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Christmas Lessons make studying more exciting

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В конце декабря перед каникулами, когда у учеников уже праздничное настроение, хочется им предложить что-то необычное. 

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«Christmas Lessons make studying more exciting»

Christmas Lessons …

At the end of December, before Christmas, we want to suggest something special to our students. We with the students of 8-10 forms did the following this year.

1. Watch the video


2. Watch the video and answer the questions

  1. What is Santa reading?

  2. What holiday is coming?

  3. What is Santa surprised with every year?

  4. What are thousands of letters ask about?

  5. What is Santa going to reveal today?

  6. Who takes care of Santa's reindeer?

  7. What can Santa's reindeer change and for what reason?

  8. What is the reindeer's favourite food?

  9. What magical thing do reindeer eat and what for?

  10. When are the reindeer given this secret magical thing?

3. Use your answers to sound the video.

4. The video ends with the words of Santa “Be good!” - discuss with students what the words mean.


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