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Christmas Stories "The Buzzing Fly"

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«Christmas Stories "The Buzzing Fly"»

The Buzzing Fly

Ваня Суровцев: A buzzing fly went across the field and found the money.

Мирон: She went to the market.

Балобанов Даниил: Salesman 1 – Come here, come here! Try our fruit.

Даша Катырева: Salesman 2 – Come here, come here! Try our Honey.

Макар Гужов: Salesman 3 – Apples, apples, lovely apples. (Рядом с яблоками стоит самовар)

Даша Акопян: The fly saw the samovar. The fly bought the samovar.

Опарина Ирина: The fly – Oh, I want this samovar!

Даша Мельникова: She went home and met some friends.

The fly – Cockroaches, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The cockroaches (Солодянкина Лада) - Oh! Thank you, with pleasure.

(Спорынина Ева)- With great pleasure! Thank you!

The fly –Bugs, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The bugs (Кирпичников Николай) - Oh, yes. Sure! Thanks for your invitation!

(Дудников Семен)- What a great idea! We’ll come.

The fly – Dear ladybug, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The ladybug - (Бастрикова Рита) Oh, thank you! With pleasure! Thanks for your invitation! Shall I bring a tasty apple pie with me?

The fly – Oh, it’s a good idea!

The ladybug - (Бастрикова Рита) In addition I can bring a marvelous bouquet of flowers from my garden. You know, I am keen on flowers: roses, daffodils, daisies, sunflowers.

Flowers, flowers everywhere,

In the garden, in my hair.

In the vase and at the store,

On the table, on the door.

What a lovely time of year,

Flowers blooming, brining cheer.

The fly: Oh, I adore flowers!

The fly - Fleas, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The fleas – (Абакумов Кира) Oh! Thank you, with pleasure.

(Дмитроченко Вика) With great pleasure! Thank you!

(Довгалева Ольга) What a great idea! We’ll come.

The fly – Dear Bee, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The bee (Перцова Ирина) Oh, thank you! With pleasure! Thanks for your invitation! Shall I bring a tasty honey cake with me?

The fly – Oh, it’s a good idea!

The fly- Dear Butterflies, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The butterflies - (Хольная Аня)- Oh! Thank you! We’ll come.

(Николаева Анастасия)- Of course, we’ll come. We are not busy tonight!

The fly –Dear grasshopper, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The grasshopper(Малинин Демид) Oh, with pleasure! Thanks for your invitation! Shall I bring some chocolate sweets with me?

The fly – Oh, it’s a good idea!

The fly – Dear caterpillars, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

The caterpillars – (Гаврилюк Карина) Of course, we’ll come. We are not busy tonight!

(Лопина Екатерина) Oh, yes. Sure! Thanks for your invitation!

The fly – Dear worms, hi! What are you doing tonight? Come to my place to have tea.

Worms (семья) – (Кротова Александра) Oh, what a pleasant surprise! Of course, we’ll come. Don’t you mind, my darling?

(Ломовцев Максим ) No, I don’t. We are not busy tonight! We’ll bring some marmalade and jam. (Храмко Аглая) Mummy, Daddy, can I come with you! I’ll be good! I won’t be naughty! (Ломовцев и Кротова) Yes, you can! (ребенок червячок радуется, прыгает и хлопает в ладошки).

Мирон: Later at the fly’s house.

The fly – Good evening, I am glad to see you dear guests, come to the table and sit down.

The Cockroaches – (Солодянкина, Спорынина (хором). Happy birthday, dear fly. This is for you (отдают подарок).

The fly – Oh, thank you!

The Bugs – (Кирпичников, Дудников). Happy birthday, dear fly. This is for you.

The fly - Oh, thank you very much!

The ladybug – (поет) Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear Fly,

Happy Birthday to you!

These beautiful flowers and a tasty apple pie are for you.

The fly:- Oh, thank you so much!

The fleas(Довгалева, Абакумова, Дмитроченко (хором). - Happy birthday, dear fly! These boots are for you. (дарят сапожки)

The fly - Oh, thank you, they are beautiful!

The bee(Перцова) Happy birthday, dear fly! This honey cake is for you.

The fly - Oh, thank you, it’s very tasty.

The Butterflies(Николаева, Хольная). Happy birthday, dear fly! This is for you.

The fly - Oh, thank you!

The grasshopper (Малинин). This present is for you.

The fly - Oh, thank you!

The caterpillars( Гаврилюк, Лопина (хором)- Happy birthday, dear fly! This present is for you.

The fly - Oh, thank you!

The worms – (Храмко, Кротова, Ломовцев). Happy birthday, dear fly! This is for you.

The fly - Oh, thank you!

The fly - Help yourself, dear guests. Do you like my treat?

Ваня: Suddenly some old spider dragged the fly in the corner.

Мирон: He wants to kill the fly.

The spider – (Бондаренко) Свистит так, что все гости пугаются. Кто-то падает в обморок.

- Ha, ha, ha! Happy Birthday! (устрашающе говорит паук). A party without me? I’ll kill you, the fly! (хватает муху).

The fly - Dear guests, help! Kill the spider! I fed you, I gave you a drink, don't leave me in my last hour!

Даша А: The bee and the worms scared and hid in the corners.

Даша М: The cockroaches hid under the sofas.

Ваня: The fleas and the caterpillars hid under the benches.

Мирон: The bugs and the ladybug ran under the bed.

Даша А: The grasshopper hid behind the bush.

Даша М: The spider is twisting the fly's arms and legs with ropes.

Ваня: Suddenly a small mosquito is flying from somewhere.

Мирон: А small flashlight is burning in his hand.

The mosquito - Where is the murderer, where is the villain? I'm not afraid of his claws!

Комарик срубает голову пауку, затем подходит к мухе и берет ее за руку.

The mosquito(Боровиков Миша) I killed the spider, I freed you and now I want to marry you!

Даша А: All the insects came back.

All the insects - Glory, glory to the Mosquito — to the winner!

Даша М: Everybody is happy!

Распределение ролей.

Автор: Суровцев, Зверков, Акопян, Мельникова.

Продавцы: Балобанов, Катырева, Гужов.

Муха: Опарина

Тараканы: Солодянкина, Спорынина.

Жуки: Кирпичников, Дудников.

Божья коровка:Бастрикова

Блохи: Абакумова, Дмитроченко, Довгалева.

Пчела: Перцова

Бабочки: Хольная, Николаева.

Кузнечик: Малинин.

Гусеницы: Гаврилюк, Лопина.

Семья червячков: Ломовцев, Кротова, Храмко

Паук: Бондаренко

Комарик: Боровиков


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