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Control work for the 9th grade

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This control work is directed to promote the students' ability concerning modal verbs, pronouns, riting personal letters, it supports their interest in fulfilling the task.

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«Control work for the 9th grade»

Fill in the blanks using: should, shouldn’t, must, needn’t, have to

  1. Shall I buy some coffee? – no, you _____, We have got some at home in the jar.

  2. What _____ I do to pass the chemistry exam? – You ____ work hard and spend more time doing your homework.

  3. Excuse me, I _____ get to Trafalgar Square. ______i take a bus?- Yes, you _____take bus №57.

Translate into English:

  1. Два года назад я училась в другой школе. Потом я перешла в эту школу, потому что здесь изучают два иностранных языка- английский и французский. Я понимаю, что мне придётся работать больше: каждый день учить новые слова, читать книги на обоих языках, учить наизусть стихи, писать контрольные и проверочные работы. Если я буду учиться усердно, то я смогу поехать по обмену в какую-нибудь англоговорящую или франкоговорящую страну.

  2. Бобу не стоит так часто и долго играть в баскетбол.

  3. Говорите тише! Здесь нельзя разговаривать громко.

  4. Амине не надо сегодня идти на шахматы, она может помочь маме на кухне или поспать немного.

  5. Мне надо надевать тёплое пальто? – обязательно, сегодня очень холодно, ветер дует сурово.

  6. Почему ты смотришь эту передачу? Ты забыл, что тебе надо подготовиться к диктанту по русскому.

Insert quiet or quite:

  1. Are you _____ sure? Shall we leave right now?

  2. I _____ like biology, but I hate chemistry.

  3. My aunt is a _____ person. But she enjoys teenagers’ company.

  4. After 10 o’clock in the evening our house is absolutely ______.

  5. This dress is _____ fashionable, but I think your blue dress is better for this party.

  6. Be_____! You shouldn’t be so noisy in the hospital.

Put in: yours, mine, her, his

  1. That is my house and ______ is round the corner.

  2. Julia usually cleans _____shoes, Bob cleans _____, and I clean ______.

  3. This is your dictionary on the table. He sees _____ in the bag.

  4. I don’t like those trousers. ______ are much better.

  5. Whose coat is this? – it is _____!

  6. Have you seen ______watch? She can’t find it.

Complete the letter using the words: take care!, quite, between, a few words, subjects, yours, baseball, over, achieve, non-academic, individuals, really

Hi, Bob,

You asked me to write _____ about my school. I don’t think it is much different from _____ . Same basic ____, I guess. We have also got lots of _____ activities. I am keen on _____, if you remember. My parents believe that I should _____ all that I can. But who knows what I _____ can! What I really like about my school are the relations ______ our teachers and us: they are _____ friendly. Teachers talk to us as if we are ______ , I really like it.

Sorry, I have to finish – the break is _____.

What about your school?

Is your school much the same?




Change the Passive form into Active form:

  1. The bike was repaired by his elder brother.

  2. The letters were written by our Australian office manager.

  3. Her aunt is liked by everybody in the department.

  4. The party was arranged by the pupils of the 11th grade themselves for the teachers.

  5. That actor is known to the whole people in the world.

  6. The old wooden bridge over the river was broken by the strong flood.


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