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«Cемья и семейные отношения»

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««Cемья и семейные отношения»»

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Cемья и семейные отношения» по УМК “Enjoy Englishдля 10 класса под редакцией М.З. Биболетовой.

Учитель: Дамбиева Н.Д.

Тема «Разногласия в семье.» (Family disagreements.) »

Цель: выработка умения критически оценить, осмыслить и самостоятельно применить новую информацию.

Образовательные задачи урока:

1)Обеспечить в ходе урока повторение лексики, характеризующей взаимоотношения в семье.

2)Продолжить формирование умений и навыков аудирования и чтения текстов с развитием различных стратегий (при аудировании – с пониманием основной идеи, и детальным пониманием; при чтении – с пониманием основного содержания и детальным пониманием), говорения.

3)Закрепить общие учебные умения и навыки выражения согласия и несогласия с собеседником, аргументации своей точки зрения.

Воспитательные задачи урока: формирование конструктивного отношения к семейным ссорам.

Тип урока: урок закрепление знаний и способов деятельности (совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков, навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения).

Вид урока: бинарный английский язык + психология

Технология - критическое мышление.

Методы и приемы: мозговой штурм, предположение, инсерт, частично-поисковый.

Основные формы организации ПД детей: индивидуальная, парная, групповая, общеклассная.

Контроль на учебном занятии: Приемы взаимоконтроля и самоконтроля, составление кластер.

Место учебного занятия в теме: 9 учебное занятие по теме «Семья».

Оборудование урока: ноутбук, проектор, раздаточно-дидактический материал, учебники, рабочие тетради “Enjoy English” для 10 класса,

Основная доска - для составления кластера (Оформляется в процессе урока).


I. Организационный момент.

Good morning boys and girls! Let’s great our dear guests. Glad to meet you here. How do you do? I hope you are fine today. Be active and try to do your best today/ Then let’s begin.

II. Вызов.

Teacher: What will we speak about at the lesson? ( about relationships in a family) Now what comes to your mind when you hear the word Family…(мозговой штурм).

P1 we came to the conclusion that family is a place where we can find love, respect, safety.

Teacher: thanks a lot. I’D LIKE TO FIND OUT some information about your families. Who wants to speak ? ( P1,P2/P3)

Teacher: It’s not a secret that every child is happy in his family and I’m very glad that you are living with your loving parents in mutual understanding.

Now let introduce Olga Valerievna, our psychologist speaking about family.

III. Этап осмысления

But often there are some disagreements in our families. We shall learn some new words to describe relationships.

  1. Find the equivalents



действовать на нервы

Get on somebody’s nerves





исчерпывать тему

Talk through


Find out



составить компанию

Keep somebody’s company

заставить кого-либо плакать

Make somebody cry

сохранять чувство юмора

Keep a sense of humour



B) compose your own questions using these words and expressions.

Ex: Who provokes rows in your family? Are rows a part of human’s life? Do you make your brother or sister cry? It is useful to keep a sense of humour during quarrels, isn’it?

Teacher: What family disagreements are the most common to your mind? Fill in the table, please (Индивидуальная работа – учащиеся заполняют заготовки.


To get into a conflict

1) not let to make decision

2) to ignore smb’ opinions

3) dislike friends

4) different values/ staying late out

5) not to like clothes, hairstyle, hobbies

Teacher: Now you will work in groups of three. You’ll compare the tables, come to a decision, which disagreements are common. Complete the cluster. Then discuss the ways how to cope with a difficult situation in a family. (Example: To ignore someone’s opinion – to discuss a conflict) Приложение3.

How to cope with family disagreements?

Физкультура для глаз

Look left, look right.

Look up, look down.

Look around , look at your nose,

Look at the blackboard.

Close your eyes. Open, wink and smile

Your eyes are happy again.

Teacher: Now it’s time to listen to the teenagers talking about their attitude to family disagreements and complete the first two lines of the table. You’ll use your workbook

Приложение 4.






1. Do you have family rows?






2. Did you often have rows?






3. How do you cope with difficult situations?

To talk calmly

A quiet conversation

talk through problems

Kiss and make up after the row

It’s impossible to avoid the conflicts

Teacher: Listen again and complete the third line in the table.

Teacher (after finishing listening): I think you understand and now you will work in pairs. You’ll answer the questions in the table and discuss your answers.

You’ll have to read the text and match the titles with the paragraphs. You have 3 minutes to do it.


1D two types

2 F mistaken beliefs

3 G many responsibilities

4 B similar characteristics

5 H home alone

6 E important moments

7C difficult periods.

III. Рефлексия. Now I want you to make a conclusion:

What have we learnt?

Was the lesson useful/(un)interesting?

IV. Your home task is to be ready to speak how to deal with conflicts. Ex. 1 and 2, page 37 in the work book will help you.

I am terribly sorry

I beg your pardon

It is my fault

I am so blame for it all

Forgive me

I am really sorry

And you will hear in response:

No harm done

Never mind

It doesn’t matter

That’s OK.

Forget it

Let bygones by bygones.


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действовать на нервы


ссора , спор





Keep somebody’s company


Make somebody cry

составить компанию

Find out

заставить кого-либо плакать

Keep a sense of humour

сохранять чувство юмора

Get on somebody’s nerves



10-«5» 8-9-«4» 5-7-«3»


To get into a conflict/ what are the disagreements






П риложение3.

How to cope with family disagreements?

Приложение 4.






1. Do you have family rows?

2. Did you often have rows?

3. How do you cope with difficult situations?

Приложение 5

Прочитать текст и соотнести заголовки и тексты.

1 -D 2 3 4 5 6 7


9-11 “4”

6-8 “3”

Dialogue vocabulary

I can honestly say…

What about you?

We try to avoid conflicts because…

It’s much easier/better to…

What do you do in such situations?

I think it’s healthy…

I realize that…

Sorry, but I’d rather not say.

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