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Colledge and student life

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«Colledge and student life»

College and Student Life.


Academic  corp                                            учебный корпус

Applied   arts                                                прикладное искусство

Assembly  hall                                              актовый зал

Be famous for                                               быть известным чем-либо

Be founded                                                   быть основанным

Be proud                                                       гордиться чем-либо

Competition                                                  соревнование

Contest                                                          конкурс

Creative                                                        творческий

Course paper                                                 курсовая работа                                              

Department                                                   отделение

Diploma  paper                                             дипломная работа                                          

First school                                                    детский  сад

High  – quality                                              высококачественный

Hostel                                                            общежитие

Last                                                                продолжаться

Multi-special                                                 многопрофильный

Optional  course                                            факультатив

Optional  education teacher                          педагог дополнительного образования

Out – of - class activities                               внеклассная деятельность

Primary  school                                             начальная школа

Prosperity                                                      процветание

Report                                                            доклад

Research                                                        исследование, исследовательский

Right  away                                                   сразу, прямо сейчас

Social  life                                                     общественная жизнь

Strict                                                              строгий

Supervisor                                                     администратор

Take  part.                                                     принимать участие

Train                                                              учить, готовить

Well  – equipped                                           хорошо оборудованный

Exercise 1.  Translate into English:

декоративно-прикладное искусство; строгая дисциплина; двухэтажное здание; первый (цокольный) этаж;  большая перемена;  гуманитарные дисциплины; естественные науки;  предметная неделя; соревнование; конкурс; современные удобства; отопление;  гордиться; желать процветания.

Exercise2. Say in one word or phrase.

  1. An educational institution, giving secondary vocational education.

  2. A house where students live.

  3. Having many different specialties.

  4. A kind of activity in school or a college that takes place after lessons.

  5. Additional education.

  6. A kind of work, when a student does his experiments and makes conclusions.

  7. With good technical, methodical and learning media.

  8. Classes outside the schedule.

  9. Time to have meals between lessons.

  10. A big room or several rooms where books are kept and given to people.

Exercise 3.   Ask general and special questions to the following sentences.

  1. We study in Amur Pedagogical College.

  2. Many students live in the hostel.

  3. The college is famous for high – quality education and strict disciple.

  4. Every year we have creative and research contests.

  5. On the ground floor there is a gym, an assembly hall and classrooms in pedagogic, foreign language, a lecture hall.

  6. We go to the college six days a week.

  7. Sometimes we stay at the library to prepare for some lessons or to write a report.

  8. We also have a library on the ground floor.

  9. Classes begin at 8.15 in the morning.

  10. Each lesson lasts 40 minutes.

  11.  Every day we have 6 or 8 lessons.

Exercise 4.   Answer the questions and arrange a discussion.

  1. Why did you choose this college?

  2. Who helped you with your choice?

  3. What do you like in the college best of all?

  4. What do you dislike in the college?

  5. What would you like to change in the college?

  6. Do you take part in out – of – class activity?

  7. What other social life would you like to have? Can you suggest your idea?

  8. Do you live in the hostel or at home?

  9. What would you like to change in the hostel?

Exercise  5.  a) Read a list of subjects and translate them into Russian: Information Technology, methodology of social work, philosophy, psychology, foreign language, physical education, Russian, pedagogics,  mathematics, statistics,  social medicine, technology of social work, computer architecture, project activity, management, economy, discrete mathematics, history, multimedia technology.

b) Insert the subjects into proper columns:

Applied Information Technology

Social Work

Dialogue .

Student’s Day

Max : Hello, Helen! Nice to see you! How’s life?

Helen: Hello, Max! I’m glad to see you. I’m well. And what about you?

Max :Thanks, everything is alright. Can’t complain. Let’s go somewhere together.

Helen: Oh, sorry, but I’m short of time. I have much work to do.

Max :You are so busy! And what are your plans for today?

Helen: You see, first, I’m going to the library to prepare a report, second, I have to do some shopping, and, moreover, I wish to do my homework properly.

Max : Sorry to interrupt you. They say you a college student now, aren’t  you?

Helen: Yes, I am. That is why I am very busy on weekdays. I have to get up very early in the morning because my college is far from my house.

Max : How much does it take you to get to the college?

Helen: Well, it takes me half an hour to go by bus. Sometimes, I’m in a hurry and even take a taxi…

Max : Oh, Helen, I see. But still, let’s keep in touch. I’ll call you some time. Bye!

Helen: You are welcome. Bye.

Exercise 1.   Find in the dialogue the English for: жаловаться; не хватать времени; приготовить доклад; более того; сделать как следует; прерывать, перебивать; говорят; занимать (времени); добраться до; торопиться; поддерживать связь; добро пожаловать.

Text 1.

Students are the future of every country. They are young citizens of our society, full of infinite energy and progressive ideas, fantastic plans and noble ambitions, hopes and dreams. Student life is the brightest period of our life. It is a mixture of studies and great fun.  I know that my parents (ex-students) miss those old good days of their student life.

A student has certain duties to perform. It goes without saying that the primary student duty is studying hard and acquiring proper knowledge for the future career. He must attend all the classes at college, do all the work at the right time, be punctual and disciplined. It can help the student achieve his goals and become diligent and perseverant. If he doesn’t neglect his studies he will receive rich dividends in his future work.

Examination time at the end of each semester is quite tough for students. They spend endless days and nights on studying and cramming. Although some of them use cheating, copying someone’s essays or course works. And you are lucky if you are not caught by the teacher because he can punish you by a poor mark or even by excluding from the college.

Most of the student’s time is devoted to reading and learning. It’s unbelievable but some students manage to deal with part-time jobs because they need a lot of money to study at college or university. Tuition fees and books are very costly nowadays, and if you rent an apartment it’s even more expensive. So students have busy schedules including studies, work and going out to socialize.

A good student never wastes his spare time uselessly. He should also go in for sports to stay in good health and mood. They say: “A sound mind lives in a sound body.” Students love participating in both academic and extra-curricular activities at college: different festivals, intellectual quizzes and summer camps. This social life broadens the mind, develops your talents and communication skills. And this is a wonderful time when you find real friends among your classmates at college.

Finally I’d like to say that it is absolutely great to be a student!

Text 2.

It’s great to be a student. Many colleges and universities offer great opportunities for studying and for social life. Some students even choose to study abroad. There are several reasons why student life is exciting. First of all, students learn what they need for their future profession. It’s even better if the student really enjoys the direction he or she chose. Secondly, being a student doesn’t mean to work and study all the time. They get plenty of free time for their hobbies and favourite pastimes. Thirdly, students’ social life is very interesting. When students decide to study in foreign colleges, it’s also rather exciting. They get to meet lots of new people from other countries. They can practice and improve their language skills. To study at a college students usually have to pay additional fee. College life is amazing in many ways. First of all, there are many interesting lections and training sessions. Secondly, students find all sorts of entertainment there. For example, the ones who like sport join the local sports teams. For many people college years are the best in life. Almost everyone has good memories of student life. It is even more interesting to be a student if you live in a dormitory. After the sessions they can play the guitar and sing songs. The ones, who like dancing, go to local discos. Others get together simply to chat and discuss the topics they’ve learned. Student life is never boring. It is always full of excitement and interesting experiences.

Exercise 1. Read and translate the texts.Write a short essay about your student life.



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