography b) Geology c) Biology d) Physics 2. The study of the Sun, Moon, planets, stars. a) Meteorology b) Astronomy c) Physics d) Statistics 3. The science that studies natural forces, such as heat, movement, etc. a) Physics b) Mathematics c) Geography d) Geology 4) The science of using numbers to represent facts. a) History b) Linguistics c) Mathematics d) Statistics 5) The study of languages, their structure, grammar, history, etc. a) Statistics b) Meteorology c) Linguistics d) Acoustics 6) The study of sound. a) Statistics b) Physics c) Acoustics d) Meteorology 7) The study of numbers and of the structure and measurement of shapes. a) Astronomy b) Mathematics c) Physics d) Statistics 8) The study of the structure of the Earth, the way in which it was formed, etc. a) Geography b) Geology c) Biology d) Physics 9) The scientific study of the weather. a) Physics b) Geography c) Astronomy d) Meteorology 10) The study of the Earth’s surface regions of the world. a) Geography b) Geology c) Biology d) Astronomy


II. Famous scientists. Read and choose the right variant.

1. He was the “father of the computer”.

a) Alexander Fleming b) Charles Babbage c) Thomas Young d) Michael Faraday

2. He was able to build a phenomenally successful career despite being afflicted motor neuron disease that limited his physical abilities.

a) Isaac Newton b) Alexander Graham Bell c) Stephen Hawking d) Charles Darwin

3. He referred as “The Last Man Who Knew Everything” and was famous for “Wave Theory of Light”.

a) Alan Turing b) Alexander Fleming c) Thomas Young d) Alexander Graham Bell

4. He invented and patented the first practical telephone.

a) Ernest Rutherford b) Alexander Graham Bell c) Isaac Newton d) William Turner

5. He invented the locomotive and built the first public railway in England.

a) Alexander Fleming b) Christopher Wren c) William Turner d) George Stephenson

6. He was famous for his Dictionary of the English language.

a) Ernest Rutherford b) Samuel Johnson c) Stephen Hawking

d) Thomas Young

7. He called the “father of electricity”.

a) Isaac Newton b) Alan Turing c) William Turner d) Ernest Rutherford

8. He designed 53 churches in London, including St Paul’s Cathedral.

a) Stephen Hawking b) Alan Turing c) Christopher Wren d) Alexander Fleming

9. He developed his original method of landscape painting.

a) Christopher Wren b) William Turner c) Michael Faraday

d) Thomas Young

10. He formulated the law of universal gravitation and laws of motion.

a) Alexander Fleming b) William Turner c) Isaac Newton d) Stephen Hawking


III. Great inventions that changed the world. Read and choose the right variant.

1. This invention used to take images of the human skeleton.

a) camera b) X-ray machine c) phonograph  d) lightbulb

2. Without this invention, everything would be dark.

a) lightbulb b) camera c) photography  d) X-rays

3. Substance, which saved millions of lives.

a) medicament b) antibiotic  c) penicillin  d) stuff

4. Cat’s eye was the name of …

a) camera b) reflecting road studs c) lens d) telescope

5. The first computer mouse was…

a) a plastic box b) a metal box c) a wooden box d) a glass box

6. The first computer weighted over…

a) 30,000 kilos  b) 30 kilos c) 3,000 kilos  d) 300 kilos

7. The first phone weighted…

a) 85 grams b) 130 grams c) 300 grams d) 850 grams

8. What invention by the Briton Captain George William Manby in 1819 can be seen to this day in schools, factories, and offices?

a) automated shoe polisher b) self-closing doors c) portable fire extinguisher  d) illuminated exit signs

9. It changed the field of astronomy forever

a) the reflecting telescope b) camera c) tires d) the lightbulb

10. William Addis started to invent the first toothbrush when he was…

a) at the prison  b) at home c) abroad  d) at his company


IV. Match the names with their scientists and inventions.

1. Alexander Fleming

а) light bulb

2. Isaac Newton

b) Wave Theory of Light

3. Alexander Bell

c) low of Universal gravity

4. Rosalind Franklin

d) diesel engine

5. John Logie Baird

e) telephone

6. Rudolf Engine

f) toothbrush

7. William Addis

g) penicillin

8. Thomas Young

h) television

9. Charles Babbage

i) X-ray machine

10. Thomas Edison

j) computer


V. Watch a short DVD clip. It is about the scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web. Number the things in order that you see them.

A __ Smartphone

B __ World Wide Web

C __ Laptop

D __ Scientist

E __ Computer language

F __ Laboratory

G __ University


VI. Watch the DVD clip again, read the sentences and write “true” or “False”.

1. The World Wide Web allows people to share information on the internet.

2. Tim Berners-Lee is from Geneva in Switzerland.

3. HTML is a computer language.

4. Tim Berners-Lee came from a family of scientists.

5. He studied physics in Cambridge University.

6. His parents’ net was in Manchester.

7. He moved to the CERN laboratory in Geneva in 1990.

II. Итоги викторины.

Викторина завершается подведением итогов и награждением



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