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Charity in Russia

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Топик для 8 класса "Благотворительность"

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«Charity in Russia»


A lot of children in Russia do something for charity. It means that everybody must take care of those people who needs it. Who or what does you help? You can help or take care of children, lonely elderly people orphans nursing homes or disabled people. Why do people work for charity? I suppose, they want to give helping hand to needy people. |I think that helping other people is really good. My school never says no to any charity. My friends and me collect clothes, and toys for orphans. This work makes me feel responsible. I’m proud to do something that helps others. Yet, I and my brother help my next-door neighbor. She’s very old. She often asks me to do something about the house, or to go shopping. She never gives me any money, but I never hoped she would. I’m sure that coring for others is really good. Because we will all be old someday and will need people to care for us. Helping the elderly people is also helping yourself. There are also charity organizations for helping needy people. I think charity is useful because you become a more caring person.


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