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Брейн- ринг для 9 класса

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«Брейн- ринг для 9 класса»

Внеклассное мероприятие

Брейн-ринг на тему “ English-speaking countries”

Цель: развивать общий кругозор учащихся ,уважение к культуре, быту и традиции другого народа.

Ход проведения

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Part 1.

Leader1. Dear guests, teachers of our school, members of our English-speaking club, and participations of “Brain Ring” and lovers of English. We are very glad to see your sun-shining faces at our school party.

Leader2. First you’ll listen to reports of senior pupils about English-speaking countries. Then you are welcome to take an active part in competitions and quizzes. You are welcome to show your abilities and knowledge of English. Besides, you’ll have a good time in listening to pop-music and interesting stories about your favourite groups and singers. So, compete you all.

Ученики по очереди возле карты рассказывают про Великобританию, Уэльс, Шотландию,США, Канаду, Новую Зеландию.

Pupil 1. Scotland lies to the north of England. People who live in Scotland arc Scots.The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.It remains the centre of the life of Scotland. The first thing you see in Edinburgh is the Rock -— the very large hill in the middle of the city, on which stands Edinburgh Castle.. The Castle looks like a castle from a fairy-tale, and parts of it are more than a thousand years old. From the top of the Castle there is a beautiful view of the hill and the sea.
Besides the Castle there are many other interesting buildings, such as Holyrood Palace which is the old royal residence, the Art Gallery, the University of Edinburgh.Edinburgh is famous for many things: its festivals (plays and music), its college of medicine, its museums and libraries, and for its writers Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and others.

Pupil 2. Wales is the country in the west of Great Britain. It is mainly a mountainous land with a chiefly agricultural economy and an industrial and coal-mining area in the south. The landscape is beautiful. Many English people move to Wales when they retire.

Cardiff, a large city in the south, was chosen as the capital of Wales in 1955, mainly because of its size. Since 1536, Wales has been governed by England and the heir to the throne of England has the title of Prince of Wales, but Welsh people have strong sense of identity. There is a Welsh National party which wants independence from the United Kingdom and the Welsh language is still used in certain parts of the country.

Welsh is an ancient Celtic language, similar to Breton, spoken in Brittany and France. In the 60's Welsh was given equal status with English as an official language and is used in the law courts. It is taught in schools and some TV programs are broadcast in Welsh. However, only about 20% of the population speak Welsh.

Pupil 3.Englad means different things to different people.To some of them it is “a fortress built by nature”, to some- “ a foggy Albion”. Some people call it “ the workshop of the world, others- “ a land of sleepy rural beauty”.

One of he oldest prehistoric monuments one of the wonders of the world can be found here. It is Stonehenge. The monument consists of two circles of huge stone blocks. Inside them there are two groups of stones in the shape of ahorseshoe. Today, Stonehenge is an important tourist site, and a place for people who like to believe in magic. At the summer solstice (that is June 21st, the longest day of the year) people go to Stonehenge to watch the sun rise. This year, about 30,000 people were there. And, because this is England, it rained.

Pupil 4.Ireland is an island on the west side of Europe. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. There are about 5 million people in the Republic of Ireland. It is a small country but a lot of people know about it. In many countries there are Irish priests and nuns.People left Ireland to find work in those countries and they stayed there. All over the world there are people with Irish blood.The country is in two parts. The larger part, the Republic of Ireland, is in the south. The smaller part of Ireland, Northern Ireland, is part of the United Kingdom and its big city is Belfast. Like a lot of other countries, Ireland had sad and difficult times, but it had good times too.The Irish are kind and polite people, they welcome strangers. The Irish love to talk. Ireland is a beautiful country with fine lakes, tall mountains and attractive beaches. It has two great rivers. It is a very green country. It is green partly because it rains too much.

Ireland is a country of good butter, good beer and good horses. People come from all over the world to buy Irish horses, from Europe, from America, from Arab countries and from the Far East. Ireland also has its manufacturing industry.

Pupil 5.New Zealand, an independent state and a member of the Commonwealth, is situated to the south-east of Australia.

It’s a country consisting of two large islands. The first to settle here were the Maoris. It was about 1000 years ago. Maoris is a Polynesian people.

The British came here at the end of the 19th century. “The Aurora” was the first British ship to come to New Zealand. The British waged real wars on the Maoris. Thousands of the Maoris were killed, but their culture survived. Beautiful songs and dances are as old as the Maori people itself.

Smoke and steam are characteristic features of New Zealand. They come from volcanoes and geysers. That’s why the Maoris called New Zealand the country of long white clouds. So earthquakes are common here. Sometimes they have several quakes a day.

Now the forests are very thick and always green because of the climate. It never gets too hot in summer and there are no frosts in winter. The mountain stream is also very unusual. Water is ice-cold near one of its banks and is boiling hot near the other.

On the pastures one can see many sheep. This small country holds the second place in the world in wool production. Tourists like to see unusual phenomena here. They are shown a kiwi. It’s a bird you only find in New Zealand. It has no wings and its feathers are like hair. New Zealand has put it on its national emblem.

There are four large towns in New Zealand. One of them is Wellington and it is the capital of this country. It was built by the British.

Leader2. Thanks a lot to all reporters. I think iformation is useful and interesting to you.

Part 2.

Leader2. Now, pupils of the 8th form are welcome to take part in “ Brain Ring”


Quiz ”Do you know Great Britain?”

Leader1. Listen to the questions and try to answer them as soon as you can.

  1. Where is Great Britain situated?

  2. What is the capital of Great Britain?

  3. What seas and oceans wash the British Isles?

  4. What is the official name of the country?

  5. What is the capital of England



Nothern Ireland?

  1. What main nationalities live in the British Isles?

  2. What is the official language of Great Britain?

  3. Where are the most famous and the oldest British Universities situated?

  4. Who is the head of the State in Great Britain?

  5. What is the name of the present-day British Queen?

  6. What is the most famous park in London?

  7. What is the main clock in Great Britain?

  8. What town was Shakespeare born in?

  9. What do English people like to drink many times a day?

  10. What is the heart of London?

  11. What is the emblem of England?

  12. Who do the British people call “ the Iron Lady”?

  13. What is the national emblem of Scotland?

The song

Round 2

Translation Competition “ Do you know English proverbs”

Leader1. Give the Russian equivalents to the following English proverbs and idiomatic expressions.

1 "There's no place like home." 2 The early bird catches the worm." 3 Never look a gift horse in the mouth." 4 God helps those who help themselves." 5 You can't always get what you want." 6 Practice makes perfect." 7 You can't judge a book by its cover."

Round 3

Pronunciation Competition

Leader2. Pronunce such proverbs correctly and as quickly as possible:

Early to bed, early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

Round 4

“ Countries and Cities”

Leader1. Match country and its capital



New Zealand




Nothern Ireland










Leader2. Dear friends. Our school English party is coming to the end. We have had many competitions and quizzes.

Leader1. The prize for winner is…We hope you have learned many useful things and improved your knowledge in English. Our best wishes to you all!

Leader2.Boys and girls! Study English and you’ll be lucky, wealthy and wise! All the doors will be opened to you. You will be always treated with respect.


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