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Cinemas in London (Lesson plan )

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  9 GRADE -  9 СЫНЫП ?олданбалы курс

          Lesson 12 -  САБА? 12

Date : 

 The theme of the lesson

 Саба?ты? та?ырыбы

Cinemas in London

Лондонда?ы кино


Ссылки ,ресурсы

  Grammar  table : reported speech

 The aims of the lesson:

 Саба?ты? ма?саты:

To get information  and discuss about London cinemas;

To develop speaking , communicative skills;

To practice the use of reported speech;                                                                                     To enrich students vocabulary;

To bring up to be a polite and reliable person;


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«Cinemas in London (Lesson plan )»

Lesson plan - Сабақ жоспары








9 GRADE - 9 СЫНЫП қолданбалы курс

Lesson 12 - САБАҚ 12

Date :

The theme of the lesson

Сабақтың тақырыбы

Cinemas in London

Лондондағы кино


Ссылки ,ресурсы

Grammar table : reported speech

The aims of the lesson:

Сабақтың мақсаты:

To get information and discuss about London cinemas;

To develop speaking , communicative skills;

To practice the use of reported speech; To enrich students vocabulary;

To bring up to be a polite and reliable person;

The results of teaching

Оқыту нәтижесі:

Students will know new lexis from the exercises

Students will be able to express their opinions using reported speech

The main ideas of the lesson

Сабақтың негізгі идеялары:

( Что должно запомниться)

Students can talk about cinemas in London, about their favorite film and actor;



1 Org-on moment.

2 Warm.

On the IAB is written the theme of the lesson :

‘’ Cinema in London’’

Teacher’s activity

Students’ activity


Good morning children!

I’m glad to see you again.

Who is on duty today?

Step by step :

1 Do you like to watch film?

2 Where would you like to watch film? At home or to go to the cinema?

Well, we can watch a film in the cinema. And now children let’s guess the theme of our lesson .

What is it?

Of course – Cinema

1 Is it interesting for you to know some information about cinema?

2 Who was the inventor of the cinema?

Report of student on duty

Students put each other the question:

Do you like to watch film?

St1-St2, …

Students ‘ possible answer :

I can watch film on TV.

I can go to the cinema to watch a new film.

Optional activity for confident student:

Zhymabek Balzhan

Student’s report:

( on IAB the photo of brothers Lumiere)

The inventors of the cinema were French, not Americans.

Cinema was invented by two brothers Lumier..

The Lumiere brothers gave the first performance of their Cinematography in Paris in 1895, in a room under the Grand Cafe

They made the first film, which lasted only one minute. Since then cinema has become one of the most popular arts in the world

3 Vocabulary work.

Group work

  1. Categorizing the words

) giving definitions of the words

Students you should categorizing the words written on the board

The next task is to find definition of the following words

Students work in three groups

I group is working at the IAB

II group and III group are working on the posters

Students should categorize the following words :

Classical western thrillers adventures jazz pop news blues horror films game-shows comedy science fiction soap operas talk – shows crime film musical


TV programme


Western adventures horror films comedy

Science fiction

Soap operas

Students work in groups and find definitions of the words

One group is working at the IAB

Two other groups are working on the posters

A musical film – a film with lots of music and dance

A western film - a film about cowboys and life in the Wild West

A comedy - a funny film with happy ending

A science fiction film - a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future

A crime film – a film about criminals and detectives

A horror film - a film in which mysterious and frightening things happen

5 Reading the text

  1. Showing slides about cinemas in London

‘’ Cinemas in London’’

  1. Reading the text


Do you remember the theme of our lesson ?:

‘’ Cinemas in London’’

Before reading the text about cinema in London I would like to suggest you to watch slides about the most popular of them .

And now let’s read about cinemas in London

Students watch the slides and get acquainted with cinemas:

1 Slide – The Prince Charles Cinema

2 Slide – The Phoenix

3 Curzon

4 Rio Cinema

5 ICA ( The Institute of Contemporary Arts)

6 Leicester Square

7 Notting Hill Coronet

Students read the text one by one without translation

6 Comprehension check

  1. True or false activity

( The statements are written on the IAB)

  1. Answer the questions

5 m

Let’s read the statements and tell is it true or false

And now boys and girls I suggest you to choose any colored envelope where you can find a question

Your task is to answer this question

Students read the statements and answer:

1 Cinemas show a lot of comedy films

2 Cinema –going is a regular habit for many people in London

3 There are more cinema-goers than theatre – goers

4 Cinema is entertainment in London

5 Newspapers give a list of films and their hours

6 There are films only in the afternoon

7 You can buy tickets in large stores and hotels

Students should choose one envelope open it and answer the question

  • Do Londoners go to the cinema regularly?

  • Where can you buy tickets?

  • Do people like theatres more than cinemas?

  • How do people know which films are on?

7 Speaking about cinema, films

Making dialogue

Well, students, let’s speak about your favourite film?


What films would you like to watch?

Horror film, comedy film, western film…?

  1. Let’s listen to a short report about your favourite film?

Students answer the questions

One group is preparing a short report

Second group is preparing dialogue

( The possible questions of the dialogue:

1 What is the genre of the film?

2 who plays the leading parts?

3 What does the story tell about?

4 Who is the director of the film?




Students write a cinquain


Students express their opinion about the lesson



Textbook, pictures, СD

Анализ и оценивание

Практического занятия

Изменения к занятиям

Cinemas in London

In London there are a lot of cinemas and cinema clubs. Some of them show a large number of continental films. Cinema – going is a regular habit for many people in London; the number of cinema-goers is much larger than that theatre –goers. The cinema in Britain is looked upon as rather an entertainment than ‘’the arts’’.

If you want to know which films are on a daily newspaper will have a list of films and shows with the hour when they begin.

Some cinemas show films in the afternoon , early evening and late evening.

If you want to watch a film which is a hit of the season with a popular actor or actress starring, and if you can’t get to the cinema early enough to get tickets you can buy them in advance in most large stores an hotels.

Cinemas in London

In London there are a lot of cinemas and cinema clubs. Some of them show a large number of continental films. Cinema – going is a regular habit for many people in London; the number of cinema-goers is much larger than that theatre –goers. The cinema in Britain is looked upon as rather an entertainment than ‘’the arts’’.

If you want to know which films are on a daily newspaper will have a list of films and shows with the hour when they begin.

Some cinemas show films in the afternoon , early evening and late evening.

If you want to watch a film which is a hit of the season with a popular actor or actress starring, and if you can’t get to the cinema early enough to get tickets you can buy them in advance in most large stores an hotels.

Cinemas in London

In London there are a lot of cinemas and cinema clubs. Some of them show a large number of continental films. Cinema – going is a regular habit for many people in London; the number of cinema-goers is much larger than that theatre –goers. The cinema in Britain is looked upon as rather an entertainment than ‘’the arts’’.

If you want to know which films are on a daily newspaper will have a list of films and shows with the hour when they begin.

Some cinemas show films in the afternoon , early evening and late evening.

If you want to watch a film which is a hit of the season with a popular actor or actress starring, and if you can’t get to the cinema early enough to get tickets you can buy them in advance in most large stores an hotels.

Предлагаем вам использовать это дополнительное пособие на тех уроках, когда вы проходите тему кино. Ученики должны знать обязательно следующие жанры кино на английском языке:

Action — активное действие, боевик.
Adventure - приключенческий фильм, жанр приключение.
Comedy — комедия
Crime — криминальный фильм, преступления
Drama — драма
Education — образовательный, научно-познавательный фильм
Epic — этот жанр подчеркивает человеческую драму с размахом. Фильмы этого жанра часто основаны на исторических или выдуманных историях, так же из-за крайне дорогих декораций, фильмы этого жанра считаются одними из самых дорогих. Фильмы про великих полководцев, гладиаторов или выдающихся личностей или фигур из различных периодов в мировой истории — это все epic film.
Fantasy — фэнтези. Очень популярный жанр. Магия, фантастические существа, необычные миры, сказки и волшебство — это fantasy film.
History — обычно это фильмы, которые имеют цель показать важные исторические события, и персонажи. Нередко очень большие бюджеты и роскошные костюмы.
Horror — ужасы стремятся вызвать отрицательную эмоциональную реакцию от зрителей, играя на самых первичных страхах аудитории. Это один из первых жанров кино, первые фильмы ужасов появились в конце 1890 годов.

Musical – мюзикл. Жанр, в котором повествование фильма сопровождается песнями и часто танцами.

Mystery – некий поджанр в кино, среднее от триллера, детектива, и криминала. Фокусируется на усилиях детектива, частный детектива или сыщика любителя, таинственные обстоятельства преступления, странные улики, расследование, умный вывод – основные признаки этого жанра.

Nature – фильмы о природе, животных и т.п.
Romance – все фильмы о любви. Страсть, эмоции, свадьба, трудности, которые нужно преодолеть героям. Самый популярный жанр в кинематографе, часто пересекается с другими жанрами.
Science Fiction – научно-фантастический фильмы. С одной стороны они основаны на традиционных знаниях о природе, вселенной, космосе, с другой много спорного с обычной наукой. Атрибуты – путешествия во времени, космический корабли, внеземные формы жизни. Жанр существует с первых лет немого кино, когда Жорж Мельес снял «Поездка на Луну (1902) и поразил зрителей своим эффектом комбинированной съемки. Star Wars – пожалуй самый известный фильм этого жанра.
Spy Film – шпионские фильмы, основаны как на настоящих, так и выдуманных событиях. Фильмы о Джеймсе Бонде – самые известные в этом жанре.
Thriller – триллер. В этом жанре используются напряжение и волнение. Остросюжетность фильмов – визитная карточка.
War — Фильмы о войне как правило о военно-морской, воздушной или наземных сражениях.
Western – фильмы о диком западе.

В заданиях вы разберетесь, расписывать как их выполнять мы не будем. Обратите внимание, во 2-м задании название фильма  The Fast and the Furious — это фильм Форсаж.

Балжан Бөлтірікова атындағы № 4 орта мектеп

Ағылшын тілі пәнінен ашық сабақ

Тақырыбы :

« Sport in our life»

10 сынып

Мұғалім :

Д.Т. Айдынбекова

Қордай 2014

  1. a musical film

  2. a western film

  3. a comedy

4 a science fiction film

5 a crime film

6 a horror film

  1. a musical film

  2. a western film

  3. a comedy

4 a science fiction film

5 a crime film

6 a horror film

  1. a film with lots of music

  2. a film about cowboys and life in the wild West

  3. a funny film with happy ending

  4. a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future

  5. a film about criminals and detective

  6. a film in which mysterious and frightening things happen

  1. a film with lots of music

  2. a film about cowboys and life in the wild West

  3. a funny film with happy ending

  4. a film about space travel or life in an imaginary future

  5. a film about criminals and detective

  6. a film in which mysterious and frightening things happen


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