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"Computers and children: pros and cons"

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Проект ученицы 8 класса "Computers and children: pros and cons"

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«"Computers and children: pros and cons"»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«средняя общеобразовательная школа №6» им. Омарова М.О.

Исследовательский проект

на тему:


Магомедова Хадижат

ученица 8 г класса


Загирова Угланбиги Бинямудиновна,

учитель английского языка

г. Каспийск



Introduction 3

1. Computers: Pros and Cons 4

2. The Results of Research Work 5

Conclusion 6

List of Sources 7

Appendix 8


Computers take a very important part of our life nowadays. We can’t imagine our life without these machines. They can perform many complex operations simultaneously and people practically can't do without them. Thanks to them people get access to enormous amount of information. Gathering data has never been simpler than now. They are not only used in laboratories but also in factories to control production. Sometimes only computers manufacture other computers.

Moreover, computers are widespread in education. Except their classic tasks such as administration and accountancy, they are used in process of learning. Firstly, they store enormous amount of data which helps pupils to gain an information. Secondly, thanks to special teaching techniques and programs they improve our skills of concentration and assimilation of knowledge. They have become so popular that not knowing how to use them means to be illiterate.

The theme of my project is «Computers and children: the pros and cons».

I consider the theme is topical for the reason that children spend much time sitting in front of video display. Nowadays children have nearly unlimited access to computers. It would be incorrect to assert that computers are absolutely harmful or useful for children. The usage of computers by the children is very controversial. We can talk about good and bad sides of computers till the end of time as their list is really endless. Thus we should make no mistake about the simplicity of the given topic. In fact it’s much deeper than it seems.

The subject of my research is using computer by children.

Thus I will examine the importance of computers for children, the advantages and disadvantages of using computers by children nowadays.

Research question: Do children get more advantage or harm using computers?

The purpose of the research project is to prove that the advantages of using computers by children are more important and children can’t do without computers nowadays in spite of the fact there some disadvantages.

1. Computers: Pros and Cons

Nowadays people use the computer increasingly more, so it is a very useful invention which makes our life easier every day. It obviously has many advantages but there are also some minuses. My personal opinion is that computers have greatly improved the quality of our life.

On the one hand, computers enable us to reduce the number of books or papers in our jobs.  If you have a powerful computer nowadays, you can store a lot of information in its hard disk. Besides, if you have a portable computer, you can do a lot of thing such as read, type etc. wherever you are. Another advantage is that computers are easier to use than before, because they have too many things to make it work. As a final point, the international network can be quite useful. If you have the Internet access, you will be able to visit millions of websites to gather any kind of information you need.

On the negative side, the computer might be a serious threat to children. Children mostly use these devices for fun but many games teach them to be violent. Moreover, spending too much time in front of the screen is harmful to eyes. 
Besides, some people may become computer addicted. They don’t want to spend time without the computer, to see friends, to go for walks.

So the computer can become a friend or an enemy. The computer will be useful if you don`t spend all day in front of it and have breaks every hour. And don’t forget that real life is more interesting than virtual one.

2. The Results of Research Work

A survey was hold among the pupils of 7 and 8 forms in our school about their attitude towards using computers in their everyday life.

Stage of research



Getting and study of information

Searching for information in the Internet


Analysis of information

Analyzing pros and cons of using computers by children, choosing necessary information


Questionnaire survey

Making questionnaire


Processing research

Analysis of the results of questionnaire survey, making graphs


Design work

Making presentation, posters, reminders, photos


Protection of the project

Discussing the project

During the survey I found out that:

About 65% of children use computer every day more than 2 hours. Children believe that computer is harmful for our health. The most part think computer has more advantages than disadvantages. 80 % the children of the has unlimited access to computer. Pupils mostly search for information and communicate by means of computer. 80% of children can’t imagine life without computer. Parents don’t control almost all children.

So, elder children become more computer addicted. That is they use computer for their study more than for playing games. And with the years they can’t imagine life without computer.

After the analysis of the questionnaire survey we held discussions with pupils about safety rules of using computers

Creating ground rules for computer usage not only helps keep pupils safe, it also reminds them there is life beyond the laptop.

We came to the conclusion that our work is topical. Computer is our friend. It helps us to search information for our study, to communicate with our friends, to watch films, to play. It gives us more advantages if we follow rules and take care of our health.


Computers take a very important part of our life nowadays. We can’t imagine our life without these machines. It would be incorrect to assert that computers are absolutely harmful or useful for children. The usage of computers by the children is very controversial. Elder children become more computer addicted .In spite of that they play games more seldom. Elder children mostly search for information and communicate .That is they use computer for their study more than for playing games. And with the years they can’t imagine life without computer.

The results of the research project prove that the advantages of using computers by children are more important and children can’t do without computers nowadays in spite of the fact there some disadvantages.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that computer and children are friends if you obey the rules of using computer and use it for your study.

Computers are practically irreplaceable and we can't make without them any more. They are everywhere, at our homes, schools, at work, in our cars. It is very possible that the next stage of human evolution is some kind of superb half human and half machines. On the other hand, we don’t think it is the closest future. But the truth is that computers will rule the world sooner or later.

List of Sources

Website “Wikipedia” https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki

“The book about computers” Leontiev V.P. Publisher: "OLMA" Year: 2007-2011.

Website “Stackover” http://stackoverflow.com

Website “Ehow” http://www.ehow.com

Website “Edutopia” http://www.edutopia.org

Website “Studymore” http://www.studymode.com

Appendix 1

Questionnaire survey

How often do you use computer?

How long do you usually sit in front of video display?

Do you believe that your computer is harmful for you?

Do you get more harm or advantage using your computer?

Do you have an unlimited access to computer?

What is your computer for you (a way to communicate, search for useful information, in house movies and games)?

Can you imagine your life without your computer?

Do your parents control your using of computer?

Appendix 2

Safety Rules for Teenagers’ Computer Usage

These rules for computer usage can help keep you safe.

Make it a rule that all homework and chores must be completed before you play a video game or chat online with friends.

You shouldn’t sit before video display more than 1hour a day.

You should sit up straight.

You have to sit in front of your monitor at arm's length.

While sitting before video display have a rest and just do some physical exercises.

From time to time do special exercises for your eyes.

Never post any personal information on either site, including a home address or telephone number.

Remain thoughtful when posting or sharing pictures. It's never acceptable to share an inappropriate picture or participate in cyber bullying.

Remember that there is life beyond the laptop!


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