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Брейн-ринг "The UK"

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«Брейн-ринг "The UK"»

Брейн-ринг «The Uk »

Цели занятия: развивать речевые умения учащихся на английском языке, обобщить изученный материал по теме: «Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии».


  1. развивать умения и навыки устной и письменной речи на английском языке;

  2. актуализация страноведческого материала;

  3. тренировать внимание, логическое мышление, память;

Ход мероприятия.

Класс делится на 3-4 команды по 6-8 человек. На обсуждение каждого вопроса дается 1 минута. Очки получает команда, которая первая даст правильный ответ. Если ответ неправильный, то у команды соперников есть возможность ответить. Вопросы разделены на 4 сектора: England”, Wales”,“ Scotland”,“Northern Ireland”. Побеждает команда, набравшая наибольшее количество очков. Вопросы проверяют не просто знание фактического материала, а умение применить эти знания. Вопросы требуют смекалки, быстроты мышления, общей эрудированности.

1. “England”

1) What region I known as the “garden of England”? ( The County of Kent) – 1 point

2) What English cities are famous for their universities? (Oxford and Cambridge) – 2 points

3) Where is the most westerly point of Great Britain called “Land’s End”? (“Land’s End” is in the Southwest) – 3 points

4) What is the largest industrial part of England? (Midlands) – 4 points

5)What are the regions of England? (the Southeast, the Southwest, East Anglia, the Midlands, the north of England) – 5 points


1 ) What languages are spoken in Wales? (Welsh and English) – 1 point

2) What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff) – 2 points

3) How many people live in Wales? (About two and a quarter millions people) – 3 points

4) The second highest mountain in Britain is situated in Wales. What is its name? ( the Mount Snowdon) – 4 points

5) When do the Welsh people celebrate St. David’s Day? (on the 1st of March) – 5 points

3 . “ Scotland”

1) What plant is the symbol of Scotland? (a thistle) – 1 point

2) What cities are the two great centres of Scotland? (Glasgow and Edinburgh) – 2 points

3) What parts is Scotland divided into? (the Highlands and the Lowlands) – 3 points

4) What are the two most interesting of Edinburgh? (the Old Town and the New Town) – 4 points

5) What show takes place five or six nights a week in August? (the Edinburgh military tattoo) – 5 points

4. “Northern Ireland”

1 ) What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast) – 1 point

2) What country does Northern Ireland border on? (the Independent Irish Republic) – 2 points

3) What is Northern Ireland washed by? (the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean) – 3 points

4) What island is Northern Ireland situated on? (island Ireland) – 4 points

5) What is the nationality of people who were born in Northern Ireland? (They are Irish) – 5 points


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