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Брэйн-ринг "Pets". 8-9 класс

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Брэйн-ринг «Pets» - игра, предназначенная для внеклассного мероприятия.

Целью данного внеклассного мероприятия является актуализация полученных знаний по темам «Животные». Задачи, которые ставятся перед учителем: научить переносить полученные знания в новую ситуацию общения, способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, формировать чувство организованности, уважения к сопернику, умения работать в команде.

 Мероприятие проводится в форме викторины и построено на мультимедийной презентации с тематическими вопросами, может использоваться в рамках недели английского языка.



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«Брэйн-ринг "Pets". 8-9 класс»

PETS  AND  DOMESTIC ANIMALS Brain ring for the 8 th - 9 th grades


Brain ring for the 8 th - 9 th grades

1. Originally thought to come from Asia, this small and fluffy pet has been a symbol of Easter in Europe and the USA for generations.  a. Rabbit b. Dog c. Alligator
  • 1. Originally thought to come from Asia, this small and fluffy pet has been a symbol of Easter in Europe and the USA for generations.

  • a. Rabbit b. Dog c. Alligator
2. Why do chickens and other birds eat small rocks and pebbles?  a. They are hungry b. Accident c. To grind food
  • 2. Why do chickens and other birds eat small rocks and pebbles?

  • a. They are hungry b. Accident
  • c. To grind food
3. St. Petersburg has many monuments dedicated to loyal … (finish the sentence)  a. Dogs b. Cats c. Snails
  • 3. St. Petersburg has many monuments dedicated to loyal … (finish the sentence)

  • a. Dogs b. Cats c. Snails
4. South Africa and Australia have a weird way with herding sheep. What animal do you think can protect sheep from an attacker?  a. Kangaroo b. Goose  c. Ostrich
  • 4. South Africa and Australia have a weird way with herding sheep.
  • What animal do you think can protect sheep from an attacker?

  • a. Kangaroo b. Goose
  • c. Ostrich
5. What pet has its own house and doesn’t set even a foot outside?  a. Fish b. Snail  c. Turtle
  • 5. What pet has its own house and doesn’t set even a foot outside?

  • a. Fish b. Snail
  • c. Turtle
6. Those small pets, named after pigs, do not produce bacon and are commonly used in lab tests.  a. Little pigs b. Piglets  c. Guinea pigs d. Porcupines
  • 6. Those small pets, named after pigs, do not produce bacon and are commonly used in lab tests.

  • a. Little pigs b. Piglets
  • c. Guinea pigs d. Porcupines
7. What animal has very spiky and prickly hair?  a. Racoon b. Hedgehog  c. Ferret
  • 7. What animal has very spiky and prickly hair?

  • a. Racoon b. Hedgehog
  • c. Ferret

8. Which pet’s eye can you put in jewellery?  a. Owl’s b. Fish  c. Cat’s
  • 8. Which pet’s eye can you put in jewellery?

  • a. Owl’s b. Fish
  • c. Cat’s
9. The Broadway musical “Cats” follows the tribe of cats called …   a. Jellying b. Jellicles  c. Jelly
  • 9. The Broadway musical “Cats” follows the tribe of cats called …

  • a. Jellying b. Jellicles
  • c. Jelly
10. What animal that feeds from household garbage has become a popular pet in the recent years?   a. Bear b. Seagull  c. Racoon
  • 10. What animal that feeds from household garbage has become a popular pet in the recent years?

  • a. Bear b. Seagull
  • c. Racoon
11. SpongeBob Square Pants has a pet named Gary who can only say “meow”. What kind of animal is Gary?  a. Cat b. Dog  c. Snail
  • 11. SpongeBob Square Pants has a pet named Gary who can only say “meow”. What kind of animal is Gary?

  • a. Cat b. Dog
  • c. Snail
12. How long can your goldfish pet remember you for?  a. 3 sec b. 1 day  c. A month or more
  • 12. How long can your goldfish pet remember you for?

  • a. 3 sec b. 1 day
  • c. A month or more
13. In the animated movie “Zootopia” one of the main characters, Nick Wild, is stuck helping the officer Judy Hopps on the investigation. They discover shocking truth about the villain of the movie being just common farm animal. a. Sheep b. Bunny  c. Gazelle
  • 13. In the animated movie “Zootopia” one of the main characters, Nick Wild, is stuck helping the officer Judy Hopps on the investigation. They discover shocking truth about the villain of the movie being just common farm animal.
  • a. Sheep b. Bunny
  • c. Gazelle
14. What bird of prey can see you even behind its back? a. Pidgeon b. Crow  c. Owl
  • 14. What bird of prey can see you even behind its back?
  • a. Pidgeon b. Crow
  • c. Owl
15. What endangered bird from New Zealand can’t fly and is named after a fruit? a. Kiwi b. Banana  c. Penguin
  • 15. What endangered bird from New Zealand can’t fly and is named after a fruit?
  • a. Kiwi b. Banana
  • c. Penguin
16. Some people from UK, New Zealand and Australia don’t mind having this animal as a pet, despite its fictional relation to vampires and supernatural. a. Rat b. Bat  c. Cat
  • 16. Some people from UK, New Zealand and Australia don’t mind having this animal as a pet, despite its fictional relation to vampires and supernatural.
  • a. Rat b. Bat
  • c. Cat
17. A famous fairytale based on Pinoccio’s adventures has a loyal dog that could be described as “a bodyguard for a blue-haired girl”. What is that dog’s name? a. Arthur b. Artemon  c. Arathor
  • 17. A famous fairytale based on Pinoccio’s adventures has a loyal dog that could be described as “a bodyguard for a blue-haired girl”. What is that dog’s name?
  • a. Arthur b. Artemon
  • c. Arathor
18. What kind of animal is a “mud puppy”? a. Fish b. Dog  c. Bird
  • 18. What kind of animal is a “mud puppy”?
  • a. Fish b. Dog
  • c. Bird
19. An animal with 4 legs and a shell covering its body that mostly lives on land. a. Turtle b. Tortoise  c. Snail
  • 19. An animal with 4 legs and a shell covering its body that mostly lives on land.
  • a. Turtle b. Tortoise
  • c. Snail
20. A breed of fox from North Africa known for its large ears and small size that makes them great house pets. a. Vulpes b. Arctic fox  c. Fennec
  • 20. A breed of fox from North Africa known for its large ears and small size that makes them great house pets.
  • a. Vulpes b. Arctic fox
  • c. Fennec
21. This large animal has been a pet for royalty for many years. Also used for construction and riding, now it’s a tourist’s attraction. It has large ears, 4 legs and also a single “hand” mostly used for picking up food or even heavy things. Write down the answer!
  • 21. This large animal has been a pet for royalty for many years. Also used for construction and riding, now it’s a tourist’s attraction.
  • It has large ears, 4 legs and also a single “hand” mostly used for picking up food or even heavy things.
  • Write down the answer!
22. This species has been a popular pet choice for a while, but a question “ What does this pet say?” wasn’t answered until a song came out on Youtube in 2013. What animal is it?  a. Fox b. Giraffe  c. Horse
  • 22. This species has been a popular pet choice for a while, but a question “ What does this pet say?” wasn’t answered until a song came out on Youtube in 2013. What animal is it?

  • a. Fox b. Giraffe
  • c. Horse


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