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Дали, испанский жудожник

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«Дали, испанский жудожник»

Salvador Dalí(11.05.1904 - 23.01.1989) - Spanish painter.

Salvador Dalí(11.05.1904 - 23.01.1989) - Spanish painter.

Dali is one of the greatest artists of all time. He is famous for his extraordinary behaviour and long moustache. Salvador Dali is considered to be the most brilliant surrealist, although the artist himself said: ‘I don’t belong to surrealism, I am the surrealism’.

Dali is one of the greatest artists of all time. He is famous for his extraordinary behaviour and long moustache. Salvador Dali is considered to be the most brilliant surrealist, although the artist himself said: ‘I don’t belong to surrealism, I am the surrealism’.

Dali was born on 11 May,1904 in Figueras, Spain. One year earlier his elder brother died so Dali was the only son in the family. Young Dali was given a good primary education by his father and began to show an interest in art at the age of 10.He started to create his first paintings and by the age of 15 he organised his first exhibition.

Dali was born on 11 May,1904 in Figueras, Spain. One year earlier his elder brother died so Dali was the only son in the family.

Young Dali was given a good primary education by his father and began to show an interest in art at the age of 10.He started to create his first paintings and by the age of 15 he organised his first exhibition.

Before turning to surrealism in 1929 Dali tried himself in different styles. Nevertheless, surrealism was the style that attracted him the most. He succeeded not only in painting but also in designing theatrical costumes, scent bottles, logos and participated in producing some films. Dali also liked inventing different stylish things, such as: the Lips sofa and Lobster Telephone.

Before turning to surrealism in 1929 Dali tried himself in different styles. Nevertheless, surrealism was the style that attracted him the most. He succeeded not only in painting but also in designing theatrical costumes, scent bottles, logos and participated in producing some films. Dali also liked inventing different stylish things, such as: the Lips sofa and Lobster Telephone.

In 1942, he wrote an autobiographical book which was quickly sold out. In 1946, he met Alfred Hitchcock and they started working together. Some of his European comrades were rather jealous and occasionally wrote humiliating articles about him. In 1948, Dali returned to Spain and settled in Port Ligat. However, he sometimes travelled to France and the USA. More and more he was engaged with the idea of Catholicism. Religious motifs can be seen in his 1950s’ paintings. At the dawn of his life he took up photography and lecturing. In 1974, he donated a large sum of money to build the Dali Museum in Figueres, which shows fantastic architecture and is full of his art works.

In 1942, he wrote an autobiographical book which was quickly sold out. In 1946, he met Alfred Hitchcock and they started working together. Some of his European comrades were rather jealous and occasionally wrote humiliating articles about him. In 1948, Dali returned to Spain and settled in Port Ligat. However, he sometimes travelled to France and the USA. More and more he was engaged with the idea of Catholicism. Religious motifs can be seen in his 1950s’ paintings. At the dawn of his life he took up photography and lecturing. In 1974, he donated a large sum of money to build the Dali Museum in Figueres, which shows fantastic architecture and is full of his art works.

Salvador Dali is the author of the package design from

Salvador Dali is the author of the package design from "Chupa-Chups". The founder of the company "Chupa Chups" Enric Bernat asked Salvador to make something new in the wrapper, as the growing popularity of the candy required a recognizable design. The artist in less than an hour sketched him a version of the design of the package, which is now known as the logo "Chupa-Chups", however, in a slightly modified form.

Salvador was married to Gala who was greatly loved and admired by him. She was his muse and his perfect life partner who always was on his side and protected him. Gala died several years earlier than Dali. After her death the great artist lived a sheltered life in their house in Port Lligat and lost any desire to paint. The author of innumerable master pieces was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease which caught up with him in 1989 at the age of 85.

Salvador was married to Gala who was greatly loved and admired by him. She was his muse and his perfect life partner who always was on his side and protected him. Gala died several years earlier than Dali.

After her death the great artist lived a sheltered life in their house in Port Lligat and lost any desire to paint. The author of innumerable master pieces was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease which caught up with him in 1989 at the age of 85.




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